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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Definitely the recap episode #14. I loath recap episodes...especially in gundam.
  2. Looks like Netflix if carrying the first disk. Hopefully they get the rest.
  3. How about upping the scale and making a 1/48 thunderhammer. Hell it wouldn't be that hard since the new GBP armor is out. recast the shoulders, use existing booster from the super/strike to recast. Redesign the chestplate, legs, and cockpiece. Try to make the chest similar to the new GBP armor with removable missles. THe legs look like the hardest part.
  4. Whoops. I was wondering why my avitar vanished the other day. Added this one without even noticing the no animated avitars line. That sucks I like seeing all the funny avitars. They add some variety to the boards.
  5. Anybody ever seen a Kampher in Char red? I'm thinking of painting one of my this color.
  6. If your referring to the Movies...they all suck.
  7. Sport Psychologist (Actually the legal term would be Sports or Performance Consultant) currently looking for a gig as a Prof to go along with my consulting business.
  8. Did you just add the MG winds to the HG frame?
  9. The one that has me miffed is the price of the new 1/60 zero. Damn! I know its a large toy but for that price they could have made it 1/48 rather than mess up the scale. Also what ever happened to the supposed cheap valks from macross zero?
  10. The cue sheet on my reet warez copy of VFX2 has an audio track defined(actually one and a half. I have a broken cue sheet.). I just found something called breaker pro that I'm going to try. Supposedly it was designed to load ps1 import, import backups, and regular backups on a ps2 or ps1 system. I'll give that a try first. then I'll try finding other things that work if that does not.
  11. Man this is great. I can't believe I missed this since its been up for so long. Took me about a hour to do and came out perfect...thanks
  12. Anybody know if the macross games had redbook audio?
  13. Can you guys tell me the difference b/w the 2 1/100 seed series of models. The master grade one's are usually around $40-50. but there is another 1/100 scale series that runs around $29. Is the second series any good? Also are the 1/60 kits any good (not the perfect grade ones)? Sorry but I'm too lazy to read the previous 100 pages in this thread. Funny thing is that my wife says to me the other day...how about we get some gundams and build them I damn near fell out of my chair.
  14. A couple of reasons. First just to try it. but also because I want to replay Macross DYRL, VFX, VFX2, and Macross Plus on something other than my PC> My ps2 has a flip top but I don't think there are any swap disks that can play ps1 imports. I heard zoneloader might work but its a longshot. My x-box is unmodded.
  15. I've heard there are some emulators that can be run on the dreamcast to play psx titles. Has anyone tried this? I'm thinking about playing VFX, VFX2, and DYRL PSX games on a dreamcast via emulator. Previously I've played these on a PC with an emulator.
  16. The movie isn't bad. I love the series but it wasn't the ending I was looking for. Good but not how I would have ended it. I was bummed out about the original ending. I typically like ending that aren't so happy in my anime but the original TV ending was a bummer for me.
  17. Did you watch the movie yet?
  18. My wife and I loved Noir but Madlax couldn't keep us interested. I've watched the first 2 or 3 dvd's and was bored out of my mind.
  19. jwinges

    Jm Gbp Custom

    most of my JM GBP custom was destroyed during my move from AZ to MN. All I had left was the legs.
  20. Nothing but coal I'm afraid... I bought too many macross toys this year
  21. began each of them but could get into them so I quit.
  22. My wife and I saw the movie tinight...We both believe this may be the very best movie we've ever seen. I felt like I was in the theater for 30 minutes not a couple of hours. This is a movie that cannot be missed.
  23. I believe that I had one of these as a kid. After a while I just used it as a toy.
  24. If they do make eva a live action movie they should just cast a bunch of unknowns that really look the part. Look what it did for harry potter. Although that rei above looks pretty good.
  25. hmmm,...maybe they ought to just send all those over heating 360's to Minnesota. It could really help me out with my rising heating bills.
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