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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. I'd avoid the cheap toshiba from best buy. I had 2 of them and they just kept skipping on brand new DVD's. Toshiba upgraded me to the SD-6980 and it works much better. Even plays quite a few Avi and Divx files. Not as many as my Philips DVP642 but still quite a lot. BTW has anybody found an upconverting player that will play MKV and OGM files?
  2. Spoiler alert See below My question is... Does anyone think that Nono will ever return? Do you think that Lark expects to see Nono ever again? I rather like the Lark and Nono characters.
  3. Thank you Lunar. I've been checking daily for this. What is it like 2 years in the making to finish this series since I first watched ep 1.
  4. Anyone want to sell their extra minmay doll?
  5. Unlike most of us who have to wait until the weekend to celebrate our birthdays a few days late, she has to typically wait a few years.\\ BTW does anybody know when Lunar is going to release EP6 of Gunbuster 2 now that the raws are out?
  6. I refresh every few hours and wait for the withdrawal symptoms to start. I'm not really active on any other forums. I must have checked this site about 30 times during the latest crash.
  7. Anybody know when Lunar is going to release Gunbuster 2's ep 6? I'm dying to finish this series.
  8. It was in the Phoenix metro area. Man they were lucky nobody got bit. The rattlesnakes down there jump at anything that moves. I was down there for 6 years and I've had 4 run-in with those damn things. I'd go to find my golf ball (I got a nasty hook), hear about a half second of the rattle and it would jump out of the brush and strike my club. Those suckers are nasty.
  9. I just read this whole thread and all I have to say is HOLY CRAP! That's so freaking cool. By chance could give us a run down on how much it cost to make one of these? Keep up the great work.
  10. Nothing warms the heart like a visit from the Macrossworld Spelling Police ScorpOnoc = Lame Movie
  11. How the hell does bumblebee get to be a camero he looked more like a p.o.s. ford escort than a camero. who the hell are bonecrusher and blackout? Wasn't Frenzy one of the cassettes from soundwave? This movie is sounding pretty bad if they are skipping out on classic characters to include scorpinok and stuntacons
  12. Music, Jason Newstead from Metallica Athletics Jeremy Roenick Curtis Joseph Scotty Bowman Brett Hull Chris Osgood Most of the Phoenix Coyotes from 2003-2004 My former student Levi Jones just signed a $40 million contract with the Cinn. Bengles. Really nice guy I can't mention the other athlete's because of confidentiality laws. Oh, I forgot...Jenna Jamison the porn star (about 5 years ago when she was still smokin hot)
  13. I've been playing the PSP game from japan...its limited but ok. If the one you've posted was released in japan a few months back ....it isn't so good. I played it for an hour or two and found it pretty boring. Maybe I'll give it another shot as a rental in english. However if its a new game that hasn't been released in Japan I'm up for giving it a try.
  14. If you guys are interested I have 3 sets of GBP recasts that I'm planning on selling. I put them up on the board a few months ago. One set recasted by Jesse Myers and the other By Rob of Robsthingies.com (the last sets he made). If interested shoot me a pm.
  15. Thanks for the idea guys keep'em coming. Jim
  16. Worst ever has to be battlefield earth or empire strikes back.....just kidding about Empire...the best frick'in SW flick ever.
  17. KikiJoy is known for being laggy, though. ... Actually, a lot of PS->USB adapters are. 417808[/snapback] Yeah kikijoy, that's it. I didn't have any lag problems when using it on VFX, VFX2, or macross plus when playing through a psx emulator. It would definitely be fun to try. I imagine you'd have to use the wammy bar for transformation.
  18. According to Attack of the show GH2 will have base in coop mode. They showed them playing it in coop mode live. It looked pretty boring to be playing the base though. 417786[/snapback] Well they did say that they were attempting to make the bass as challenging in one article I read. There are metal bands out there that make good use of their bass player. Early Metallica use too.... 417792[/snapback] Cliff was awsome!!!
  19. It wouldn't actually be too tough to get the controller from guitar hero to work on any of the PC based macross games. If the guitar is not usb you can use one of those adaptors to make any ps2 controller work on pc (I bought mine at Fry's electronics--called kinky somthing). Then you just map the buttons of the guitar to the game. It would be pretty interesting to try. I'd try it but I don't have guitar hero. If the guitar is USB thats another story.
  20. According to Attack of the show GH2 will have base in coop mode. They showed them playing it in coop mode live. It looked pretty boring to be playing the base though.
  21. Looks like I'm getting the chance to visit Japan . My wife is attending the World Haptics Conference in Tsukuba Science City, in March and I get to tag a long. Since I won't be attending the conference myself can anybody give me some ideas of things to do or see in Tsukuba Science City or any nearby areas? I plan on spending some time in Tokyo too. What is the weather like in march in Japan? Are there any festivals or events worth seeing this time of year? Are there anything that would be considered a 'must see' for travelers? Does anybody know of some nice but reasonably priced hotels in Tokyo or Tsukuba Science City? Anybody know of great places to buy macross toys or well made swords? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  22. Well I did say that I didn't know who did it. Must have missed that thread. ANyway its still cool as hell.
  23. Holy Crap! Check out these. Don't know who did them but DAAAAMN! http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...pe=post&id=8431 http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...pe=post&id=8430
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