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Everything posted by lord_zed

  1. I've got the old Kaiyodo Trigun figures (which are great), but these new ones look a lot more posable, specialy the man himself Vash. I'm not sure what the hubub over Grendizer is, sure I'll pay a few more dollars for him than Mazinkaizer, but he is still a lot cheaper than most other worthwhile versions. Fills the spot nicely for casual Super robot collectors like me who spend enough on Macross stuff.
  2. I'd have to go with Blade Runner on account of atmospehere atmosphere and yet more atmosphere. It also has my most favourite movie soundtrack of all time. Aliens, Terminator 2 and Empire Strikes Back also rate a mention being the best of thier respective franchises. And then I could think of about a dozenalmost great Sci-fi films that are close to greatness, but fail to qualify due to errors, lame plot devices or unecessary action sequences.
  3. Yes Norrington was a great by the book type turned rouge in Pirates 2, and then a pansy fop in number 3 WTF? that was terrible, terrible!!!! Aside from the things areaseven mentioned, the 3rd movie also built up to this huge clash of fleets, Pirates vs East Inida Company, but not a shot was actualy fired between the bulk of the two fleets. And then there was the awesome East india Man o War that doesn't fire a shot. And lastly the movie was waaay to long. Seriously Pirates of the Caribbean triloligy was the Matrix all over again, except Pirates 2 was better than Matrix 2.
  4. I like to ink my Zoids to define the panelling, but it does get quite tiresome sometimes.
  5. ironicly being from a country that's dollar is up against the Yen and the USD, Yamato toys have actualy become more affordable to me (barely), at least compared to this time last year when the big ones were completely off limits. If you think Yamato's prices are bad? try living in a country with a bouncing currency, its makes it even worse. The only question is which to grab before the staus quo resumes, and the bigger Valkyries become unaffordable again.
  6. They could make them like their Queensblade line. Eeep!
  7. I have a rather sizable collection of the 2000 Japanese re-release Zoids ( I have most of the ones that were 80's revivals), they were rather cheap compared to other toys, and my friend who was living in japan at the time could pick up stuff and send it to me. Among my favourtes are Ultrasaurer, Genosaurer and the humble Molga. I stoped collecting when Blox came out, I really only like the military looking classic Zoids and some of the modern variations. Still have a whole bunch I haven't got around to building, Including my only post Blox Zoid aquistions Cannonfort and Rainbow Jerk (I bought that one for the name ). I like the Kotobukiya kits, but they are to exspensive for me, I'm used to picking up Zoids cheap. I'm intriuged by this new Revoltech Blade Liger though surely a Genosuarer will follow. One thing I really like about Zoids are the diorama pictures of the Zoids fighting used on the 2000 re-release Zoids as well as the ones in the Zoids handbooks. I can't read most of the handbooks but I still love em.
  8. I haven't yet got a new 1/60 Macross VF 21 or 22, but one of these may well push me over the edge. The colours are just so vibrant. And I always wanted one of these VF22's to be made.
  9. Wow! Interesting, didn't see that coming! Kaiyodo is just picking up licensees all over the place with Revoltech now, I thought they'd ditched Macross for Gurren lagan etc etc. I have tp say the fighter mode looks pretty terrible, but I'm rather fond of Revoltechs as the ones I have just keep getting better. And in comparison to my other Japanese toys they are indestructible. Although to be honest the other releases look even more interesting, I hope the Zoid one is affordable unlike every other poseable non Tomy Zoid to date.
  10. My thoughts exactly!
  11. I'm eager to hear this to, as it could be the decider for me when it comes to buying this toy.
  12. Yeah but you have to remove the legs and reinsert the swively bits by the look of it, while this 1/100 certainly has the advantage on looks it seems like it will be a hassle to cart all those bitz around for transformation.
  13. I still haven't voted in this poll. I got my VF1S a few months back, and it was perfect at first, though now several transformations later I've noticed a terrifying fracture on the shoulder hinge. That said It still hasn't broken so I guess we wait and see. So for now I wont vote either option. While I'd like to get another 1/60 as everything else about the toy is awesome. With the Aussie dollar the way it it I'm hesitant untill we learn more about this shoulder debacle. Does anyone know if Yamoto has taken steps to strengthen it with the new releases?
  14. Well I't looks ok to me, at least for what it is. Still has some significant flaws, but with that damned financial crisis, and the exchange rate gone to hell for us Macross Fans from OZ, this is now one of the few Valkyries still within my price range. So glad I got my SV 51, and VF 0 earlier this year, gone are the days when I could see my self buying them some company. So with luck by the time they come out I can at least aford one VF25 to diversify my Valkyrie collection.
  15. Wow excellant episode, once again Frontier differs from the original Macross, and proves its no 25th aniversary rehash. I wonder to about the macronization of humans, it does seem likely that outside of DYRL it's impossible. While were thinking about that, I wonder why Zentradi infants aren't micronized, it seems they would be a liability to all the non giants around them, (accidental squishing etc). Although I imagine they can't undergo the process till they reach maturity. Seeing the VF 27 take of without a pilot was awesome to, looks like the YF21's system was eventualy perfected, at least for cyborgs.
  16. lord_zed


    Hmmmm, My Sv-51 (bought it in Tokyo in April, no idea what release) it doesn't have anything I'd consider major wrong with it. the wings are little looser than I'd like and one of the hardpoints doesn't hold so well but overall its got nothing big enough to make me want to swap it for a Nora or CF. I saw both the Ivanov and Nora side by side and took my chances with the Ivanov cause it looked so much more sinister, so far no regrets.
  17. Arggghh! Your making me want to buy them both. I don't have either sadly, but based on images alone I'd got with the YF 21 it just looks a little sleeker to me in fighter mode. I must admit the YF 21 is may favourte in the anime to. The Sinister Chraracters always have the meaner looking machines, like the SV 41, and even the new one in Frontier.
  18. I see that on HLJ, but where do I get the arms from?
  19. Well I'm pretty carefull transforming the Valks I have, only the old VF 11 has broken due to its design flaw in the hip. That's why although I really want a VF 0 I'll probably pass. The 19 and the 21 are looking more like the ones to go for, not sure which though. I slightly prefer the 21 but I have the last Yamato YF 21 release, it's nice but kind of underwhelming, the 1/60 looks leagues ahead. Although the 19 seems to be tried and tested and given a big rubber stamp of aproval on these boards so that's a plus for it. Don't much care for the Aniversary look though personaly, though I would like to see one similar to the old game version. Have Yamato confrimed the possability of other YF 19 coloured variants? As for the VF 1, I'm waiting for the new 1/60. It might not be as wiz bang as the 1/48 but it will look better next to my 3 old 1/60 VF 1's. Anyway thanks for the help I will meditate on this.
  20. Hi everyone. Some time ago I posted on this forum asking which Valk to get, and got lots of helpfull replies. Then ofcourse I forgot about said Valk as the money I was going to use on it was spent elswhere. Anyways holidaying in Japan last month, I weakend and bought the SV-51 Ivanov type and I have to say I'm really impressed by it, haven't bought a Valk from Yamato since the Monster. The SV 51 is very nice, a little loose in places and I had to rescrew a panel that popped out the first time I transformed it, but it seems ok now. Now because I'm so impressed I have a touch of Valkyrie fever and now I'm considering buying the SV-51 a buddy. The VF Zero looked good on display in the hobbyshop windows of Japan. But from what I'm hearing on these boards the VF 0 is plauged by an arm problem. Have Yamato actualy taken any steps to fix said problem? Are any VF 0 releases ok? I really want the Zero, but I'm terrified of the flaw the old VF 11 TB was painfull enough, I can't handle another timebomb. If the VF 0 is to risky a choice then the YF 19 looks like the next best one to get. What are members experience with the 19? or should I just wait for the 21? So bottom line is what do the people with many Valks on these boards recommend? The SV-51 has instantly become my favourte Valkyrie toy, what can I get that can challenge its greatness?
  21. lord_zed

    Macross Revoltech

    Just came back from Japan, the Regult and VF1J Max type, were in windows everywhere but not to buy. doh! After getting the Revoltech VF 1S not to mention Shin Getta I'm really won over by Revoltech and bought a heap in Japan, for the pricepoint they can't be beat. Am I the only one here who'd like to see Revoltech Bretai so I can pose him duking it out with the VF1j?
  22. Hi everyone, I've dropped by this forum every now and then for many years now, but I finally decided to join as I thought I'd see if I could get some help. You see I've finally sold enough Transformers from my collection to warrant buying one of Yamatos Large Valkyries. Now I have a few Yamatos 1:60 vfs and the like, I also have the Koenig Monster which I wasn't all that impressed by (ya can't pose him much, not that much detail). Anyways I've decided I wanna get one of the big Valks, but something different from the VF1, and the two I'm drawn to are the SV 51 and the Yf 19. The problem is I can't decide which I should get and can only afford one for now anyway, the Yf 19 is cool and from my favourte macross series, but I find the SV 51 a really sexy design. So I was wondering If I could get some opinions on these 2 by people who have bought one or both of them. Is there any clear winner. Also is there much difference between the 2 SV 50 types (aside from colour that is). Any help would be appreciated as I've been stuck for well over a month trying to decide.
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