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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. H20 power http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/06/waterfuel.html Holy crap that's cool! I want one.
  2. That's why I'm passing on one for now. However I'm starting to wonder if the control software would work for something like a tachkoma from ghost in the shell SAC. I think there was a link within the sci and tech super thread showing one of these doing karate.
  3. The open platform is somewhat cool. I've looked at the software and how you program the robot. It's kind of like stop-motion filming. You position the robot in say position 1 then hit enter. Next you chain the next movement to that by moving the joints slightly and hit enter again. You do this repeatedly to have a series of movements. there some pretty cool videos on youtube of these doing karate forms and stuff like that. There is also a guy in Japan who rigged his with a full body remote control that his kid wears during robot battle competitions. Whatever the kid does the robot does. They have dominated the robot battle competitions from what I've heard. Assembly doesn't look too tough, neither does the programming...I'd get one if I new how to make a full body controller. Overall they are pretty neat and will set you back a grand.
  4. Actually video vault for the PSP is extremely easy to use and works on practically everything. I haven't got it to work on MKV or ogm files but everything else works. Ripping DVD's down is a breeze.
  5. Do you think it would be difficult to have a japanese ps3 converted to american? Maybe they are easier to get in japan? If sony were smart they would just include all languages in the system regardless of where it were purchased.
  6. Is Alliance vs Zaft II plus the US version or the japanese? If its the US version being released I think I played the Japanese version. I've played so many gundam games, I'm starting to forget which are which.
  7. If you're looking for gundam games I've played them all. The best games are: Gundam: One year war (pay asia sold it to me for $12, probably my 2nd favorite for PS2) and Gundam Lost war Chronicles (probablly the best gundam game to date). Feddie vs Zeon is also good as is the and the Aeug vs Titans are fun (tons of game play) To be honest I'm having the most fun lately with the PSP gundam games: Gundam battle royal is totally awsome!
  8. Impressive but not uncommon. How many anime have you watched and heard the old gundam beam rifle. If its not the beam rifle its the GM sniper rifle. Those sounds are in almost every mecha or ship based anime sooner of later. Same goes for the RX78 and Zaku power up (eye(s)light up sound. Bandai uses them over and over again.
  9. Nice haul. I've never seen those Keroro fix'es before. They are pretty cool. I might have to pick some up when I go to Japan in late March.
  10. Do any of you guys in Japan know of any really nice hotsprings resorts around tokyo, Kyoto, or Osaka? I want to try to find one to take the wife to for a night. Anime Insider has one that looks so nice near Mt Unzon (I think near Nagasaki). I want to find something like that.
  11. I remember hearing once that you can rent cell phone at the airports in Japan. Can anyone confirm this and would they have GPS direction/maps/points of interest? If not would anyone know if an american cell phone will get a signal there? ALso does anybody know of a good real time GPS program for PDAs (either palm or Ipac that has maps of Tokyo and/or Kyoto Thanks
  12. Hi Guys, Thanks so much for all the opinions and ideas. My wife already read the lonely planets guides to Japan, and Tokyo and she's reading the Kyoto one now. I'm just starting. Man you guys are an invaluable source of info. thank you so much. One other idea we had was to maybe go snowboarding around Mt Fuji for a day (I'd rather go way up north but we don't have time this trip). Have any of you ever been snowboarding around there. I'm not even sure they will have good snow in late march. Would it even be worth going? The other thing I'm curious about is Tsukuba Science city. Since my wife will be at the haptics conference I'm kinda on my own for a day or two. Is there much to do around there? Thanks again guys, your advice has really helped a lot.
  13. They just explained that each of the various states (provinces or what ever they call them) have a tower that controls the local populations anti state groups. If they can't control the groups they call in (in the following order: State forces (the tower) Federal forces (what we see a lot of in the anime) Sawers group (featured in new wave) SOF (Led by Holland) Its not word for word what they said but you should get the general idea. Personally I didn't notice the topic of towers in the anime until the meteors were crashing into them.
  14. Nothing important so far. They did explain the towers but its nothing that's needed to know for the anime.
  15. Anybody else playing Eureka Seven A New Wave? I've finished episode three and must say that the game is pretty lame. The speed of the LFO/KLF's is totally lost since the controls are subpar. The levels where you ref board are pretty lame since they are only races and the tricks don't really count for much. The graphics of the mechs are just ok but the graphics for the characters are horrible. If your a fan of Eureka Seven its only a rent. Save your cash. BTW holland show up in your first non academy mission and you fight alongside him. Other than that I haven't noticed any of the characters from the anime. Hopefully the next one is better. At this point the PSP game (minigame based)is much better.
  16. Hey Guys, My wife and I are heading to Japan in late March and need some advice (since travel agents are worthless). We've been looking through the Lonely Planet series of books and want to see a couple of cities. We have 15-16 days minus 3 days at a conference in Tsukuba Science City to split between seeing -Kyoto (probably spend 2-3 days, also want to find a nice hot springs here) -Osaka (probably only spend 1-2 nights) -Tokyo (we want to spend the bulk of our time here, i think)(Time for akihabara, ghibli museum, etc, a lot of shopping going to be happening.) We're thinking of starting by flying into Kansai Int. and flying out of Tokyo. Questions are: 1. If anybody has any suggestions of hotspots or things we won't find in Lonely Planet it would be greatly appreciated. 2. Suggestions for nice, resonably priced ($80-120 american/night) hotels in these cities 3. Hotspots and nightlife 4. Daytrips etc. Basically, I'm finding this worse than planning a wedding. The choices are rediculus and we have so little time. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  17. I got a gut feeling that syler is some sort of preditory special. Maybe he has to eat specials to maintain or increase his abilities. the cheerleaders dad...can you say mutant registration act What did you think of the preview of next weeks battle b/w the brainy kids mom and dad.
  18. Yep those with dispaire were holding books and they knew about how the command cluster was changing physics to destroy the towers and other things as seen when the little girl wakes up on the plane, tells her mom and dad she loves them or something and that it will all end as their plane gets hit by a meteor. I thought the Nirvosh looked like a buster machine also. I also noticed that the control system was more like that of "The End" rather than the Nirvosh. Which brings me to the question of...what exactly was "The End"? its control system bothered me since its first appearance. Its just too different than any of the other LFO's or KLF's. I don't think they ever mentioned the ring as an artifact. One of the kids just runs up and gives it to Renton and the writing matches up. I'm not sure if it was the right color to be Rays ring though.
  19. I'm kind of hoping for an OVA movie as a wrap up. New scenes of the last few episodes and some closure on the crew and the Thurston family. I didn't even notice that Hilda wasn't in the last few episodes. It was rather funny when the old man on the gekko (the one who's only role was to ask people if they wanted to have tea) turned out to be a correlian. My wife jumped off the couch and yells "I knew it" I'd like to know how the heck Dewey got that necklace on Eureka neck if he was imprisoned and all that garbage. He would have had to do it and have his plan way back when Holland was just a kid. I've got the PSP game and one of the PS2 games. Haven't finished the PSP one (didn't want to wreck the series for myself but I did get to about episode 20. The PS2 game I got when it was first released in Japan. I put it in, loaded it and thought...this is crap after about 5 minutes. I hadn't watched the series yet though. I'll have to try it out again. I'm pretty sure that was Ray's ring but what are the odds that it made it through the scap coral crust down to old earth and why was it encased in some sort of amber. Did you notice all the pieces of amber floating in the ocean after the storm. Speaking of the storm why could the nirvosh fly after it. Earlier renton had said that the nirvosh could fly. Plus they crashed on the island. Another quick question. If grandpa thurston was the only person skilled enough to make a board for the nirvosh how come all the military LFO an KLF units have Ref boards? Is the nirvosh's boards uber special or something? Funny about the theory of despiration sickness only happening to women and that they are connected to the control cluster. When Renton, Eureka and the kids are wandering around the cluster almost all of the people reading the books were men. And Diane said that they were linked to the cluster. I thought Anemonee awakening was pretty Auska like. Much cuter after she awakened. I don't think she was a correlian at all. Just someone brought back from the dispaire sickness with drugs. This would force her away from her link with the control cluster and give her added insight since she's shared in all that information. If that was the nirvoshes original form why was it so big. It seemed to much larger than the nirvosh in robot form. Plus it had only a single person cockpit but the nirvosh was found with a 2-person cockpit. Interesting idea though. Holy crap can Talho fly. I'm not sure that would really be possible.
  20. Put a tall grey box on your head, one on each shoulder and wear a grey shirt with tokyo spelled in red electrical tape.
  21. I thought we might need a thread for those of us who have finished the series...so we don't wreck it for everyone else. We can probably merge the threads later. To get things rolling what did you think about the following: - The lack of closure on the gekko's crew...they never show Talho's kid! - The Tea guy being a correlian - Renton's sis and dad - The new nervosh...holy crap! - How the hell Ray's ring got to earth! - Blinking head Renton and Eureka...what's up with that? - The writing on the moon - So what the hell did adrock actually do (did he prevent the limit of life in the 1st summer of love) - What do you think is "the summer of love"
  22. Holy Crap! What a ride the last 4-5 episodes were. I can't remember a series that had me sitting on the edge of my couch like this one. The battles are truly awsome in HD. I just got a new dell that clones it to my 42 inch plasma in 720p. Holy Crap this show brought out its best. BTW I love the Nirvosh in the last episode. Frick'in awesome
  23. Holy Crap! What a ride the last 4-5 episodes were. I can't remember a series that had me sitting on the edge of my couch like this one. The battles are truly awsome in HD. I just got a new dell that clones it to my 42 inch plasma in 720p. Holy Crap this show brought out its best.
  24. Looks like IFC is running some Anime. I didn't know they ran anime. Basilisk starts tonight and has a few encores And Samurai 7 is being re-run starting tonight. Enjoy.
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