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Everything posted by Prime

  1. Yep, time to put in my order...
  2. Thanks for bringing us such a wonderful and useful site.
  3. I'd heard rumors of this getting made. Has it been officially announced?
  4. Look at those heads fly!
  5. I wonder if he still wears it like that...
  6. Yes. A tragic test-flight accident left him crippled, so they gave him new cybernetic legs. And he demanded they add a foot to his height. </total_bs> So he is really sort of like Inspector Gadget?
  7. Prime

    Palladium Games

    Consider that AFAIK both video games only had modest sales at best, I can't imagine that there would be much of a market for a PnP RPG...
  8. It look a little too much like superhero costumes for a military flightsuit... But I'm still willing to wait before passing judgement...
  9. It's "Aries". Must have been a bad sub. Perhaps Roy was still in Scar Squadron.
  10. I think it will be interesting to see if people's opinions for TPM and AOTC change at all after seeing Episode 3. Perhaps it will help tie something togehter more. I know I liked Menace more after seeing Clones...
  11. I picked it up yesterday but haven't really gone through it since I am waiting until after I see the film. But on the very quick flip through I didn't see one, but that doesn't mean it isn't there...
  12. I just saw it yesterday too. Overall an excellent film and adaptation of the comic. I was a liitle worried at first with the Madson/Willis exchanges. But things picked up from there...
  13. Prime

    Palladium Games

    "I just wanted to entertain!"
  14. That's the way I see it. The Zero story seems more or less complete as it is. I wouldn't mind seeing a new series that perhaps covers the events of another colonization fleet. But this time without guitar valkyries battling birdmen...
  15. This looks awesome! I might have missed it, but is there any information on how many pages it is?
  16. I know. I kind of want to hug it...
  17. In other words, "War is great if it is fought using giant transformable robots."
  18. Thanks for the review. I'll definitely be checking this out...
  19. Maybe they should put giant treads on the Macross Monster...
  20. Come on, they aren't that bad!
  21. Right now all signs point to me enjoying the final film...
  22. Yeah, I've finished it that way as well. And that applies to most protect missions. I remember one where you had to protect a truck and only pods went after it. There was a point where the the truck was just sitting in front of a power armour, which was apparently oblivious to it.
  23. I would like to see Sulu flying the Enterprise with a trumpet...
  24. I feel much better knowing that there is only one correct way to look at everything in the world...
  25. And I think "science fiction violence" tends to get a bit more leniency as well...
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