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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Dear god what were they thinking putting that wanker pee-wee on. God he's f'ing annoying. There's nothing good on there now.
  2. Hi guys, Sorry for butting in but I also know nothing about moding ps2's etc but I want to play SRW:A3 with the minimum of fuss. My PS2 is UK spec and I've had it since around the time Metal Gear 2 came out, it's never been opened up or anything. Will that Flip top and Swap Magic do the job or is SRW:A3 too new? Thanks in advance for helping 409569[/snapback] It depends...there are actually very few games that won't work on a flip top. The most important thing is to find out the total size of the game you want to play. This is called the TOC (Table of Contents). Just toss a game in your PC and look at the properties of the disk and you'll see the size. When using a swap disk you need to have either the swap disk itself or an original game with a TOC equal or larger than the game you want to play. The swap process works like this: 1. insert swap magic (the different versions represent different size TOC's...try to get 3.0 or higher 2. When prompted open the flip top and insert SRW A3 3. Game should play if not you have to try the 2nd method 2nd method 1. same 2. when prompted insert an original ps2 game with a very high TOC (devel may cry 3 works well) 3. When prompted swap for your SRW a3 game and you should be good to go. As a last resort there are some other methods but I won't get into them here. I would say that these 2 methods will get 98% of games to work for you. goto ps2nfo.com to find a cheap fliptop... they have a lot of advertisers that carry them. Also when you buy watch out for the shipping. there are a couple of companies that charge a lot for shipping. While your ordering you might want to pick up breaker pro also...that way you can play your old PSX titles like the macross and SRW ones.
  3. Sorry to butt in with an OT post but is this "swap magic" one of those discs that will let ypu play import games without needing to mod the console? I'm looking for something that will let me play SRW Alpha 3. 409474[/snapback] Yep. check either in the games thead to see if SRW 3 will work. You can also check ps2nfo.com for that info and info about the swap disks themselves. I eventually got the eva game to work but it sucks.
  4. You could try ghosting the hard drive to a PC then place the ghost on a new HD if you have one. That might fix it. Or you could at least keep the HD and install it into your PS2. I've known a lot of people who have done that when their xbox fried. that is, if the HD is good. I can't remember if it was confirmed but someone I know thought their might be some removable memory in the xbox. Last option...try ebay
  5. BEST SWORDFIGHT Jin vs Mujin --Samurai Champloo BEST HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT FIGHT Spike vs Vincent --Cowboy Bebop BEST MONSTER/DEMON FIGHT against Human Ranma vs Pantihose Taro --Ranma 1/2 "Too funny' BEST MAGIC(MAGIC USER) FIGHT Lena vs whoever --Slayers BEST GIRLFIGHT The final battle of NOIR BEST MECHA FIGHT Don't know the exact battle but I gotta say its now Sousei No Aquarion tied with YF19 vs YF21 from macross plus BEST OLD MAN FIGHT Hopposai vs. Shampoo's grandma -- Ranma 1/2 BEST DEMON/Monster fight Gotta be from Mai HIME
  6. That would be a trick to do, you would need to get the PSP to output the video data via USB or use that TV attachment thing and have a video in on your PCs video card. too much work in my opinion, better off going the other direction and burning a DVD to your memory stick 404246[/snapback] actually a company sells an attachment for the PSP that clips onto the top and gives video and audio (I think) output. Supposedly it looks pretty good when blown up on a plasma or LCD tv. The attachment sells for about $34
  7. Here's something else thats pretty cool for all you 1.5 users. A homebrew web browser called Links that IMO is better than sony's http://www.ps2nfo.com/modules.php?name=Dow...article&id=1076 Move curser with the stick Scroll by holding L and hitting up or down on pad Hit start to bring up keyboard When keyboard is up use the shoulder buttons to open the num pad or capital letters.
  8. www.PS2NFO.com scan down and you'll see the story on undulated platinum Basically the chip puts a second flash firmware on your system. THis can be used to play games, watch UMD's from other regions and all the other stuff normal modchips do. Because it is a second firmware source a broken PSP can use it to work again even though the original flash is messed up. (I guess a lot of people turned their PSPs into bricks trying to downgrade them.) Instellation: I read that you have to replace a couple of the original wires but other than that it just snaps in.
  9. Well somebody finally made one...A WORKING MODCHIP FOR THE PSP! Looks like it will be out soon, is upgradable, and easy to install. Plus it works with all current firmware versions and can make fouled up (brick) psp's work again. I've heard everything from $19.99 to $90 for price.
  10. The dub is available at boxtorrents.com. From what I have heard, it isn't planned as a release in the US> they did release the dub in ireland though.
  11. [i don't think so. I bought it directly from Amazon, not one of their 3rd party sellers. Prices on 2gb cards have been falling fast since Christmas. 398483[/snapback] Yep, a lot of the cards coming out of HK and China are bootleg cards. They look identical but the plastec is softer and I think I read somewhere that the writing on the card isn't set into the plastec. I guess they split (top from bottom) pretty easily. The advantage though is that if you get one that works well they are showing significantly faster transfer times than the legit cards. On a site I visit I read that people are getting some bootleg cards from amazon since amazon affiliates itself with some tiny stores. For example if you bought from amazon via toys R us then you likely to get a legit card. If you got yours shipped from joe blow game store...who knows.
  12. "I think 4gb cards are out right now. IIRC 8gb cards are coming late 06/early 07. I have 2gb ultra II from Sandisk. Got it for about 100.00 from Amazon. " You didn't get one of the bootleg cards did you. I heard that a lot of the 2gb cards of ebay, amazon, and from no-name outlets are actually bootleg cards. They are more fragile but some people who have them are saying that they are faster than the legit cards.
  13. I've only had mine for about 2 months. I like it though...especially all the homebrew stuff. I just wish someone would come up with a good browser app for those of us pre 2.o. What's out now for browsing the internet sucks. As far as games I'd just like to see more gundam and mech games. I also like the ability to rip movies (using video vault) to mpeg 4 and watch on the psp...great for in bed or on a plane. Personally I'm glad that UMD movies are dying, they were a total rip off anyway. Last...I want a macross game for PSP
  14. Sounds like Mezzo or kite to me. Was this early in the series? If so then it wasn't Madlax. Could be Noir but that seems a little off for noir.
  15. I read that Hayao is pissed. He doesn't think his son is ready to direct but somehow the son got the job anyway. I heard he's so mad that the two are refusing to speak to each other. I think I read that in Anime Insider or something.
  16. So there was this anime convention about a month ago here in the Minneapolis/St Paul area in Minnesota and I was thinking of going to find some good comic/anime shops. I've never lived in the metro here before and have been in Arizona for the last 6 years. Anyway it turns out that it cost like $50 to go! WTF...is this the normal price for a ticket to an anime festival or con? They wouldn't let people buy just a day ticket, you had to buy the entire weekend. Is this normal? If that's the case why bother. For my wife and I to go one day just to look around and maybe buy a little stuff its not worth it. If this is normal, than are these cons and festivals limiting the people that can afford to attend. How many high school or elemtary kids are gonna fork down $50 just to go to a convention?
  17. Avoid sundevil DVD like the plague. Not only do they miss advertise as in the case of the DYRL edition mentioned above but they also have the annoying habit of just assuming that you'll be content with a similar title (especially in the case of Gundam stuff) if they don't have what you really ordered. Say you order Victory gundam and they are out of stock...they will just send you a turn A gundam instead and hope you'll keep it. Also when I lived in the Phoenix area (where sundevil is run from) 2 of the best anime/comic stores in the valley refused to order from sundevil again because of all the problems they were having. Sundevil would take their money (hundreds of dollars) and then not send the anime. Avoid them like the plague.
  18. Have you updated your firmware on the player? Most of the time that can help. I just ran into this this weekend. I was trying to make backup copies My Narnia and Howl's moving castle DVD's for a car-ride/camping trip and my usual never fail decryption program couldn't crack them. They also don't play in one of my old players.
  19. Hell, I'd gladly trade my limbs (bad shoulders and shot knees) for Winry's automail and her to work on it.
  20. I can't believe I forgot about Ren from DearS. Then again pretty much any of the DearS would be considered hot. http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmg...tem/64017/4/0/0 Nothing like a horney girl that does anything you want and wants to be your slave.
  21. My Top 10 U-chan and Akane from Ranma Urd and Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess The purple haired chick from Tenjho Tenge Kigome from Inu Yasha Ura of the Hair from Inu Yasha Lacus Cline from Gundam Seed (the real lacus) Riaka from Tenchi
  22. I kinda like the Zebra valk. Its kind of like artic camo for alaska base. Much better than that fugly low vis 2.
  23. Ok below is what I've figured out of the menu's so far for those who need help. bare in mind that I don't read Japanese. Also when you start the game picking the macross path doesn't mean that you'll get a valk right away. It just means that when you do the valks will be able to be built up more then they would in the other versions. Pick gundam and you'll build better gundams. So far the first non ACE mech I received was a gundam and I'm playing within macross mode. BTW I've read that regardless of the path you choose the ACE mech can be upgraded the most. Here's the menu guide that will get you started. The damn site screwed up my bullets so each change in bullets should be tabbed in under the previous bullet. Another Century Episode 2 Menu Guide Main • New o Brings to Story choose screen • Load • Instant action? • Vs mode • Load Post-Brief Menu • Start • Gallery and command lists • News • E-mail • Past Missions Briefings • Training sim Submenu o Simulator  Start  Mech pick  Mech upgrade • Save/load • Options Submenu o Gameplay options o Gameplay options o Sound o Effects • Quit
  24. That's from Grenadier. Great series. Sort of like Trigun in a way. Well worth a watch in either dub or sub.
  25. First figure out what the market is. About a year or so ago the market was really good for the 1st MPC. I got something around $300 for mine on ebay. I can see the R and Roy's 1S going for some bucks sooner or later. You'll probably never get anything for the cannon fodder. Max and Millas...who knows maybe there is a market since the Bandai 1/55's were so limited and hard to get. Just monitor the market and sell at the right time.
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