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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Great movie. I think I actually liked it better than his first movie. I rented it though netflix but it is definitely on my buy list after I get some x-mas cash.
  2. So I got bit buy the bug last night and decided to wait in line for a 360 at toys R US (its against store policy to take preorders or prepayments,--I've asked). So I get in line about 8am...store opens at 10am and I'm #13. God damn it was cold out there! Turns out the F'ing manager decided to do his own little preorder for friends and was sneaking them out the side of the building. We saw 360's in route to their owners cars starting at 8:30am. In total out of about a hundred people in line only 5 got 360's. A near frickin riot starts. About 20 or so mom's are threatening to sue TRU! I wouldn't be surprised if this turns up on the nightly news here in MN. The fricken manager even had the ballz to laugh about it that he snuck people in. I'm still waiting to hear back from TRU corp offices on this. Hopefully they give me a deal on one.
  3. We saw the movie on Friday. Liked it a lot. Was a little disappointed in how they handled both the quidich world cup and the first trial of the tri wizard cup. But I definitely liked it...would see it again. Definitely the best of the harry potter movies.
  4. Yes! please post instructions Mechamaniac! Also...So what's the final word on the power up/down on the converted models...you lost that feature correct?
  5. I think they both suck!. RPG in general are just too boring to play.
  6. Speaking of Jiggly counters did any of you ever see Burn up excess? There was a feature on the DVD that actually counted the jiggles for you while you watched the Anime! LOL>
  7. In multiplayer Jedi's, Solo, bobo-fett, and Jengo-fett can be played as hero's but the problem is that the person running the game can either set it for high scorer or random. Basically, its a crapshoot if you get a jedi or not. Won't it be hard to play on PSP. I'm playing on a brand new 46" DLP screen and sometime the targets I'm shooting at look like dots... I can just imagine how close you'd have to be on a psp to even accurately target your enemy. BTW did anyone else play the DEMo of this for x-box that came with EPIII? Did you notice that the target reticle was all off. Sometime it isn't there and other times when you do have it your shots go drematically right of what your targeting...talk about a buggy demo.
  8. how limited are the ROTJ Luke sabers? Any idea how much they are selling for on ebay?
  9. saw a couple of the luke skywalker blades at borders today. Pretty cool. Much better hilt than the skywalker and vader. Too bad it uses so many batteries.
  10. Hell if there is going to be a shortage on launch day (hopefully lasting until x-mas) the last thing you want to do is cancel your pre-order! When the PS2 first came out just before x-mas years ago they had a huge shortage. Both my brother-in-law and myself got ahold of 2 PS2's each (he preordered his and I lucked out and caught a shipment just arriving at TOYS R US) and sold them on ebay for $700+. The only way my wife would let me keep one is if I sold the other and got enough to pay for the one I was keeping. If it doesn't sell you can always return it later. You can't find a better investment than a hot counsel just before x-mas!
  11. Anybody know where you can get that 30% 0ff coupon for borders? Also Can you tell me how the Darth Maul lightsaber splits in two? I'm curious how they are secureing the 2 sabers together.
  12. Yeah I looked up how much just the LED would cost... a budget busting $6.50. For that much I just gotta figure out how to find a removable blade and I'll make my own. Hell I can take the sound chips out of my cheapo $30 lightsabers and make my own billet aluminum lightsaber. Anybody who's had this conversion figured out how it was done? I need blueprints!
  13. Did any of you ever catch Keanu Reeves as the goalie in the hockey movie "Youngblood" I can't tell who was worse him or rob lowe. It was like watching Ted in a hockey jersey...totally bogus!
  14. I'm playing the xbox version. Forgot to mention that it comes with 2 months of xbox live with it. I agree that the game itself is too fast. I don't mind the respone limit...I find it a little more challenging than just sacraficing a million soldiers. But I agree the enemy should have a respawn lnit also...however that would mean one could just find a hallway to defend, anihalate the enemy and then finish your objectives. I definitely wish they would have put the control rooms farther away from the hangers. THey kind of just took the cheap way out on that. The other thing I found odd about space play was that the frigates don't always have shield generators. Plus there is a life support (bottom front), and a sensor array (in back by the thrustors), that can be destroyed but do nothing for you. Your better off focusing on the shield generator, the bridge and heavy torrents. Then you have the crusers where you only need to destroy the bridge (it only takes 2 passes to do that if you try to match speed with it) I like the game a lot and give it a 8.5 of 10 also. But I do like that in online play its simpler to hit enemies than in halo. Halo has kind of gotten pathetic in the number of hackers on there and those using lag to their advantage.
  15. At the moment I don't think there is a way for the PS2 to play import ps1 games. If you find one though please pm me. I'd love to play VFX and VFX2 on my PS2
  16. So are any of you playing star wars battlefront 2? I must say I'm impressed. Its a lot better than the original battlefront with a pretty good plot. I'm curious though if the plot is now what could become the new TV series lucas talked about that would span the time b/w ep 3 and ep4. So far I'm through ep 1-3 and am just about to raid pricess leia's ship at the start of ep 4. The new play a jedi feature is pretty cool. but they are not as indestructable as what the reviews say. One shot from a tank or torrent and your pretty much done for. Very fun game though. The space battles are awsome. I haven't played much online but what I have looked and felt great. So far I've played the following hero characters: Ki Adi Mundi, Ob1, Auro Sun (I think that's her name...the twelek), Bobo-FET, Dearth Vader, and I think I'm forgetting a couple.
  17. Its a tie b/w roys death (half my class was watching robotech at the time and nobody could believe he died. The class acted the same way when the space shuttle blew up as we were watching it in class. The other macross moment would be when some japanese chick (major hottie) busted into a the my bofriend is a pilot song in the middle of best buy when her american boyfriend picked up a DVD of Robotech. Everyone around stopped and just listened to her.
  18. Actually I rather like a couple of the deleated scenes. Plus by going out on the first day or two its released you get the ultra low price. $14.99 Next week it will be $19.99. The lithograph is nothing special. But man people were buying lightsabers today. As I was waiting best buy sold 9 lightsabers!
  19. I think it would look good as an armslave from FMP! An EZ8 would look cool as well. It kinda reminded me of that water mobilesuit (the big brown one in 8th ms team that almost kills the chick) Interesting how they made it jump. Doesn't look like it would be that tough to manufacture parts wise. Maybe they should sell it as model kit to lower costs. I like the leg design but hate the feet.
  20. I had a goofy funny pitch one time only to get it shot down immediately because it had a female lead... and network execs dont feel "comfortable" with having a female lead unless it runs on the lines of a show like sex and the city or gilmore girls. wtf? "we have yet to see a female lead in a sitcom do well - with few exceptions" i swear... that's why we get crap movies and shows... but i'm ranting. 341366[/snapback] I've kinda lost all respect for Adult swim lately. They just seem to want to put out kiddy looking garbage with imature plots of pure stupidity. At least there was a plot when they actually played anime. Hell you got to stay up past midnight to see anything good on there.
  21. interesting concept but I think it falls short. Probably just because I'm not a fan of that animation style. But I must say that it was loads better than the crap they are putting on that channel now.
  22. interesting concept but I think it falls short. Probably just because I'm not a fan of that animation style. But I must say that it was loads better than the crap they are putting on that channel now.
  23. If your lagging on halo (which I typically don't with a 256 DSL via a linksys wireless router and linksys wireless game adaptor) you need to throw lots of grenades, use torrents, or drive vehicles. I find that the easiest way to get a really high kill rate is to play big team battles in an open map and run enemies down with a vehicle. Warthogs and ghosts work great. With a vehicle I can usually achieve a kill to death rate of about 5:1. Plus its loads of fun splattering the enemy. Funniest Halo moment: I'm in a warthog running a cannon torrent and their is a driver and a passenger. A 4th guy decides to ride on the hood and as I'm shooting at the enemy I just happen to shoot him in the back. His body must have flown a good hundred and fifty yards before it his a wall ass over teakettle.
  24. Actually, Xbox did their massive 360 update this week thereby making xbox live pure hell for all of us original xbox users. Until monday when they started Everything ran great. They sent out an e-mail saying their update would take 1 day to complete but as of Friday they still hadn't finished. Basically xbox isn't offering squat for support. All they care about is the 360. If I hadn't already paid for a year I would quit after all the bullshit their customer service dept has said this week. As far as dropping out in halo...when somebody drops out it does sometimes casue a problem if the guy running the game has a lower speed connection. Funny think with halo and lag...lag is your friend! Having some lag makes it harder than hell for others to hit you. There are some people on there (they have really high ranks) that intentianally lower their connection near or below the minimum to make it harder for people to hit them. Sometimes you can even escape a grenade attact by doing this. Personally I think the best game is Crimson Skies. Its hella fun and the lag and dropout issues don't occur as much.
  25. The PS2 has a top and bottom cover. When installing a fliptop you simply remove most of the bottom screws take the top off. Remove the top of the tray and the little white think inside it. Insert the little white thing into the fliptop cover and install in place of the old top cover. To play a game you must do one of 2 processes. Easy games: 1. insert swap disk 2. Open flip top 3. Insert game disk 4. Press "X" 5. Play Difficult games 1. insert swap disk 2. Open flip top 3. Insert DVDloader disk and press "X" 4. Press eject on PS2 or Triangle button to open tray 5. Insert Swap disk again or a High TOC disk (TOC = 4.37GB work best) 6. Press "X" 7. Open Flip Top 8. Insert game disk 9. Play I've yet to find a Japanese disk that won't work. Additionally if you have PAL games you can use Zoneloader.
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