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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Anybody gotten their from a store located in the US? The wait is killing me. I pray my stick says megahouse and not toynami. I imagine if someone wanted to sell these down the road that the Megahouse ones would be worth a bit more considering toynami's poor reputation.
  2. If mine did that I would call PS3 and ask whats up. My hasn't needed the settings changed since I first set it up 7 months ago. Even made it through a short power outage. My brother-in-law's did that and Playstation had him exchange it where he bought it for a new one. What model is it. Is this problem particular to a certain edition. I have the 60GB and have no problems.
  3. I think this is the second release of the original toy. I'm sure the repaint will follow. I'm hoping they made a few improvements but I'm not sure if they have or not. I'm just happy to be getting one. They were all sold out when I tried last time. The repaint looks interesting as well...I'm going to have to rewatch the series agian to think about that one. Supposedly you can attach like 9 or so of the vectors together if you want to. I know there used to be a vid of Kwaramori making some very interesting combinations out of 3-4 of the complete toys.
  4. Where the hell was this established...it sure wasn't noted on the BBTS's site. And frankly I haven't been reading up on the beta on macrossworld. Its still false advertisement and is against the law.
  5. Actually there is a law here in Minnesota requiring online companies to uphold their prices to Minnesota residents no matter what the cause of the mistake or price change or the location of the business. All I have to do is simply file a case in civil court...its a rather open and shut deal. I've known a few people who have done this and won without even hiring a lawyer. And if they did the courts would have made the offending business pay those lawyer fees. Also I happen to own and run my own business and If I make a mistake with one of my clients, I EAT THE COST. simple as that. That is what upstanding businesses do.
  6. Actually, in this case a contingent purchase of an alpha was made due to the pricing of the beta. Now I'm stuck with an alpha without a beta because there's not a chance that I'm paying $149 or more for a beta. Also Stand-up stores take responsibility for their mistakes rather than shafting their customers. This has happened more than once on products I've preordered from companies and every other company I've had this happen with has "taken it the ass for their loyal customers" BTW...love the snideness of your remarks. You sound like a real stand up guy....
  7. Sorry but that's crap...If a store puts something up for a price they legally have to honor that price. If they have a problem with it they can take it up with Toynami. I guess I'll call the shop I ordered from and relate this point. If they don't honor the price they won't be getting my business anymore.
  8. Here's a current listing for a Rook MPC on ebay. Opening bid $202 http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Next-Generati...1QQcmdZViewItem Thats rediculous
  9. Sousei no Aquarion (just Aquarion in the US) is well worth the watch. Just picked up the first boxset (13 ep on 3 discs for $37 at BestBuy). Definitely a classic as good. There's also a lot of macross style goodness in the battles.
  10. God the wait for the re-release of Aquarion is killing me.
  11. Could this mean some new goodies from goodsmile....Found this on their site...is that the spiral king on the right. Scan down http://ameblo.jp/gsc-mikatan/ Look for Yuki from THe SOS brigage and also the orange arrow. Is that the Spiral king on the right
  12. Some of the other 10 base models had a writeup suggesting they would would well for 1/100 but I'm thinking if it works well for 1/100 then it isn't going to work well for 1/200 gundams.
  13. Anybody used these little Mechanical chain bases for their HCM-Pro's? http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYMB-18 http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYMB-19 They have like 10 variations and I'm wondering how HCM-Pro's and even some macross toys would look with them. Their pretty cheap and could be cool.
  14. Appleseed Ex Mechina is out next tueday...Has anybody seen it? If so is it a buy, rent or Download? Thanks.
  15. Once again Yamato prices themselves out of the market and gouges us as fans......
  16. Why not just start with DYRL scene-for-scene (since its a masterpiece). If that looks great and sells tickets add zero as a prequel and maybe macross plus. Probably do the plus movie first then zero.
  17. Yep...just be exceedingly nice to the customer service person and say it was a birthday or graduation present and you don't have a receipt. they can sell it to someone else so they might as well make you happy and get you the movies you actually want...its better for their business...unless you got a total lemon of a movie.
  18. I haven't heard of any. But if there were high 1st run guitar failure rates on the 360 one could expect it to be some time before new guitars hit the shelves.
  19. My sister worked for best buy corp when I purchased my HDMI cable (all the rest of mine came with something). Best buy wanted something like $79 for an 3' Acoustic Research brand HDMI. She got it for me for $16.50 or something like that. Its utterly rediculous how much mark up is on those things. I've paid them back though...I just bought a 32" LG 720p LCD and after the price match to circuit city plus 10% plus a 10% off my entire purchase coupon----Best buy lost $50 on the TV.
  20. 10 days...is this a WMB search...it shouldn't take them more than a day. The big problem is, that sony isn't running it...its actually disney. Not only is it disney but disney is outsourcing it which makes it incredibly hard to get any information without waiting hours...and I mean hours to get somebody. When I called on mine (Bought PS3 in OCt07 got BRDvd's 8weeks later) I was on hold for 4 hours before they picked up and then said they were outsourcing it and try a new number. Then it took another week before I could actually get through to them. Worse yet...they are running out of movies. For instance if you ordered the Italian Job expect to get Happy Feet. There was another movie that was like that too. I can't remember though since I took most of them back to Walmart, Best Buy, Kmart...whoever would accept them to exchange them for good movies. Good luck.
  21. The Vocaloid versiont of the theme from DYRL came out pretty well. I'm impressed. Now I have to start playing with vocaloid.
  22. Dang! out scooped again.
  23. http://www.konami.jp/gurren-lagann/figure/card/ The New gurren lagann card game
  24. Gurren Lagann Revoltech is up for preorder at BBTS. Preorder away! I got 2.
  25. Didn't the release date of the Dual shock get pushed back to May (and in short quantities) because of adding the new dualshock to the new 100gb and 120gb system boxes? If you want one just buy it through playasia...with an easy to find online coupon it comes to $52. and like $6 shipping.
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