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Everything posted by Prime

  1. For those interested in the Queadluun-Rau skins, you can get the mod at my site. Included skins: Standard Battle colours from Macross: Do You Remember Love Custom Milia-type colours from Macross: Do You Remember Love Custom Max-type colours from Macross: Do You Remember Love Custom Chlore-type colours from Macross 7 Encore Standard Chlore Fleet colours from Macross 7 Encore Custom green colours Custom red colours
  2. Lots of little things to love, but a couple that come to my mind. - Klan going into terminator mode. I loved her quietly coming up the loading elevator with the look of sadness on her face, and then the battle music kicking in as she looked up with the devil eyes. I remember thinking, "It's a macronized metran, and she's pissed!" There are probably fewer things in the Macross universe that are more deadly. - Poking fun at anime conventions. For example everyone calling the feminine looking male lead "Princess" and Ozma shooting down Alto's intentions to jump right back into the cockpit of a VF-25 in the first few episodes. - The look of Frontier city. I liked that many of the everyday items looks not too different from what we have today. Cars, residences, etc., looked fairly contemporary, and many gadgets looked very familiar but were enhanced by extra futuristic features. In general, I really enjoyed the design of the series.
  3. I am looking for a couple things, and hopefully the good people around here can help me out. First, I am looking for some good pictures of VF-1s in a hanger setting, either SDF-1, ARMD, or carrier. I'm not looking for lineart, but coloured shots. Secondly, I'm not sure if they are around, but I am looking for pictures of characters from the PS2 SDF Macross game, such as Claudia. I know some were reused in the Macross Ace Frontier game, and I have some of those. Pilots would be great, and bridge bunnies even better! Thanks for any help.
  4. Thanks. I've done a few other ones, like those from the Chlore fleet in Mac 7. I'll package it up for download soon.
  5. Not sure if you would care, maxi, but I'm doing some Queadluun-Rau DYRL skins...
  6. Great. Thanks for the info...
  7. He endeared himself to me by telling the teen egos to STFU and know their role!
  8. Ozma Not so much an adult, but all MAN!
  9. Followed the common route of Robotech in 85, then crossed over into the Macross world (no pun intended) for good after seeing Macross Plus on TV in the late 90's.
  10. Going to burn the series to DVD tonight and start the marathon. I'm sure there are so many things I have forgotten over the weeks. I have the lower end Lunar subs. What are the best ones for burning?
  11. Wow, what a finish! I very much enjoyed the final episode, and it gave me an overdose for my childhood love of mecha. But the series and saga is about so much more than that. I've seen a lot of complaining about how the love triangle and other aspects were left open interpretation at best, called active trolling at worst. Personally I think the series was wrapped up pretty well. Kawamori has had some history of leaving some unanswered questions, so I'm not surprised nor put off that it happened in this case. I actually like that aspect of his stories, and it gives lots of topics to speculate about and fodder for future stories. As for the love triangle that has so many panties in a bunch, it seems to me to be the logical conclusion to the series. I never really got the impression that Alto was actually in love with either Ranka or Sheryl, only that he loved them both (make sense? ). He loves both of them like family, and perhaps there is still some potential there (with Sheryl, if anything), but for now Alto just doesn't seem to share the same feelings as they have for him. He has been accused of being indecisive, but I think he did choose. He chose neither. Apart from that, the finale was over the top with everything that makes Macross great. Music, mecha, starships, missiles, great characters! I love Macross, and this show is a more than worthy addition to the saga. So congratulations to the Froating Head, I was greatly entertained, and I can't wait to see what happens with the movie...
  12. I've been playing around with the game a bit, but I'm not sure how to access the Max/Milia VFs or the Zent power armour in standalone mode. Are these supposed to be unlockable, or is it somehow based on tech level? My current understanding is that only weapons are unlocked through the singleplayer campaign. Can someone fill me in on how these are accessed?
  13. Great. Thanks for that...
  14. Going to try Macross VO out again after many moons. I've seen that their are models out there for the YF-19 and possibly 21. Are they included in any of the mods listed above?
  15. The VF-0 appears, to me at least, to but a much more "futuristic" VF in appearance than the VF-1. The OOU reasons for this is obvious, but after watching some Macross Zero I was wondering if it implies any changes to the VF-1. Stylistically there are several features on the VF-0 that reappear on later VFs but are not present on the VF-1, like the red FLIRs (I think that's what it is) on the nose. Functionally there things like active stealth and images being displayed directly on the canopy and not just the actual HUD, the latter not being present in earlier pre-block 6 VF-1's. I'm just wondering if the VF-0 implies something of a visual retcon for the VF-1 like DRYL is (in the Zero case not officially no doubt), or if everything is explained away as the VF-0 being a testbed, and only some features made it into the production version. It just seems in hindsight to not make much sense in-universe to go from the sleeker VF-0 to a rather blocky and dated look of the VF-1 (classic as it is).
  16. Much thanks. And I feel silly for not thinking of that.
  17. I've gone old school and have been playing the old DYRL for the playstation. Fun as hell. Are there any cheat codes for this version that I can try after I finish it? Not so interested in god mode type stuff, more just quirky type things...
  18. Perhaps a series where they slow fill in the pieces of what happened, and finally finding out the truth...
  19. Yes. They were upgraded and even used some Overtechnology for avionics and such.
  20. I guess my question originates from the fact that the chronology says that the VF-4 didn't become the main VF for UN Spacy until 2020. Perhaps that refers mostly to Earth, and only the colony ships used VF-4s as their main units in earlier years?
  21. Just out of curiosity, Did any of the early colonization fleets ship out with VF-1s aboard? It seems they were still the main VF even after fleets started being sent out, yet I don't think I've ever seen them listed anywhere...
  22. Indeed. It's both useful and just fun to browse through.
  23. I'm in the camp of enjoying the ep quite a bit, and not understanding the full on Ranka hatred. And the scene of Klan coming up the elevator with a touching moment and then having the "whoop ass" music kick in was great.
  24. Just wanted to throw my thanks in as well. I'm really enjoying this series, and I'm so glad that I have a new subbed episode every week. I very much appreciate the efforts of the subbers. Thank you!
  25. The armoured valk looks fantastic...
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