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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Actually if I recall correctly neither the first or second disc were much over 5GB. That's a whopping 3GB they could have used on making a dub. Additionally the video quality on my 42 inch plasma using an upsampling DVD player is still no better than the majority anime I have. No better looking than evangelion platinum, or macross plus, or even your run of the mill episode of ghost in the shell. None of those cheaped out. Frankly, the small differences in encode don't amount to a hill of bean if it isn't percevable by the human eye. Yeah maybe Gunbuster 2 had a higher production quality in its original creation than but its not enough to make their cheaping out worth it. Personally, I like the series but this is a crap release. My downloaded versions run through my laptop into my plasma look just as good. Save your dollars and just run your torrent version through a good HD quality vid card or DVD player. I'll be buying the rest of this but I won't be purchasing another series from this crap company.
  2. Don't get me wrong...I want one but I'm not going to get it since it will just end up another oddly sized mech, out of place with the series it should be with. They could have / should have just made it 1/200 so it can hang with the others. Hell they could have just sold it as a weapons option set.
  3. Actually the audio and video quality isn't better than any other anime out there. Actually I'd consider it worse since they didn't even try a dub. Don't get me wrong...I like the subs but sometimes its nice having a dub also if its well done. I like to sometime have anime on when I'm trying to fall asleep. Dubs are handy for this. All things considered I think they cheaped out bigtime. Nothing special other than the fact that its Gunbuster 2. The same could really be said for the Gunbuster realeases. Nothing about them was overly impressive. Personally I have a rip that was better quality overall then the Gunbuster US release. Too bad Bandai or somebody good couldn't have picked up this franchise.
  4. True but consider that the average TV series is released with 4-6 episodes per disk or that the average movie has 2-3 hours of footage all for the low release date price of $15. I feel sorry for the Japanese having to pay the prices there. Their prices are truly nuts.
  5. I just wish they would have made the super at the 1/200 scale and called it a delux. The super is very cool but whats the use of buying another oddly scaled mech when the rest of my pro collection is 1/200? Just make the 1/200 model better and include all the goodies. Hell they could probably even charge the same amount and we'd buy it.
  6. Anybody else disappointed with the DVD release of Gunbuster 2? Bummer that they only included 2 episodes. Talk about milking a series.
  7. I just get sick of bandai switching their sizes. Pic a size for a line and stick with it. If it's HCM pro stick with 1/200. These super HCM Pro's are nothing more than sup'ed up MSIA's. TO be honest Yamato does the same thing...start with 1/60, then 1/72, then 1/48, then back to 1/60. STICK WITH ONE FREAK'IN SCALE!!!
  8. If anybody wants a copy of Mario Party 8 I'll sell if for $35 + shipping used but in perfect condition. Please email me at jwinges@hotmail.com by the end of Tuesday if your interested. If not it'll be hitting ebay.
  9. Van Halen and Jimmy Hendrix I believe
  10. thats pretty cool. If the shoulders of the Gundam and Guncannon would have stayed on they would have been nearly perfect. I thought the Guntank looked great. Better singing than I would have thought too. Gotta give'em credit.
  11. I'm dying for a good gundam game for the wii. I've heard scad hammer is fun but SD isn't the gundam type game I like playing.
  12. Well the wife bought Mario Party 8 and I'm thoroughly disappointed. Nintendo couldn't even make if fit to a widescreen HDTV. I have these stupid looking curtains on the sides of my screen that are most likely going to cause burn in on my plasma. the minigames are pretty boring too
  13. Weren't there some referrences to the one-year war in Gundam X? In particular the soldiers raiding the city. I forgot to mention that you can get buy with the gundam movie trilogy rather than watching 0079 in its entirety. You miss some of the battles and some of the odder mobile suits but it'll get you by. Also if you like rpg's the PS2 game MS Saga or MS Dawn (Jap and Eng respectively) isn't too bad. I never finished but did enjoy the first 100 or so hours of gameplay. Additionally you can create some pretty fun suits by mixing and matching parts. Think of Gundam Wing and G gundam as a gundam series to attract little kids and girls. There is als the SD gundam shows that I haven't watched. I tried watching one but it was rediculously stupid. I'll probably give victory another shot but the first 10-15 episodes were really boring. So I quit last time. Last, if you want to skip around you might want to look up a plot synopsis of some of the poorer series rather than watching them.
  14. I agree it could be better but it gives you an idea of what a live action could look like. I too wish they would have included some of the dogfights. I ran across it on youtube.
  15. Why must I be reminded of G Gundam. The only thing worse than it might have been the Gundam live action movie. BTW if your into the games they are all reasonably fun...if you like the anime. If you're not a fan of the anime very few of them stand up as great examples of mech combat Some of the better one's are: Gundam Seed, Rengou vs. zaft 2 One year war and there's one more that's really good but the name is escaping me. Zeonic front is interesting in that its so different than the rest...I like to think of it as Rainbow 6 using Zakus. Some of the early games like journey to Jabrau are a bit dated now that the newer one's came out and were better. There is also one for the Saga Dreamcast that was pretty good story wise. The controls weren't great but the game was decent.
  16. The good (worth watching...I believe they are in order): 0079 MS Igloo Gundam 0079 Apocolips (I think this is the name but its the continuation of Igloo) 0080 0083 Zeta Gundam Double Zeta Gundam Char's Counterattack Gundam X Turn A Gundam The above are in order...I think. Gundam Seed Gundam Seed Destiny Gundam Seed Stargazer Turn A gundam The Bad: Gundam Wing The one with Crossbone gundam Victory Gundam Most of the games are fun if you can get for cheap. I've played almost all of the one's for PS2 and PSP. All of the PSP ones are good and all but a couple of one's for the PS2 are good. The last couple released under the seed title are especially fun if you like arcade style games. You can play these in the arcades in Japan.
  17. http://www.boxtorrents.com/details.php?id=130308
  18. Anybody else playing Tiger woods golf. Great golf game but horrible menu navigation.
  19. I heard most of the stores had them last weekend in the Minneapolis area. That's the first I've heard of anybody having any since before I went to Japan in Mid March. I don't expect things to change anytime soon even if they are ramping up production. You still can't find them very often in Japan supposedly.
  20. I already preordered mine. Now I just need a revoltech Nono in buster machine mode. An original Gunbuster would also be pretty cool.
  21. Anybody else preordering (HLJ) the Revoltech Dix Neuf from Gunbuster 2? http://www.kaiyodo.co.jp/revoltech/yamaguchi.html
  22. Looks like the revoltech Dix Neuf is up for preorder at HLJ. http://www.kaiyodo.co.jp/revoltech/yamaguchi.html
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