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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Heads up. For those that picked up the TOM TOM One LE from best buy. My local Tom Tom rep told me that they had a bad batch and those that do not have a little white dot (a sticker) on the bottom are defective. I went through 2 of the bad one's before getting a good one. Units without the dot will not pick up any satallites until they are updated...too bad that because of the defects that takes about 3-5 hours with a 5GB connection. When I got the good unit it took about 10 minutes to updae it and it worked before I updated it. BTW the little white dot is about an eighth to a quarter inch wide and will be on the bottom of the package near one of the bar codes. Cheers
  2. Isn't it possible to just rip the subs off the originals on macross plus? Same goes for mac 7 with the HK versions. The subs aren't great but they should work if one could isolate the files. The bigger question with macross plus is to just rip the english audio...I like the english audio...and add it to the remastered video?
  3. Question, How difficult would it be to rip the english audio and subs out of the old manga release and combine them with the new remastered video? I can't imagine this would be too difficult. Second Question, Will anybody on Macrossworld be subbing the new edition of macross 7 as was done for the FX copies of DYRL. Happy holidays.
  4. So I anybody hacked one of those tomtom one gps units? If so do you know of any good sites to learn how?
  5. The gundam games for PSP are quite fun. I've played all except chronicles and gerins greed. Definitely worth getting.
  6. Anbody tried this Magazone 23 game? http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-bp-49-en-70-23za.html
  7. It's ok, I'm not offended or anything. Yeah I've sold a couple...but that's the only way I get to keep one. My wife's totally against the idea of spending over $200 on a game system. As far as picking up extra's this year...I wasn't planning on it and I just happened to go into 2 stores at the right time. If another family member or close friend wants it...its theirs. Otherwise it either will go up on ebay 2 weeks before xmas or to a charity auction. Years ago, I donated a ps2 to a charity that auctioned it off for $900 when they first came out. It just depends on how much I've given to charity this year, I gotta check with the my accountant. Also when I do sell them on ebay I usually just sell them as a buy it now for $50 over retail rather than the guy trying to double his cash on them. Most likely a relative or friend will claim this one too. I kind of like the surprised look on a relatives face when they find that I have one that I'm willing to part with. Also like many of you I'm pretty sick of my wii too. Although I did buy the new wii zapper which is fun. Overall, I'm much more pleased with my PS3. To bad I had to sell a butt load of my macross toys on here to get the PS3.
  8. So 2 weeks ago I picked up a wii to sell on ebay. Turns out that my sister in law wanted it so I let her have it instead. Today I'm walking through the mall and walk into gamestop and ask if the wii's are looking pretty sparse this year and the guy and the counter says, "Wii have one left"... So I said I'll take it. He yells to the back for someone to grab it and before it gets to the front there are 4 calls from people looking for one within about 3 minutes. Next stop Ebay. I think I have a knack for finding these things. Last year I bought a total of 8 on 13 inquires before x-mas (4 for myself and relatives and 4 went to ebay). The year I've got 2 in 2 inquires.
  9. I guess wii's are sitting in costco's and not moving here in MN. they come with mario party 8 and an extra controller...A friend of mine said there was a full pallot at his local costco and nobody was buying them. I also got a couple of wii zappers. They are really fun but it makes my hand cramp up a little. Not the most ergonomic design.
  10. Has anybody heard of the freedom V wireless guitars (flying V) work with rock band?
  11. So I got my Blu-Rays the other day...but they were out of the Italian Job...so they sent me HAPPY FEET could they pick a movie more different than the italian job. Buene Vista are a bunch of idiots. So I took Happy Feet and a few of the other so so movies back to a store and exchanged them for something else. I still need to get rid of kiss of the dragon and blazing saddles though.
  12. Got it but haven't played it yet...I price matched TRU at circuit city...that way I get a $25 GIFT card that I'm more likely to use....plus the wii blaster comes out next week from what I've heard. Gotta get 2 or 3 of them.
  13. I'm also asking for a new harley but I'm thinking that's going to be a no from the boss...I mean wife.
  14. Ok, so I was thinking. Many of us are asked by loved ones for a list of x-mas items for the upcoming holiday season. Since we're on macrossworld regularly, I'm thinkign we have that covered. But what about the coolest stuff from other anime and toys? So what Items are on your wishlists for this holiday season to the middle of 2008? If its up for order or preorder include a link if you can. Me, Mega house cyclones http://www.hlj.com/product/MEG80783 http://www.hlj.com/product/MEG80806 Revoltech Rei http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD01171 Rockstar for PS3
  15. Just found these up on HLJ's site http://www.hlj.com/product/KNM13485 Kinda cool
  16. Whats the hasbro cartoon colours masterpiece starscream look like? I might be able to help.
  17. How long is it taking for you guys to get your BLuRay movies? I bought my PS2 about 9 wks ago and still haven't got my movies.
  18. Want to track down a copy of the UK release of Studio Ghibli's Gedo Senki (aka Tales from Earthsea) when its released later this month. Would anybody know of a UK anime shop or store that ships to the US? Gedo Senki won't be released in the US until after 2009 since Sci Fi has the rights to it until then. Plus I'm betting disney screws up the dub. Supposedly the UK dub was decent. Thanks.
  19. You can block the colored shots and dodge when he swoops down. Attack as soon as possible on the ground block when appropriate. Once you get the hang of the blocks its pretty easy...If I remember there was also a bit of a pattern to it.
  20. So what are blu ray movies running in Japan? Are they like $90 or are they paying the same as we are.
  21. Heads Up. If you bought a PS3 60GB from circiut city (or anywhere for that matter) and are disappointed with the reduced price of the 80 GB, mention it to a manager. My local circuit city has offered a free game since technically I could have brought back the 60GB to exchange for an 80GB...not that I would want to but I did mention it. I haven't been there to pick it up though yet. Will probably get ratchet and clank. Its not much different from the whole Iphone thing where the early adoptors got screwed.
  22. Now, I'm judging off the original xbox, but on Halo 2, cromson skys, mech warrior 1&2 there were nothing but lag problems, and dropping of games. I've yet to have a game drop on my PS3 and have zero lag problems with Need for speed carbon, or Warhawk. Warhawk has double the players (32)that can play halo. And this is with the same connection and set up. Then add in that microsoft swept the drive problems on the original xbox under the carpet not telling customers that certain drives weren't supported and were failing. Send my xbox in and it came back 3 months later worse than it was before I sent it to them. Plus they promised that they would suspend my xbox live account for the duration of the repair...I get it back and they didn't suspend squat and wouldn't refund the time or money. Add in the crap of the red ring of death and there no way I would buy one. Many are having to sent in their 360 3-4 times and it still doesn't work properly...I don't call that owning up. They build a failng product and expect that extending a warrenty is going to fix the underlying problem...what a joke. Until the new chips come out and they work out the bugs the 360 is crap. Hell I got a version 1 ps2 (picked up on the day it was released) that still fine and kicking and have yet to have a single problem. That's quality. I can only hope that my ps3 can do the same. I doubt a 360 can manage lasting that long without a problem.
  23. I just think it would be nice if there was a working HD-DVD drive for the PS3...that would end the format war for me. I wouldn't have to wait for a blu-ray version of somehting. I'd buy the 360 but I loath microsofts handling of the 360 line. They were nothing but trouble for my xbox. I'll never purchase one of their crappy systems again, plus xbox live is a total rip off. Nothing but lag and crap gameplay. PS3 is so much better. No lag and no constant dropping of games.
  24. I think the xbox360's HD-DVD drive (bought seperately) is the still the cheapest on the market, I think. I've got a TDK external DVD burner...maybe I'll try that first just to see if it would work.
  25. Question: Do you think it would be too hard to get an external HD-dvd drive to work on the PS3? I'm thinking one could take the HD-DVD drive for a xbox360, stick it in an external case and connect using USB. How hard would it be to make a driver since the system is basiclly linux?
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