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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Loved the movie. I think it was better than sprited away. Can't say it was better than Nausasica or Porco but it was close.
  2. Spoiler alert............................ Anybody else disappointed with who that had kill bruce's parents. Joe Coolie! WTF Napier did it! I'm guessing that Napier ends up killing Katie Holme's character at the start of the next movie.
  3. I'm sorry but some kid with a bat and a set of rollerblades isn't going to cause any paranoia in me. Scryed is definitely toonami material. It reeks of kiddiness. Cheesy as hell...might as well be Yugio for all I care. Samurai Champloo...I loved the story and action, hated the music. But I will add that it was a creative choice. I just can't stand rap. FLCL...funny cool and zany. still don't know if I like it or was just mezmorized by the insanity. Gainix...loved NGE and Gunbuster. Can't remember if I've seen anything else they've done offhand.
  4. lame show. Same with scryed
  5. The Harkins theater in CHandler AZ (Phoenix) has had the poster up for a few weeks. I'm taking friday off to see it if it is there.
  6. Good one about macross. LOL...there's a smartass in every bunch. As far as the Gunbuster I got was a 6 episode OVA plus the extras. I also Got Gunbuster 2. I've seen memories. Interesting stories...they had it on PPV on directTV a while back. Gundam. My plan is to watch Gundam ZZ but I only have about half of it. I'm sitting on Gundam X and Turn A. Still have to get Victory Gundam and the original TV series. I want to watch the whole UC story before moving on to the alternative stories. For some reason my wife loved Zeta Gundam...funny thing is that she hates all other Gundam series except Seed. She's also not a big original macross fan but she enjoyed macross plus, and macross 7. Go figure. Thanks for the tips guys...keep em coming.
  7. I'd love to get my hands on about 3 bootlegs of rei. Just so I could do repaints.
  8. Hey guys. I recently got a copy of Gunbuster TV and Gunbuster 2 and was wondering if there was any other really good anime out that that won't likely reach the U.S. on DVD anytime soon. I've seen all of the Ghibli stuff and wonderful days. Any suggestions. I'm also working on seeing all of the Gundam series that haven't been release in U.S. so I got that covered. Thx.
  9. Anybody know of some good stores where I can purchase the Japanese region DVD's for anime. Yesasia.com's prices are sickening. Looking for somewhere more reasonably priced but at the same time reputable. Also I'm only looking for series that are not released in U.S.
  10. Its definitely a new title they had a name for it that was new. I'm also positive that it was a cutscene. I'm just glad somebody is paying attention to 8th MS team. That's my favorite gundam series. Good call with Pakard and the Gouf. I watched the episode tonight just to see. The cutscene is even better than those in Gundam Seed never ending tomarrow.
  11. About time they made a good 8th ms team gundam game. The footage of Shiro vs the Ace pilot in the blue Zeke (MS-06 custom I think) was incredible. I think it called gundam war or gundam world...something like that.
  12. I watched Appleseed the movie today. The story was pretty good but the CG was a lot poorer than I thought it would be. It pales by comparison to FF Spirit Within and a lot of PS2 and X-box CG Cutscenes.
  13. Fry's Electronics does have an online store ya know.
  14. Does the online feature still work for the DC? I haven't played my DC in forever...maybe I'll have to track that down.
  15. What is white dingos? I've never heard of that one. I'm DL'ing chronicles now. Also the Seed game doesn't have any rail based missions...At least I haven't found any yet. I'm probably about 1/2 to 2/3 finished with the entire game though, judging by the count of how much stuff I have left to Buy. I've passed the Kira, Athrun, and MSV modes. But I still haven't unlocked some of the other modes.
  16. I'm not saying that Titans vs Aeug was horrible...in my opinion it was just feddie vs. zeon with some different colored suits. btw I loved Feddie vs. Zeon and played it for a solid 2-3 months. On the other hand Gundam Seed N.E.T. made advances from encounters by adding special attacks, leveling up characters, multiple modes of gameplay, ground and underwater missions that were actually good, a store system where you purchase: mobile suits, artifacts, encyclopedias of mecha, music, and movies (some of which are new), and the most stunning gundam shorts I've ever seen. The suits you purchase can be used in the MSV mode. Plus you get both Kira and Athrun modes. As far as graphics and innovation go Seed is the hands down winner.
  17. I think this is the one that uses the Federation vs. Zeon engine. If I'm right, I have it (Japanese version) and it isn't any better than federation vs. Zeon...I was very disappointed. If you really want the best of gundam for PS2 so far get either encounters in space (available in US now) or Gundam Seed Never Ending Tomarrow...it rocks! I've been playing it for a while now. Best gundam game ever. Based on the same engine as Encounters but they improved the handling and added a lot of new features. Its well worth your while to get.
  18. A couple of years ago they had a little macross and a lot of mospeada at Meltdown comics (I think that was the name of the store) on the stip. Big comic book store...don't know what they would have now.
  19. I didn't think they portraid muslums as the bad guys at all. If anything they portraid about 1/2 of the crusaders as the bad guys. I thought the muslums were portraid as rather noble and chivelrous
  20. When I read reviews that this was better than Gladiator I found it hard to believe...but damn this was a great movie. 5 stars all the way...its not to be missed.
  21. Is there more than on afterphase? THe one I have is between the stars.
  22. Does anybody have any info on the Gundam Seed special OVA's and MOvies? Are the movies just recuts of the series like they have done in other Gundam series or is there new footage? Also anybody heard of the specials and what they are about? I came across something called afterphase. Also is there any thing else I should watch before moving from seed to seed destiny? Thanks
  23. Can anybody suggest where to get a copy of this. I've been wanting to see this forever but I am not paying those sky high ebay prices. Anybody willing to rent me their copy. I'm particularly looking for the MAC remastered ed.
  24. I can't believe that nobody's mentioned the emperior. I mean hell not only does he bring about the downfall of practically all Jedi, he rules the universe, disquises himself as a good guy and fools the jedi. The dude trains all sith (some of the baddest fighters in the universe. Plus he's so crusty and old that just looking at him make run in fear of his adult diapers.
  25. jwinges


    I'd take a bootleg minmay doll in a second though...since you can't find a real one for a reasonable price.
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