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Everything posted by Prime

  1. Not sure if this has been posted, but the movie site has some Peter Cullen/Prime sound bites... http://www.transformersmovie.com/main.html
  2. To my knowledge she is on the market too, correct? She needs to spruce up the advertising!
  3. Prime

    Robotech RPG

  4. For some reason this latest trailer seems to have worse visuals than what I remember from the previous ones. The shot with Invid scouts leaving the carrier literally looks like an animatic, both in terms of motion and detail. I'll still give it a shot, but it does seem rather subpar in several areas...
  5. Prime

    Robotech RPG

    Surely it would be a gross mistake to simply reprint the originals. At the time not many knew better, but by now most potential players probably know of the many errors in translating the source material.
  6. I like it simply because of the nice animation and good story contained in the larger Macross universe. Awesome VFs, great action, nice storyline. There is something for everyone here. Unless you want boobed VFs and bird people.
  7. What I don't get is why bring back connections to the original show like Peter Cullen as Prime (and if I understand correctly) the transformation sound when you are just going to ignore everything else about the original? Right now I kind of wish Cullen wasn't associated with this film.
  8. That's what I thought. Perhaps there was a part to help hold it up and back from the tanker.Who knows?
  9. Brilliant!
  10. Now that is one sweet shirt...
  11. Macross Zero CG absolutely destroys this. But I will wait and see how it turns out.
  12. Is that a line from a song you heard at a gay club? 352045[/snapback] I believe it is a quote by Darryl Dawkins. Whether he was singing in a gay club I would not know...
  13. Going by the criteria of who gets laid by alien chicks the most, I have to conclude that Kirk is The Man.
  14. Wow, sounds like a fun job!
  15. Well, they did decide to meet again...
  16. Perhaps her career needs a little boost?
  17. Me too! It will be since to see some real justice for the series.
  18. Lovely! One of my all-time favorite ships...
  19. I picked this up a little while ago, and I was not disappointed. I only wish it was even bigger.
  20. It is most unfortunate that Serenity didn't do better at the boxoffice.
  21. Shows some potential. I'll probably check it out...
  22. Prime added.
  23. "It will only be available through hobby channels and Robotech.com." Now it's bound to be a commercial success!
  24. Has enough time passed to even make a remake feasible?
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