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Everything posted by Prime

  1. However, she has appeared for years in comics and has a fairly expansive history. But you are right that she did go out with a wimper.
  2. ANd I'd read an article by one critic before it came out saying that it would do worse ticket-wise than AOTC supposedly because no one liked the last two. I guess he was wrong.
  3. I'm surprised it took this long.
  4. I find that pretty unlikely. If Darth P was really going to do such a thing (presumably to create a new apprentice or something of the sort), why would he take a slave in the middle of nowhere and then send or leave her with Watto? I just don't see how that theory is feasible.
  5. No kidding. I just posted some facts, MSW, without commenting on them one way or the other. No need to get your panties twisted like that. Or should I tell you to look up the word "asshat?" My "emotional bold faced argument" wasn't even with you. I only used your post to point out those facts to Prime, whom seems to have overlooked it...and even then I never once even hinted to calling Mr March and Prime names such as "asshat". Sorry, I didn't initally catch your meaning of "before he did anything" in regards to 9 films. I didn't respond since the point was made and I really couldn't care less about where Lucas's mind was in 1975 since things have changed so much since he started working on it originally. To be honest that is one change on the DVD version I like. It looks a lot more like they are both trying to kill each other simultanously, and less like self defense. But I think it does go to show that Lucas isn't as squeemish as some have claimed he is.
  6. Not true. Lucas stated in the August 1977 issue of Rolling Stone that his intention was to make a "trilogy of trilogies." In February 1997 on Entertainment Tonight he states that he was planning on creating three more movies, so that his vision of a 9 movie Star Wars saga would come true. In October 1997 in an interview with Lucas Reuters reports "He also plans a final trio of movies, set long after the first 'Star Wars' films." Finally in August 1998 Steve Sansweet says "He [Lucas] is on the record as saying six films will really tell the main story of the Skywalker family that he wants to tell and whether he'll ever want to do three more films or one more film or anything like that remains to be seen after he's finished the first three...He certainly not ruling them out, but he's certainly not ruling them in." This history can be seen in older versions of the Star Wars FAQ. Mark Hamill has also stated that he was contracted for movies 7-9.
  7. This is explained in its entirety in the Labyrinth of Evil novel... IIRC, in short Syfo Dias was a read Jedi who was a friend of Dooku. He did in fact oder the creation of the clone army without the council's permission. When Dooku joined the Sith, Palpatine have him kill Syfo Dias as a test of loyalty. So how it is explained in Clones is essentailly correct.
  8. I just back from seeing it, and I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed. I would put this on par with A New Hope and Empire, and ahead of ROTJ. Just a great Star Wars film that really delivers. For those who will dismiss all two hours and twenty minutes because of a berely audible one second yell from a wookiee, you are really missing out...
  9. I'm heading to see it tomorrow at noon. My dad is taking me, just like he did with Star Wars in 77. Sounds like I'm really going to love it...
  10. That's really the way to go...
  11. The simple answer is that video games cost millions to make and only a certain number are sold. To recoup the costs and make a decent profit games tend to be sold around the $50 mark. This means that top selling games make a lot of money but the majority of games produced sell a lot less units and only make modest profits or even lose money. Movies tend to cost more, but they can gain much of that back at the theatre. So when it comes time to sell DVDs they don't have to charge as much to make up the difference. In addition, DVDs are cheaper to make (overall costs). I don't know for sure, but I would also guess that top selling movies would sell more copies than top selling video games. In the end the cost difference comes from the ratio between production costs and units sold.
  12. But isn't the important thing what looks better?
  13. Looking very good... http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_3/
  14. Congratulations! We are expecting as well.
  15. Prime

    Macross MMO

    Simply outstanding!
  16. Personally, I'd rather see an upgraded version of the movie over the OVA. The movie disk is horrid, at least the one I have...
  17. Japanese makes no distinction between the two letters in this case. Looking only at the writting in Katakana it can be written in English either way and be correct. And here you thought L and R were the only problem letters. So is that why RT went with 'Gloval', or was a fluke they chose that?
  18. Still waiting for mine...Still waiting for mine...
  19. I picked it up, but I'm waiting until after the 19th.
  20. At the very least, this one won't have nipples on the costume.
  21. I don't know, I'd be happy for the post-ROTJ be in part swept clean and rewritten. Some, but not all, of it is pretty bad IMO.
  22. I will now proceed to change my pants.
  23. Definitely. Next they will discover that porn is transfered over the Internet.
  24. Prime

    Macross MMO

    Wouldn't Keith say that is all about the power of music and love?
  25. Ah, but Hollywood made huge epics long before LOTR. All PJ really did was throw in excessive amounts of CGI. And you'd think he could have found a live volcano to stand in for Mount Doom. Instead he just took the easy CGI shortcut. But I don't think Hollywood has filmed three huge epics of that scale at the same time to my knowledge. And I don't really see how creating a entire CG volcano is taking the easy way out when you could simply stick and camera on a mountain. CG isn't overly easy, especially when you are trying to recreate real life objects and environments. As much CG as there is, much of the film was filmed on location and took advantage of the natural beauty of New Zealand. In any event, my original point was that Peter Jackson should get some props for taking on such a huge undertaking and delivering what most would say are pretty good movies.
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