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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Cool but it looks like the 1D doesn't have an extended cockpit. Can you imagine how much that 1D or the Max 1A from the commercial would cost now. They are probably sitting on some guys shelf in japan or in some warehouse in a box covered with dust.
  2. For those wanting and needing help and background from NCsx: Another Century's Episode 2 Description Update: March 30, 2006 2:12PM Another Century's Episode 2 is sold out but we will restock by next week. Backorders will ship once new supplies arrive. Thanks. Update: March 30, 2006 «©NCSX» A.C.E. hails from From Software and mixes the company's refined mech combat skills with well known franchises from Banpresto's Gundam stable and other properties such as Macrosss. A.C.E.2 features 180 mecha from 15 works with notables such as the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, God Gundam, Tallgeese III, and Nanajin. The battles are fast paced where a mech speeds on battlefields and targets enemy ranks for destruction. An auto-targeting feature (press TRIANGLE) may be used to lock onto an enemy unit and if you're close enough, a melee attack may be performed to smash it. However, if it's a formidable mech and not a peon, it will parry your blow and the two swords will sizzle in a close-up struggle for supremacy. Far away foes may be locked on and then fired upon with an arsenal of projectile weapons. There was one point during this morning's trial where our play tester sped towards a group of enemies and as they appeared in the horizon, he selected the missiles and launched two of them at the crowd. The projectiles weaved towards the targets with vapor trails streaming as the player's mech continued roaring towards the enemies. A.C.E. 2 Controls TRIANGLE / Auto-target O Button / Weapon slash X Button / Forward Thrust (Sustained propulsion) SQUARE / Fire Weapon R1 TRIGGER / Ascend higher L1 TRIGGER / Descend lower L-ANALOG / Movement R-ANALOG / Camera Movement View the back cover and screenshots on the main NCSX website. NCS Game Notes * In the intro to the game, green Zeon battle cruisers are serenely waltzing towards Earth and preparing for war. As they near the planet, hatches open up and Zaku mechs launch from the bays and rocket into battle against approaching Gundam warriors. Soon, the sounds and chaos of clashes wreck the peace as serenity turns into clanging skirmishes in space. Later, a Wing Gundam Zero wafts in the middle of a bunch of Gundam battleships and spin-shoots, wreaking massive havoc. Scene shift to a sequence involving two Macross warriors who are flying acorss the skies and battling against enemies with streams of vapor-trailing missiles. The battle shifts back to the Gundam and a lengthy sequence shows off exciting Gundam action. * Before each scenario, a voice over explains the background story which is accompanied by an animated sequence. Each introductory cinema is well done and detailed which will please fans of the various Gundam series and Macross featured in the game. * When you're fairly close (about 300m) to an enemy mech and locked-on, pressing the "O" attack button sends your mech swooping in on the enemy for a violent killing stroke. Since you'll be up close, the camera catches the enemy mech being busted up into component pieces as it is destroyed. * Gundam games sell very well. We're finding that A.C.E. and A.C.E. 2 are also commanding a good amount of attention with both games attracting interest. Also some good help here: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=929427
  3. 386583[/snapback] Also you can usually find a menu layout at either gamefaqs.com or playasia the online store. Playasia sometimes puts the menu up in the game description.
  4. I've only played for about 2 minutes but it looks like the controls are better than I remember on the old game. I'll wait on control judgement until I've played more. I must say though that the opening animation is incredible. I can't think of too many opening animations to games that are better. Holy crap. The one thing I found a little odd though is seeing more qua-ru action than valkyrie action in the opening animation. You also get to see some Qua-Ru's get wasted by some bug looking mech (grey mech with clear dragonfly wings) with a female pilot.
  5. I just bought a psp (had to downgrade it to firmware 1.5 ) and I'm happy with the news. Maybe now they can make it read some sort of mini dvd you can burn at home. The whole UMD thing was stupid anyway. Maybe if you could easily hook the psp up to a TV via s-video so you could still watch the movie at home but to spend that kind of money on a movie that you'll only watch on the occasional trip...I can rip them and put them on a memory card for that. BTW Gundam battle tactics for psp rocks!
  6. Sorry mods but the search function isn't finding the old threads on this. If you can find the old threads please just move this there. For those looking forward to A.C.E. 2 it is out on the usual torrent sites. Time for some valkyrie vs. gundam action!
  7. It would still take too long. Since the mods already have the game it just easier to use the ripper. Its very easy to use and takes about 1/2 hour to rip all the movies. THey can then add them to the site with ease since they have direct access to it. I'm not sure if any special codecs are needed to view them. My pc has a ton of codecs and players for the anime I watch so I can't be certain that they will just play in anybody's machine.
  8. jwinges

    More Cms Figures

    They would be fun to customize EXO! Great idea. I would like to see some more of these too. Cutaway Regults, SDF-1 Bridge. Destroids. Man, I love the CMS line. Anyone know when series 4 is coming out? 384555[/snapback] Out of all of my CM's I think the cockpits are the worst. I really dislike them. To me it doesn't fit with the whole figure collection. I would gladly trade a cockpit for a minmay doll fig.
  9. I would but they are too big to attach...I tried. I thought I'd post the programs so maybe one of the admins could do it.
  10. If anybody is interested in ripping the video clips from this use FMvex1_2 to rip the clips. Just google it to find the program. There is no sound but the 10 clips will play in VLC player. Might be cool to add to the site by an admin. they are just too big to attach here. if you want the audio just use cubemedia2
  11. If anybody is interested in ripping the video clips from this use FMvex1_2 to rip the clips. Just google it to find the program. There is no sound but the 10 clips will play in VLC player. Might be cool to add to the site by an admin. they are just too big to attach here. if you want the audio just use cubemedia2
  12. I've never ordered from them but if your looking for an alternative for import anime try: importanime.com Also avoid sundevil DVD like the plague.
  13. Sweet Thanks for making them available seperately.
  14. Any word if I can just get the ostrich parts. Depending on price I'll be in if that's posible.
  15. Hell that sounds better than the battle assault series...wait a tick...why not just turn the battle assault series into that. Maybe a patch.
  16. Basically first initial and last name. There aren't a lot of winges' out ther in the U.S. so most people know its me. Although there's supposedly more in Canada and Germany.
  17. Realistically all I need is the boosters and leg armors.
  18. Yes but would depend on the price. Could you get just the Ostrich parts....I already have plenty of strike parts from Rohby's recast.
  19. When I think dream toy only one thing pops out in my mind. Now many of you might find this incredibly lame for this site but I think a creation of a toyline that can do anything that was seen in the Anime "Angelic Layer". If you remember some of the angels had energy attacks and there were some robots that competed. I just imagine all of us getting together with our own valkyries, gundams, destroids, patlabors etc. and battling it out on the layer. Just think of the possibilities. Even better if you could have armies going at it. Hell I'd even be happy if you could get Robonova 1 in various mecha and that frame that you wear to move you robot (some guy in Japan invented it and his kid wears it in competitions to move the robot. The robot matches the joint angles of the frame that is worn by the kid).
  20. Hey Devin can any of these be added? Besides these below I have a High res version of Sailor Minmay that would be awsome but I can't upload it for some reason...I could e-mail it to you.
  21. Its a tie! Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 95% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 95% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 94% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 85% SG-1 (Stargate) 81% (is there even a ship) Serenity (Firefly) 81% Moya (Farscape) 75% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 75% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 69% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 63% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 56% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 56% (is there even a ship)
  22. Let me guess...that's the new Iraqi defense force haliburton camo VF1A!
  23. Damn these didn't show up. COMING SOON TO A YAMATO DEALER FAR FROM THE U.S.
  24. Done... VF-1JR (John Rambo) 372392[/snapback] see that wan't so difficult. Yamato could learn from your creativity. Actually, I think your design is still better than slapping a 1A head on everything and calling it new. Coming up next the Yamato Coke with special VF-1A drinking spout. OR maybe The home depot special...Yamato VF1A head light switches. Quick...somebody check the Garland and make sure it doesn't have a VF1A head on it... Crap they got us again!
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