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Everything posted by Prime

  1. Sorry for the slow response guys... That's a good idea. I'll have to think about it a bit and see if I can come up with anything half decent. Also Hikuro, if you could get me some sounds that would really be helpful. Right now all I have are some generic ones like machine guns and missiles. Having some more Macross-specific sounds might help make the game more appealing. Let me know what sorts of things you might have... Thanks, GianS The encouragement is appreciated. I'm glad it worked okay. So far I haven't had any compatibility issues when others try it out, which is a good sign. I haven't really decided yet. Right now the game engine that the game is built on is open source and already up for download. I hadn't thought much about releasing the actual game source code, mainly because I didn't know if many people would be interested. But if people want to use it, I might be able to be talked into it. I have written the whole game and engine from scratch (on top of DirectX), so there isn't any legal reason why I can't release the source.Just to keep people up to date, I have finished adding the VF-11 to the game, so now it and the VF-1 are in. It shouldn't be too long before I finish getting the VF-19 up and running. Luckily adding new VFs is really easy after the sprite art is done. I've also made some good progress on the opening "cutscene", which is all done using the game engine. You can keep up to date with the status by checking the status page on the game's site. However, there are a few things where I am trying to decide which way to go. I'd love some feedback about how people feel. Here are some of my ideas: I am trying to decide between having the game take you through a linear progression of levels or having sort of a "mission generator" kind of thing where you could specify the environment, opponants, and so on. The second option is a bit easier as far as the amount of work, but I am wondering what players would prefer. I may end up doing both... Right now I plan on having the VF-1, VF-11, and VF-19 available as player craft. It is technically easy to add more types to the list, but creating the art can be time consuming due to having to create every frame for the movement and transformations. One possibliity is to release the game with those three and then release patches later on with new fighters. The other option is to delay the release and add other fighters for the initial game. What might people prefer? As for other VFs, which ones are people keen on? So far I have had requests for the VF-22 and VF-17. The game's art is stored in standard bitmaps. For "characters" like the VFs and pods, each image file contains all the frames for all the movement and so on. Using these people could develop their own paint schemes. I could put some of those files and maybe some templates up for download for people to modify. Adding these to the game would be as simple as just replacing the original files. Would there be any interest in this? Also, I could take it one step further and add support for the ability to add new VFs or other mecha. This would involve something like creating the frames in the image file and then specifying in another file the mecha's name and other details. Just wondering if people had any sort of opinions on these things... Thanks for the interest!
  2. All in all it just means that you have to have good aim and be selective with what you shoot at
  3. I would agree that it is above average in coolness
  4. Unfortunately the atmospheric and space environments are so different, and to be successful in each requires different requirements. I would think that less fuel is used in space, since thrust would only be required for speed and direction changes. Also, manouvers are quite different in space as compared to the atmosphere. In space the craft is not restricted by airflow over the control surfaces, and so on. Certain fighters could be dominante in one arena and not in the other, and one that is good in both will likely have to make sacrifices.
  5. Just had to throw in my agreement with that statement...
  6. Welcome to Macrossworld and enjoy your stay!
  7. Sure the captain would have died, but what a way to go!
  8. Prime

    Gualg CG

    WOW, that looks really good! I can't wait to see how it turn out. I'll have a look around on my HD for some pics for you...
  9. Is this why, IIRC, none survived? It seems to me that that strategy would be at a great disadvantage, and unnecessarily. Not only that, but it doesn't seem to have any anti-aircraft/fighter weapons, which would leave it more or less a sitting duck against that sort of attack. Overall, I like the look of it, but the description doesn't make it sound very functional or effective to me. Little more than a space anti-capital ship artillery piece. Oh, how far they have come I think its more that none or few survived because there were nearly 5 million Zjentohlauedy warships firing at the Earth and the destroyers were in front of the target. ^^; Good point I'm sure there wasn't much they could do with the technology of that era (or any era, I suppose) to enable their small numbers to take on 5 million...
  10. How did they all differ?
  11. Is this why, IIRC, none survived? It seems to me that that strategy would be at a great disadvantage, and unnecessarily. Not only that, but it doesn't seem to have any anti-aircraft/fighter weapons, which would leave it more or less a sitting duck against that sort of attack. Overall, I like the look of it, but the description doesn't make it sound very functional or effective to me. Little more than a space anti-capital ship artillery piece. Oh, how far they have come
  12. That sounds quite reasonable. Ah, I feel better now
  13. Macrossworld would not be Macrossworld if it was just forums. It is great having so much information in one place. It is a lot easier finding things when you don't have to go searching through forums all the time... And personally, I'm not into Macross because of toys
  14. Thanks for the heads up
  15. These are really awesome guys...
  16. Must be nice Certainly, there is a lot of room in the 50+ years of the Macross timeline for lots of stories...
  17. Just to give a hads up, I pretty much got the gameplay back to where it was (with some changes) before the file corruption. So things are moving along
  18. Are you refering to the black screen after you finish the game? Also, how does VF-X2 play on PSXeven compared to ePSXe? Is there a noticable difference in anything (graphics, sound, etc.)?
  19. Thanks for the encouragement, yellowlightman, it helps
  20. Good news and bad news for those who care: The bad news is that somehow one of the more important code files has been corrupted and I have lost it. Unfortunately my last backup was long time ago and pretty out of date. So quite a bit of work was lost. The good news is that due to the way I designed the code, it should be pretty quick to get things back to a good state. The other good thing is that I was planning to change some things, and the corrupted file is where those changes would have been. So in some sense I now have a "clean slate" to do things the way I want them. So all in all it isn't as bad as it otherwise might be. Still slow going, but I'm still working on it...
  21. Prime

    Macross SR Sprites

    Yep, the SD SDF link didn't work for me
  22. Happy Holidays everybody!
  23. Has Roy met Claudia by this point (sorry if this is common knowledge, my memory is a little vague )? It certainly doesn't seem that Edgar has a close relationship with Claudia at any rate. If in fact Roy and Claudia have not met, Edgar may just be used as a vehicle to allow them to meet. As for the mix of cel and CG, if only CG (in particular characters) was used we may have ended up with something that looked just a bit better than that new Voltron. I like the current look of Zero a lot.
  24. As has been said, if you are a Macross fan, this is a great book to have. I ordered mine from one of the online sites (Toycup or something like that). I can't remember how much it was though...
  25. Thanks, I'll give that a go... EDIT: Got it to work. Thanks for your help everyone!
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