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Everything posted by Prime

  1. That's what I did too and it seemed to work out much better. In the end I found that I used all modes more or less equally in different situations. I used fighter a bit in ground missions, and all three in aerial levels. I found that the battloid was quite useful in shooting down missiles and quick turns in the dogfights. Just had to make sure to keep your finger on the thrust button so that you weren't hovering. My one really big gripe with the game. I understand why they did it(it let them restrict your movements in the ground levels so you couldn't just fly over the buildings/mountains/whatever and skip the hordes of zentradi between you and the goal), but I don't like it. That was my biggest complaint as well. I can understand having a ceiling so that you don't go from ground to 10,000 feet, but at least let the player fly over the buildings. Wouldn't have been that bad if they'd told you where he was beforehand. That level as a whole dragged quite a bit. It was like they took 3 seperate levels and glued them all together just because they took place in the same map. I didn't mind the protect/escort mission as much as some, but it was annoying that some levels seemed to require a trick. In the cat's eye mission, for example, if you just flew in circles dropping flares you didn't have to fire a single shot...As for online games, I've learned never to rely on other players to provide immersion for a game based on a franchise...
  2. Isn't that in the end what really matters?
  3. Is it just me, or do the foot thruster flare seem to be offset incorrectly...
  4. Wich means nothing to the movies. The books and comics may be "official", but it has been proven time and again that they are not, nor ever have been, canon. The only things that are canon is what appears in the movies themselves, and what George Lucas himself says. And Lucas himself has also put a large apparatus in place to see that the EU isn't contradicted. While he reserves the right to contradict the EU, he hasn't done so yet (especially not beyond a "certain point of view"). Come on. A bunch of things in the EU have been contradicted by Lucas in the new films. It is better with more current things though...
  5. Well said. Even though there are some legitimate grips about the prequals, most arguments I've heared are mor of the "it's crap because he didn't do this stuff this particular way." It is one of the few series of movies where fans had their minds completely made up beforehand about what it should be. The Clone Wars series does seem to be better received overall...
  6. That is excellent!
  7. I wanna see the Gerwalk mode. Graham I wouldn't even wish that kind of hip-dislocation on a clone. Or hyper-extended knees...
  8. It is my favorite "Macross" game, such as it is. I only have an XBox and only have played VF-X2 on a PS emulator. As much as people dump on it, I had some fun with it. The old Macross arcade games are a blast though...
  9. In order for the SV-51 to be comparible with the YF-19 and that ilk it would have to be completely redesigned and constructed from scratch. New airframe, engines, systems would be required. A lot was learned in the 40 years between the two. The YF-19 and 21 have that incorporated into their design. The SV-21 does not. Hell, those two fighters are much more advanced than even the VF-11.
  10. Wich means nothing to the movies. The books and comics may be "official", but it has been proven time and again that they are not, nor ever have been, canon. The only things that are canon is what appears in the movies themselves, and what George Lucas himself says. For those interested in what is canon, you can find out more at http://www.starwars.com/community/askjc/st...jc20010817.html. In the end, as Radd says only the films are absolute canon.
  11. That's exactly what I mean. The Jedi brought about their own fall by being too upidy, instead of practicing their ideals. Besides, we know from watching Luke later, that Anakin was definately not too old, and had they taken the time, he could have been saved. The Order was definitely focusing on the actual practices and rules instead of the reasons behind them...
  12. It think it happened right after he finds out Vader is his father.
  13. Love the old style of that thing...
  14. I'd have to go with Prime
  15. Does anyone know what the intended target audience of this show is? Are they trying to recapture some of the now grown up Robotech fans, or try and get new kiddies, or both? Since it is an American show, I am presuming the latter...
  16. I hope it isn't like the Star Wars Holiday Special...
  17. Yeah, that pretty much kills it...
  18. Yep, it should be http://www.unspacy.net
  19. It appears to no longer exist...
  20. What don't you agree with? Just wondering...
  21. I think the one with Ice T was better.
  22. Transformers did bomb in theatres (it made under 6 million in the US), but I know I loved it when I saw it, as did most of my friends. In more recent years most times it has come up people of my generation seem to remember it and the Transformers show fondly (and it actually has a fairly decent rating on the IMDB). Most of the complaints center around the killing off of major characters. As for Star Wars, critically acclaimed or not, it definitely has a wide appeal and strong fanbase.
  23. After all the crazy contraptions form earlier EU sources used to detect Force-sensitivity, I was kind of happy to see it could be determined by a simple blood test.
  24. Well, according to the IMDB, GITS 2 made about a million on 50 screens or so. And I along with Best Buy that I mentioned earlier, my local HMV had GITS2 DVD listed at number 8 in overall DVD sales for the week.
  25. I'm glad someone had a lot of time on their hands.
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