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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. I could see the use of the valks as foot soldiers in rugged mountainous terrain. Given the destroids are so heavy, and have no luxury like jump jets to my knowledge, they'd be sitting ducks against battlepods that can jump / fly or Noujadeul Ger. Also, the valk wouldn't require a transport, as the destroid would to reach a battlefield in a short timeframe. To me the valks seem more like an offensive strike weapon, whereas the destroids are more of a defensive oriented piece of hardware. Also, in looking at jungle camo, it must be a zentraedi scale jungle, because I can't imgaine you could hide a valk in battloid mode in any earth jungle based solely on its height. Maybe gerwalk, but unless they are fighting zentraidi foot soldiers with nothing but their own eyes, I wouldn't think a mere camo paint job will buy them much. It'll do nothing to blind them to radar, or hide their IR signature...... if it's gotta be this camo color choice, I'd at least like to have seen it in the digital camo style. Bayonet would be great, or even a Rambo knife strapped to the engine nacelle. 372374[/snapback] I agree with the transport issue and the camo issue. Probably why we never saw any of the mechs in gundam (where a lot of land based combat occured) are in camo. I think the plain zaku green would be just as good or a Dom Troop brown for desert. Also you'd think that destroids could be modified using a booster pack like the GM's in gundam to offer boost and prevent getting stuck. I still think that all of these special models should have a different head. It wouldn't be difficult for yamato to make a mold with 5 new heads in it and run 15,000 sets out of the mold. If your making a special issue valk that's not canon you might as well make it truly unique. Can you imagine the rush to buy each of these if they had a new unique head. We'd already be placing orders regardless of the paint job
  2. Just a thought on that camo valk. If they were going to use mechs as foot soldiers would they just use some of the destroids? That was their original purpose correct. The only advantage I see to a ground type valk would be the ability to transform into gerwalk for quick strike capability. Most of the destroids have a greater weapon load to boot. Its not like valks fire many missles in battroid mode. A gladiator or Phalanx would be better suited. Therefore would you think that a camo valk would be a special forces model similar to navy seals, army rangers, etc.
  3. Oh I forgot one thats a possible. We went and bought "Shrine of the morning mist" at best buy the other day out of shere boredom since we had a 30% off coupon (found in those little anime mags at best buy) and the entire series was like $22 before the discount. In hindsight I probably should have realized that a $22 series probably isn't that good. Watched the first ep and man it sucks. I pray that this gets better.
  4. Burst Angel ----Damn my wife for like it. So I'm stuck watching it. Madlax ----Not even close to the quality of Noir. Shitty story I My me Strawberry eggs --- total suckage and just to weird Petit Corsette ---- too weird In reply to others I actually like most of the gundam series except G-gundam ---the worst anime of all time. Chobits is very weird at the start but after about 6 episodes gets better If you thing chobits looks like kiddy porn wait till you see DearS.
  5. Your scale:price ratio is flawed and silly. You won't pay more than $100 for a 1/60 SDF-1? You're kidding right? Actually most here would agree that a 1/60 SDF1 isn't a reality nor will it ever be. So your point is well pointless. Seriously, why are you b*tchin about "better features" of a newer toy which so happen is modeled after something that predates the VF-1? I'm a realist. Simply said they are cool features but don't necessarily belong on a Zero. Specifically the rotating cockpit. I'd rather the toy fit in with the evolution of the VF. Anyway petty flaming aside, THAT BIRD LOOKS SCHWEEEEEEEEET!!! Is the fighter mode actually detailed-up more than the battroid and gerwalk modes? It looks like its slightly panelled and stuff. I agree it looks sweet but for that price I've got a feeling that its going to be a disappointment. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. Its just lately Yamato seems to be milking the 1/48 and now they switch back to the lousy to playwith and display 1/60. I'd have rather they stayed with their original plan of making cheap valks from macross zero even if they had removable parts. As long as they stayed together properly and looked good I'd be happy with the 1/60 valks around $50. If I remember that was Yamato's original plan. If they want to do it big $$ then do it big 1/48 As far as not being my normal cheerful self...your probably right. I'm crabby as all hell. Guess thats what happens when you have to put your dog to sleep.
  6. 372003[/snapback] No ofense, but we have said many, many, many times that the 1/60 VF-0 is actually bigger in size than a 1/48 VF-1 Yes, a VF-0 at 1/48 scale, would be almost double the size of a VF-1... Yes, in "real life" a VF-0 would be huge compared to a VF-1... Yes, the pilot in the 1/60 VF-0 would be very small, because it continues to be 1/60 scale, while the airplane itself is actually larger than the VF-1 1/48 Do you get it? If you buy a 1/60 VF-0, you are getting a bigger airplane than a 1/48 VF-1. Also, remember this 1/60 has advancement over the 1/48. Rotating pilot seat, Landing gear that open outwards like real airplanes. Head lasers can aim outwards in fighter mode. The first full-bodied 1/60 pilot. Leg armors. Etc, etc, etc 372023[/snapback] Actually I do get. I understood that months ago. But I still refuse to pay that much for a craptacular 1/60. Yamato needs to pick a scale and just go with it. So what if a 1/48 zero would be twice as big. Bring it on. Hell its not like there's a lot of us playing with `1/48's anyway as if they were toys. Most here just use them as shelf display or as a monitary investment. Second take a look at other large toys like the mellenium Falcon or Royal starship from the Star Wars Univ. Now that's big. I'm fine with having a valk that big. If it were that big I'd pay $200+ for it. But anything 1/60 shouldn't be over $100. Period. Maybe the monster and that would be it. I could care less about the landing gear or pilot or rotating pilot seat. Head lasers like that are cool but not worth the price tag. What your fogetting is that this is the predicessor to the VF-1A/J/S so it shouldn't be a more advanced model. The rotating pilot seat or pilot armor shouldn't even be there. No offense but, Maybe take a step back and think before coming off all high and mighty. I know you mean no offense but take a look at which member's your replying to and think...is this a regular who's probably informed or just some newbie. It will keep you from sounding like an A-hole accousting somebody..
  7. God I'm sick of VF1A! Looks like someone dumped a can of paint on a CF and just said AH Camo. Stealth is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Even the old Macross 7 valks look better than that. Yamato dropped the ball on this one. The zero look..eh...ok. I'm not sold on the size though. they are asking way too much for it. I refuse to pay that much for a 1/60! Hell if yamato is going to give us stuff that isn't cannon, why not design some new style heads. Something other than the A/S/J. That will get me to buy one of these and keep it. I might still buy them just to sell them later. Somebody from macrossworld really needs to be added to the design board so yamato can have some fresh ideas.
  8. A friend sent me this link. Since most on this site have a healthy fascination of Asian hotties I though I'd post the link. This is somebody's virtual hottie. BTW this is barely safe for work. http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID...e=1&rating=nsfw Too bad we can't have gif images as Avatars anymore.
  9. I just read about one in either Animeinsider (this months with mai hime on the cover) or in that little anime mag thats free at best buy. Check them.
  10. Check out the back wall of the toy store in the Valentines day episode.
  11. Good luck with the injury. Wait a tic...who is going to do the photo spread this year?
  12. just get a ps2 movie ripper and you should be able to rip all of the movies until you have the right one. check this site for some tools. www.ps2nfo.com
  13. Yep. Its called breaker pro (I have version 1.1). I've tested about 2 levels of each of those games and it works great. Not sure what is going to happen when DYRL asks for the second disk though. Costs about $19.00 Also I suggest paying for better shipping. THeir low cost shipper is giving them problems. They actually lost an order of mine for some Swap magic 3.6. Modchip.com resent 3.6 and gave me breaker pro as a freebie.
  14. True, this bike is kick-ass cool, but like others here, I'm still waiting and hoping for the day we see a Mospeada Cyclone. Doesn't even have to transform--I'd be happy if they can make it look accurate. 369337[/snapback] Actually a good looking non-transforming cyclone woun't be hard to make at all. If memory serves there was a guy who made one out of his honda. Can't remember where I saw the pic though.
  15. It is up on their site...I saw it yesterday but it said it was for the x-box. I know this is wrong. It is being release as "MS Saga" I have the Japanese version but still haven't had a chance to play it. Been too busy with other games. I typically don't like RPG but got this to give it a chance.
  16. is this an exact translation? I'm starting to question it. Focker: "So how did your first time being shot down?" Hikaru: "Is sucked of course." I don't remember the subs like this. Focker: "Are you ok?" Hikaru: "Yeah I'm fine." Focker: "Not you pudknocker, I meant the girl!" Just doesn't sound right.
  17. Anybody else watching Yakitate Japan? Just finished the first 26 eps and I'm surprising entertained by this show. There aren't a lot of anime's that I and my wife can watch 15 straight spisodes subtitled, but this one holds up.
  18. So I finally got a copy of breaker pro. This bootloader is awsome. I've tested the following that work on my version 1 ps2: Macross Vfx Macross VFx2 Macross Plus game ed Macross DYRL Haven't fully played them all (I have on a pc) so I don't know how gameplay will be but Macross plus game ed looks great on my 46" HD DLP! I got breaker pro from modchip.com it even came with a slidecard, and a spring (for ps1) I use a fliptop ps2
  19. anybody know how many episodes are in MS IGLOO?
  20. Have any of you played the Gunbuster game for PS2? Is it worth getting if you don't know japanese? I'm trying to find it for a good price but if you have to run around and interact with other characters (chat) I'm going to pass.
  21. God I hate this kind of show. the only thing worse is claymation and stop action photography shows. Unfortunately someone like Adult swim will add this to their already lame lineup and we'll lose another anime slot.
  23. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060120/ap_on_sc/space_junk Sooner of later we'll need debris collectors.
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