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Everything posted by Prime

  1. VF-1 will probably always be my fave, with the VF-0 close behind for obvious reasons. The 19 is up there, along with the VF-11... The VF-25 might overtake them before Frontier is finished.
  2. I'm liking the VF-25 more and more. And the armoured version looks kick-ass...
  3. Nice site. Just FYI, but I'm using Firefox 2 and some of the words in the menu titles overlap each other...
  4. I'll I know is that I will want to see Robotech Live Action because it has F-14s in it. That dude is so right about that. P.S. Suck it MiG lovers.
  5. Pretty hard not to be converted from Robotech once you see the original...
  6. On my way over there!
  7. I have never played a MMO, but the thing I am concerned about is the kind of overall story that this could deliver. I loved the stories of both games (despite problems with the latter), and the epic feel of the games. I liked the character interactions and the immersion that the games allowed me to have in that universe. After playing other MP games, fun as they can be I have found they they make it hard to be immersed in that universe, because ultimately other real people are going to be doing things that I feel, rightly or wrongly, don't fit the universe. That is usually why I tend to favor SP games...
  8. Which probably says something about his solid voice acting ability.
  9. Fantastic!
  10. I wouldn't really mind what they turned Soundwave into as long as he sounded the same...
  11. But as Duke alluded to, the Force was established as part of the Star Wars universe almost immediately, and has been a major part from the get go. In Macross it became tangible only after a full series, movie, and OVA (if I have the release order right). I think sci-fi fans don't have a problem with mystical powers if they are set up as a part of the universe rules, but not so much when a series that seems to be without them is changed well afterwards...
  12. It doesn't seem to sound to bad to me. Just deeper. And it is only one line from the film, so who knows if it sounds much different overall... EDIT: If you watch the video at http://transformersgame.com/, Cullen's voice work sounds closer to what I remember. And since it is a game for the film, I assume that his work will be in the same vein for both.
  13. This is truly a fantastic site. I enjoy it immensely!
  14. And I'm spent! Great clip...
  15. I love the white with black and yellow trim of Skull 1, so I would go with something like that. Wolf squadron, or maybe the Killer Bees.
  16. That's what it seems to me. But I'm not totally sure whether that is a product my previous expectations of what the characters should sound like.
  17. Sorry: double post
  18. This really is turning out to be an excellent site!
  19. Wouldn't the limiting factor for the valk's Gs be the pilot?
  20. That looks freaking awesome. But that's just me.
  21. I kept waiting for the animation to start.
  22. Because Megs isn't a gun I presume. But that is a reach...
  23. There isn't really much there. But they make sure to mention that it is award-winning.
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