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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Can anyone tell me if there's a way to play 2 player on the motorstorm demo...or any of the other racing demo's? THanks.
  2. I don't mind dubs as long as they are good. Actually I prefer Dubs if they are good. I read enough at work and while working on my doctorate. Plus its nice to put something on to fall asleep to. Hopefully the dub is good and the sound of the main characters voices are at least somewhat similar to the japanese VA's. Unfortunately this is difficult for some characters. Now if I could only get a good high quality dub of Gunbuster, macross, macross 7, ZZ gundam, Victory Gundam, and Turn A gundam I'd be set. btw...DUBS SHOULD NOT SCREW WITH THE ORIGINAL MUSIC TRACKS!!!
  3. You know...we should see if the mods will allow us to sticky a PS3 game sale/trade thread. These $59 game prices are rediculous. Even though 1/2 off is typical on ebay there's no guarantee that the discs will be in decent condition. Same with Gamefly...I bought Madden 07 ($9)for the wii from them but it was scratched to crap. Still works fine though.
  4. So I played some warhawk last night and used the bluetooth headset. I didn't hear a lot of chatter. I think I heard one person asking if his was on. I checked my chat settings and they are ok. Are you guys hearing other people through your headsets when playing Warhawk? Or did most people just download it and don't have the headset?
  5. Me too. I was a little worried about it. My wife would have killed me had I been stuck with two.
  6. Maybe, I got an e-mail ad from CC with a print your own coupon for 10% off any purchase $199 and up. They had been honoring them all day.
  7. Hey taking it back saved me $50. I bought warhawk with the $50 and a 10% off coupon from circuit city. For those still looking to buy. Circuit city is still honoring the 10% off any purchase of $199 through tonight. So you save $50 on the PS3. Then if you buy one accessory you get a free membership to their games club for a year. This usually costs $20 but gives you 10% off any games or accessories you buy for PC or any game platform for the next year. The accessory I picked up is a USB adaptor allows me to use my old PS2 controllers and guitar hero guitar on the PS3. Pelican makes it and it's $15. Pretty good deal I think. Cheers.
  8. Thanks for the nfo. I'll pass on Lair since since I don't want to update my psp.
  9. They'll take it back. I'm also enjoying the demos. Warhawk seems like a pretty good deal though. Can anybody tell me about this walmart deal for 2 headsets?
  10. Ok...so I bought a 60GB system on Saturday from Best buy. Then Circuit city comes out with a 10% off any purchase over $199 good Through monday. Best buy refuses to pricematch. So now I gotta switch all my settings and redownload some demos before I take the other one back.. Freaking sucks. Anyway is there a master list of all of the downloadable demos? Is Warhawk worth the cash? Or should I get motorstorm?
  11. I"m finally caught up on the episodes....All I can say is this is one of tha best anime to come out in years.
  12. So I'm thinking about buying a Playstation 3. I've got 2 questions though: First, is there any advantage from a hardware or accessories standpoint for getting the 80GB edition than the 60GB edition? Besides the extra 20GB? Second, what are the best online capable games to get? Is DW gundam online capable? I'll only be getting one game for a while so I need something good, long, and that has replay value. Thanks.
  13. So who can give me the low down on Metroid...is it worth it.
  14. I can't wait to see the results if you ask. Federation or Zeon.
  15. Who's making that flight versio and where can I get it? Gotta have that one.
  16. Are you saying that its confirmed that freeloader and action replay no longer work because of the latest update? Anyword if nintendo is going to re-enable them with a subsequent update? That really ticks me off...I was going to order freeloader next week to play a gundam game for gamecube. Maybe I'll just get a japanese system...but Overall I'm getting a little tired of the lack of hard core games and nintendo's attitude abouth the wii.
  17. Has anybody installed a wiikey on their wii yet. I know a site selling them for $25 and am really tempted to get one to play imports and backups.
  18. First, Fry's Electronics has a website you can order from. Second, if you go to modchip.com or ps3owns.com and check the links you should be able to find breaker pro. Most of the shops that sell swap magic sell breaker pro. The fliptop sight might work too. I think its fliptop.com Third, not all of the ps2 modchips will play ps1 imports. Swap magic will not either. Last, a PS2 plus a fliptop ($20) or slide card ($20, but may wreck your tray motor) will allow you to play almost all of the PS2 games. If it will fit on a regular DVD it will play using either swap magic 3.6. Sometime you have to combine it with the cogswap loader (freeware). Dual layer DVD games need to be ripped down like god of war 1 and 2. Also, it is possible to make your ps2 into a fliptop with out buying one. My brother-in-law simply takes the entire top cover and tray cover off to do the swap with swap magic. I can attest that Ace and Ace2 will play with swap magic 3.6 as I have played them this way.
  19. Are you guys serious! I think this is pretty much the worst show I've seen to date. Parts of it might be funny but the lousy 8 bit animation hurts my eyes. A total waste of TV time.
  20. Your options for VFx and VFx 2 are: -PS2 using breaker pro and fliptop or a mod chip -PSP using popstation...there's a post somewhere here on how to do it -PC using an emulator. VFX sucks but VFX2 is very fun. Works best if you have the little adaptor that allows you to use a ps2 controller on your PC. They can be had at fry's electronics for about $10.
  21. I wouldn't say useless since it could enable those of us to extract recorded programming from our direct tv DVR's to a PS3 via playing the movie. A ps3 is much easier and the legal punishments less severe than hacking Direct TV. Even if I couldn't extract it from the PS3 it would give me an added storage depot for movies when my DTV HD DVR is full. I think it would be a big plus for the PS3 and improve sales.
  22. I could care less about the whole freeware thing. Frankly, I'll be content if I can use a line from a Driect TV box into it. If not I'll have a friend make me an adaptor that will allow it to do that. It isn't that difficult from an engineering standpoint. It's not like I'm not going to eventually get a modchip for a ps3 anyway which will mostlikely allow home brew applications to do what I want. All I need is for sony too start it off with a basic ability first.
  23. It wouldn't be that hard to use an USB HD Tuner like the one's that pinnicle makes. Nor would it be that difficult to tie that to the hard drive. As far as encryped signals go though there is no encryption on your outbound signal from your Direct TV or cable box via the coaxial cable. Yes TIVO and Direct TV DVR encrypt what you record but they do not encrypt the outgoing coaxial that you are watching. So a regular signal from an RG6 coaxial would be able to be recorded...albiet that PS3 would probably then encrypt it as it were recorded. Now the hitch is weather Sony will allow you remove what you have recorded to a PC or Burner. That is the sticky point with DVR at the moment. Tivo has a special service, direct Tv doesn't allow you to but have been promising that its coming soon for over 3 years. I was told by an Xbox rep that the 360 will eventually be doing the same thing.
  24. If they actually add TIVO like abilities to the PS3 I'm definitely in. I hope the reports are true.
  25. Holy Crap the bridge my wife and I commute on collapsed. 50-100 cars fell 64 ft with the bridge into the Mississippi. Hope everyone's friends and relatives are ok.
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