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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Why bother with a Japanese PS2 when you can just buy a flip top. For about $30 you can have a flip top that takes 10 minutes to install and then use the included swap disks to play Japanese games. I've yet to find a Japanese game I can't get to work on my fliptop. Some will need an extra swap via DVDloader but that's easy to find and download. If your looking for a low cost/easy method this is the route to go...it doesn't damage your PS2 which I'm sure is past its warrenty anyway (only a year).
  2. jwinges

    CMS Series 4

    1. No more lousy cut-aways 2. Re-release the minmay doll 3. Give us a non chase max in flight suit 4. Gould 5. Mune 6. No more Minmay 7. Claudia 8. A sexy Milla 9. The Sharron Apple girls (not some damn black box. 10. A chase fig of Minmays little cousin doing the pee pee dance while screaming for a soda.
  3. 1. Original Mint Tread fighter from Mospeada 2. 1/55 Ostrich (I'm too lazy to sand and paint the conversion kit I have) 3. 1/55 Elintseeker (Again too lazy to get to my conversion kit) 4. Taka Large Macross 5. CM series 1 minmay doll. (I'd even take a bootleg) Although after making this I guess either a full size working Valkyrie, Alpha, or cyclone would surely bypass any of the above.
  4. Has anyone ever heard of any sort of cheap adapter to allow PS2 accessories (i.e. dance pads and logitech racing wheel to work on x-box? thanks
  5. Anybody know of a good program for making GIfs.? I need to make some animated Gifs for my website. thx
  6. I used ePSXe to run VFX and VFX 2 as well as one of the old DBZ games from Japan. I ran them on a pentium 2 450 with a 16mb vid card and they worked fine.
  7. Has anybody seen the anime godannar?...looks cheezy but funny.
  8. the darth vader looks acceptable...the rest look like ASS
  9. So far I have: Macross Pretty much all of the gundam games (except one year war and lost war chr) Berzerk Ghost in the shell Full metal alchemist Macross for dreamcast Evangelion (can't understand it) Mai Hime (can't understand it) Plus a few more that I can't remember
  10. I'm looking for some good import PS2 games...one's that can be played without knowing japanese. What are your favorites / Suggestions?
  11. Its in the maya's birthday episode I believe. They are all gathered around a table planning when maya come in. It just before barnette almost blows it by asking what kind of cake they want or something like that.
  12. So did anyone else catch one of the Nirvana's bridge bunnies dressed as minmay in Vandread season 2 disk 3. The cosplay girl is wearing minmays little white dragon outfit.
  13. So I got the new MS Gundam seed destiny game for the ps2 (Generations of C.E.) I pop it in my flip top and the movie plays.... God help me the opening movie is Cell-shaded like Robotech! I haven't played the game yet (don't want it to wreck the anime but I at least wanted to see the opening movie). I'm starting to watch Destiny this weekend. Anybody else have a take on this game.
  14. Yeah but if Reeves wants to hide his shame about a movie it should be his performance as the goalie in "Youngblood"
  15. Do any of you have a copy of the first A.C.E.?
  16. Anybody have a copy of the first A.C.E.?
  17. Yeah but one good shot with a beam rifle or mega partical cannon and your valk is fried. Let alone if you get to close and get hit with a beam saber. Plus what if its a transforming gundam like the zeta. Gundams are bigger and have greater armor.
  18. Thundercats will always be the afternoon king of all that sucks.
  19. I THought it was pretty good for a hk movie. THey took some license with the plot piecing together races and elements from the first 2 seasons but it wasn't as bad as I though it would be. Funny, my wife hates the anime (but likes most anime) and like the movie while she hates most hk movies.
  20. I just saw the live action Initial D movie. THought it was pretty good for a hk movie. THey took some license with the plot piecing together races and elements from the first 2 seasons but it wasn't as bad as I though it would be. What did you guys think?
  21. Emilia all the way. She's hotter than Millia plus she still pilots a Q-rau.
  22. Just do a netflix 2 week trial. I think Voices of a distant star would be worth that.
  23. I just got this...haven't had a chance to play it though.
  24. Any of you play the PS2 Gunbuster game? I've been thinking of getting it or finding someone who can get me a copy. Is it Japanese intensive. I can handle macross, gundam, and some other games but a lot of Japanese titles have too much japanese in them for me to follow. Like Evangelion.
  25. jwinges

    Macross Arcade

    A little off topic but would you guys know of any good Gundam roms, or evangelion roms that are worth getting. Looking for fun one's not lousy one's. Thanks
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