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Everything posted by Deadzone

  1. The last shipments? That means that there will be no more Jazz or Tracks period? That really bites. Jazz and Tracks are two of my favorite alternators to date. Wonderful, the only one that I am finding in stores that I like is Grimlock. Does anybody know if the production run on Jazz and Tracks was low which is why there are no more of them. As I recall, there were a ton of Smokescreens, Hounds, Sideswipes, and Silverstreaks available when they first came out. Now I am seeing a bunch of Grimlocks, Swindles, Windchargers, and Ravages.
  2. If anybody cares, Valencia TRU has 2 Grimlock, 3 Windcharger, 2 Swindle and 3 Ravage. I only picked up Grimlock because he is the only one I really like. What I don't understand is why Jazz and Tracks are not popping up anywhere. Do you guys think the restock of those two are as dead as the Dodo?
  3. Darn, I am up here in the bay area for the week. Got to stop by some Targets and TRU when I head back to Los Angeles on Friday.
  4. Okay, I went online to Plasti Kote's website. The only thing I found was something called Plasti Kote Vinyl color used to repair the vinyl in cars. Is that the same one you are using in this review or is it a different product?
  5. Which toys r us and how many did you find? I could care less about windcharger and swindle, but I want to get another grimmy for customization.
  6. Great looking Legioss. Just wondering. I went to the plastikote site and they had several different types of spray paints. There were ones for cars, home decor, industrial hardware etc. What kind of plastikote did you use for your gakken? I want to repaint a grimlock in gun metal, but I don't want to destroy the plastic or anything. Also, I had problems before of spray paints going on too thick. Does the plastikote spray on thin or does it spray on thick at first then conform to the plastic as the paint dries? I spray painted a 1/55 valkyrie before and the spray paint covered all the fine details. This made me switch to an airbrush with Tamiya paints, but the paint scratched off very easily even with a gloss coat over it. You said that the plastikote was almost scratch proof which is a big plus for me. Did you have to use primer over it first then add the plastikote over? Sorry for all the questions, but I have been painting models for a little over a year now and still cannot find the best solution. Thanks
  7. Where is your local Target? I can't find squat at the ones I am going to. I have tried Los Angeles and rescently the bay area. They all seem to be hiding from me.
  8. The price of Dragon models Cody action figures are beginning to skyrocket on ebay. I saw one bid up to $172.00. I imagine these will come down soon after the news story is forgotten.
  9. Is there a site that compares alt versions to binaltech versions. From what I understand, the first binaltech had a lot of diecast in it. Since then, the diecast has been going down. Personally, I like diecast metal and like the weight it puts on to a toy. Anybody here want to tackle the differences between the two versions on each one of the releases?
  10. I wonder how much diecast will be in the binaltech version of wheeljack. I heard the Grimlock binaltech only had metal in the front bumper and doors. If binaltech wheeljack is the same, then I will just get the alternator version when it pops up. I don't mind paying the extra dough for a significant amount of diecast metal but not for just a few scraps here and there.
  11. Just wondering. How come there are not that many masterpiece primes japanese versions selling on ebay. Am I using bad search words. I want to know what the going rate for one of these things is.
  12. Too far. Deadzone, since Burbank is about 10-15 minutes away from Hollywood, I have an extra Grimlock MIB in my car that I'm willing to sell. PM me if you're interested. You could probably get more for it on ebay. I plan to just wait until some of the stores around here start to carry Grimlock again. Thanks though.
  13. if youw ant a grimlock my local target has soem left. i can get you one. Where's your local Target. If it is close to Los Angeles, I'll just drive over and get one.
  14. I live in Hollywood. Still looking for signs of Jazz or Grimlock. Where are these things? Christmas is over. Store shelves should be getting replenished, but the Targets and TRUs I visited were completely bare of alternators. What gives?
  15. Wait, so you only get some metal upgrade with the BT Grimlock? If that is the case, I will stick to buying the alternator version. Meister is mostly metal right? I don't care about the robot joints, but the car body has to be completely metal if I am going to pay the extra thirty bucks for a BT version of these things.
  16. Well, they can't keep buying them. I saw six silverstreaks, three hounds, and three sideswipes at the local TRU today. If scaplers are keeping the shelves barren, then it is only a matter of time before these toys start to pile up again. I guess I will just have to wait.
  17. Okay, I give up. Where are all these new alternators selling at? I live in the Los Angeles area, and I can't find jack. I see the smokescreens, Silverstreaks, Hounds, and Sideswipes. The problem is I can't find the Jazzs, the Grimlocks, or the Blue Tracks. People keep saying they will come before Christmas. Christmas is only a couple of weeks away. Where are these darn things? I've been to the Walmarts, Targets, Kmarts, TRUs... Is there a secret store that is stocking them? Please give a member the heads up.
  18. Let's hope for the NSX. When buying a car, I would probably buy a more practical car like the RSX, but when buying a toy, it's got to kick A$$!
  19. I really hate MGS2. I hate IT! HATE IT! It's the annoyingest game I have ever played. I almost wanted to snap the game in two and beat Hideo for making such an awful sequel. In case no one has guessed. I'm not a big fan of MGS2.
  20. So I was wondering if I should get the BT Meister or the Alternator Meister. The only thing with getting the BT is I don't want paint chipping off the damn thing after transforming it just a couple of times. Does anybody know if the paint chipping happens like in the smokescreens. Feedback would be appreciated.
  21. Yep, AvP opened big, then sank like a stone. However, there's only two figures that the studios care about these days: $38,291,056 - Opening weekend (mainly for bragging rights, it seems) $103,873,228 - worldwide box office Weighed against the $60 mil budget, plus another estimated $35 mil advertising, AvP is a "hit," however marginal its profit might actually be in the real world. Hence Anderscum gets to gleefully ply his uberhack talents on the franchise some more. I think opening weekend is actually a bigger deal for studios because of how contracts are done with the theaters. From what I understand, the studios get a bigger chunk of the opening weekend ticket sales, and the longer the movie stays in theaters the more of a precentage the theaters will get. So, essentially the studios have less of an incentive to make films that continually stay in the theaters week after week. Of course, a film that just kicks ass week after week means more money for everyone. However, those kind of movies are few and far between and studios would rather go for the sure thing. Make a bunch of crappy movies and hype them to get a steady return on opening weekend. One important thing to understand is that just because a studio sets out to make a "quality" film does not mean that they will do it.
  22. Anybody know the official release date of Grimlock in the United States?
  23. Wow, just another great example of how Moore distorts things. That cartoon was blatantly a South Park ripoff if Stone and Parker didn't do it. However, I still don't like Stone and Parker's brand of comedy.
  24. You know, I liked South Park a lot when it first came out. Then it got reduced to a bunch of cheap and predictable jokes. I don't think Matt Stone and Trey Parker are comedic geniuses. I think they lost it a long time ago. Yes, they poke fun of everybody, but their jokes tend to be more on the shock value side for me instead of the clever side. It's kind of like the Simpsons now. I watched the first seven seasons of that show almost religiously. But now the writing has turned into one outrageous story after another. They try to fill in the fact that the writing is terrible with celebrity guest stars, and Homer exaggerating everything "to the extreme". Bleh. I haven't seen Team America yet, but I have a hard time believing this will be a very funny movie. There may be parts worth a chuckle, but the first seven seasons of the Simpsons has raised the bar so high for me, everything else just seems so average. Will this movie make fun of the right or the left. Let's see. Michael Moore is on the extreme left "although he claims not to be". Matt and Trey helped him do an animation for one of his movies. I'm guessing this movie will slam the right and make light jokes about the left in a half-hearted attempt. BTW. I am sick and tired of hearing people say that Moore is good because he balances out people like Rush. To me, that is just plain dumb. It's like saying you're tired of being lied to by just one group, you need to be lied to by two different groups. These fat loud mouths promote ignorance and hatred based on flimsy arguments and twisting of facts. I say let them both burn in hell.
  25. I want a review of MGS 3 from someone who hated MGS 2. If a person who hated 2 likes 3 a lot, then I might give it a chance. MGS 2 made me so angry I actually paid money for it I almost broke the disk. I thought it was just one frustrating task after another with cut scenes meant to try the player's patience. In fact, that was probably the hardest part of the game. You keep waiting for the story to get better, but it degenerates into Matrix Reloaded style psycho babble. I always hate it when dialogue gets so complex you think the writer doesn't even know what he is talking about anymore.
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