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Everything posted by Prime

  1. Prime


    That's what I use, and it works really well. Luckily my comp is stacked
  2. You have some neat stuff there. You might want to try the fan art or model forums. You might get more responses there
  3. I'm loving the animation in Zero, but I could take or leave most of the characters. The action scenes are very well done, but I find some of the "mystical" parts a little boring. Overall it has been entertaining to me. Like some people I probably still like Mac Plus better overall...
  4. Oh no! He's one year closer to death! We should clone him or something...
  5. M0 had me right from the beginning. I loved the intro
  6. Prime

    CG VF-11

    I love the VF-11. Can't wait to see how this turns out...
  7. Saw Robotech as a kid. Loved the mecha and story. Eventually saw Macross Plus, and was intrigued enough to find out about the original series and storyline. Fell in love all over again
  8. ?? Double ?? The funny thing is my local comic shop has the Macross series set for about $200 cdn, which is pretty rich my blood, especially since I hadn't seen it up until now. It was strange being able to watch the first three disks for about $10. After what I watched so far, I really don't think I'll pick up that full set for that price. I love the show and it has been great to watch, but the animation is really bad in some parts by today's standards. It has still been great to watch though...
  9. Sadly, I find the dubbed version all but unbearable. The subbed is a little better...
  10. I think that is a job requirement.
  11. No reason not to use them. I would think old ordinance like that would still be just as effective in certain situations.
  12. VF-1S all the way for me.
  13. Prime

    any macross pcgame?

    Just so you know, you can play VF-X and VF-X2 on an emulator like ePSXe on the PC...
  14. I was at Blockbuster the other day and low and behold I stumbled across the first three disks of the original Macross series. I guess they have about the first 12 episodes or so. Needless to say I rented them and have just started on the first disk. This is my first time seeing the original series, so I'm pretty excited I was just surprised to see it there is all. I was under the impression it was still fairly rare in North America...
  15. I always thought that destroid were for the most part glorifed artillary and anti-aircraft pieces (cool looking though they may be). I don't imagine that they were much more effective than tanks and more traditional weapons of that sort. Destroids would be extremely expensive compared to their counterparts, without a big payoff.
  16. Thanks, but I have most of sprites completed already. However, Once I get more into the menu screen aspects, If you are interested in doing some icons or art, I may like some help. Thanks for the offer, and I'll let you know the state of affairs as I get closer to that point
  17. Wasn't it the only one in the VF-1 series that did?
  18. I like the pop can missiles
  19. CF-1A and CF-1J? What does the C stand for? Or is that a typo?
  20. The weapon load is pretty wussy... Needs more power. Much much more. This is a shooter, afterall ;-) At the least, extended gunpod range would be nice. Micro missiles as the "bomb" option would be nicer. Oh don't worry. What is in that demo is by no means the extent of the weapons. What would a Valkyrie be without missiles? As for the gunpod range, I haven't tweeked any of that kind of thing yet. Once things are a little more complete I will tweek the settings to get something a bit more optimal. For the missiles, there are a few ways I might go. One is the standard "bomb" where it basically clears everything off the screen. Another is to be able to select a target and fire missiles that home in on it. If I go with the latter, I haven't settled on how the player would go about selecting targets. But one thing is for certain, there will be missiles...
  21. I'll look into that... Not a bad idea, but it just doesn't fit in very well with Screaming Valkyries.
  22. That's kind of how it works in real life too...
  23. The DVD version of the Macross Plus movie is only available with English subtitles, correct?
  24. I think the patching way is probably the easiest way to go. Plus it will allow people to be a bit more selective with what stuff they want. As for a sequel. I never really planned on doing that. I don't really expect a lot of people to play this, or to have it generate enough of a response to warrant a sequel. But who knows. I've sort of taken the approach of making something that I like, and hopefully others might like it too So what I envision is releasing the game, and then just developing addons and upgrades. That process will be mainly driven by stuff that I think is cool (like lots of options and customability), and feedback if I get any. Personally I like the idea of a mission generator, because it can increase the replayability. Also, in terms of future content it allows for lots of new environments, enemies, VFs, and so on without having to develop a whole new campaign. I'd love to get a good transformation sound. Or any other sounds for that matter... I do plan to do fastpacks as future content. I am also hoping to have the armoured VF-1 as a part of the initial release. At some point I'd also like to have the armoured VF-11 as well. As part of this aspect, I'd also have the ability to eject the armour once it is depleted. I originally thought about doing a mission builder where you could make your own missions, but that is quite a bit of work. This is mainly do to having a file format that can be loaded to set up all the enemies and so on. The mission generator is a simpler form of that, but it would just create a more generic sort of quick missions. I might add a save feature so that you could sort of make your own campaign. And additional campaigns are not out of the question as future content As for payload, I hope to have some options with regards to that in the initial release. Easy to add. But what kind of thing are you thinking about? A head to head racing sort of thing? They'd be pretty useless against battlepods... I'm trying to have at least a semi-realistic payloads. I'm also trying to avoid the "powerup" kind of thing. For the most part, what you have when you start the mission is all you get. I find powerups to sort of ruin the realism of some games (if a sidescroller can even be considered realistic). I hated the fact that some Macross games required powerups to transform. So I'm trying to keep things on a semi-realistic level so you can't just go through the whole game with your finger on the firing trigger. This was a part of my original design. I'll probably still do it I think. The game will likely keep track of your overall number of kills and missions completed. As you reach certain levels, additional options will become available. I'm not sure exacly how I'd do this. I don't want the screen to get too cluttered, and having a large number of friendly and enemy fighters might just make things too chaotic. However, I might add the option two have two wingmen (to form a fllight of three) to help you. As a bit of a related issue, I will be having an escort mission type where you have to protect either a Cat's Eye craft or a shuttle. I'm sure I'll end up releasing it I am refering to the VF-19A, which I believe is very similar in appearance to the YF-19 prototype. Ah, ok. Could you be more specific? Why sort of things do you think need to be improved/added? I'd love to have feedback on this sort of thing, either about this aspect or anything else. Certainly a possiblity as part of the extra fighters added later on. Although I never liked the Macross 7 fighters... Thanks Man! I hope people will like it!
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