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Everything posted by veffidas

  1. Topic Title: Call for Help in Resolving Perfect Memory Publication Date Discrepancies (chopped due to length) It seems that Macross World's section on Perfect Memory has at least one error and may be more. As I'm sure potential buyers use that Macross World page as a reference for purchases, it's probably pretty detrimental for there to be errors, especially for such an important book as Perfect Memory. The obvious error is that Macross Perfect Memory was definitely printed in 1983 (Showa 58) - see here for pictures of a 10/10/1983 print date. The rest is pretty hazy in terms of concrete resources, but the information I've managed to gather is here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=639943. The short of it is Egan Loo doesn't seem to have a correct initial date of Macross Perfect Memory anywhere within the Compendium and this error seems to have propagated into Macross World. However, one citation in the Compendium points to Aug. 10, 1984 (which would correspond to an "OUT 8") and this would obviously point to a reprint date if correct, given the information above. Therefore, a question to pose is whether there even a 1986 reissue at all. Given a blurry photo of a reprint, I seem to make out an 8 and 10 for Aug. 10, but the numbers for the year look less like a 61 (for 1986) and closer to 59 (for 1984) if anything. Of course, there could be more than one reprint, providing for 1986 regardless. So, I guess what I'm asking for are clear photos of the top right corner of the front of the dust cover, above the S's of the "MACROSS," and likely the Table of Contents page (pg. 260) of the book (this is where the 10/10/1983 version has is publication date printed inside). I'm hoping to find at least two dates on the TOC page, as the 5th reissue (from 1992) of the Gold Book has two dates printed whereas the first edition only has one. Photos of the first edition would help, but photos of the second would likely be the kicker to seal the deal. Thanks. Added a photo from labsenpai's Gallery: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?auto...=si&img=204. It definitely looks looks a 59, the first digit is definitively not a 6. (I'm willing to be a lot don't know what the actual cover of the book looks like - under the dust cover.)
  2. Okay let's try it again: You should be able to see the disconnect from the side (wouldn't it actually be the port side?) and hopefully the tip of the protrusion. And, yes, this isn't a big deal but it's fun to discuss.
  3. Third bottom protrusion outlined: It might not extend that high, but that's the general area. It helps a little if you zoom in on the area.
  4. Are congratulations in order? I know Rinkya placed the winning bid on the Flash Back 2012 cel in question. I'd say this one is slightly better than your (previous) one from my point of view. Nope, it's the same seller. It's even the same auction ID, with my old bookmark leading to it again. Whenever, Yahoo! Japan doesn't list the auction with the "close_icon.gif" shown below and redirects to some login page instead (which it did), it usually means that the seller pulled it. And the exact auction often re-appears under the same auction ID weeks, possibly even months, later. I'm thinking this seller is actually hesitant about letting this one go (which I can entirely understand). But, yes, starting it a low bid puts serious bidders into a different psyche in the final moments and can generate higher bids as they compete. I had inkling this was you when I saw the Rinkya bid. Congrats, and thanks!
  5. It's back at a 198,000 Yen asking price. I thought I missed out on how it ended (it was at 101,000 Yen when I was able to last check it), but it looks like the seller pulled it before it could end. It seems that one finally sold, it went on and off Yahoo! Japan every so often. There's a number of pretty good cels up right now from a particular seller/collector, though no seems to be biting even on the lower-end ones. I'm sure that Flash Back 2012 one is well worth the 180,000 minimum bid (with Misa and Minmay in the same scene!), but it's hard to get people bidding starting that high. I was able to pick up this nice Claudia and Misa TV cel recently for a pretty nice price. It came with a few lesser quality supporting cels in the sequence, as well as the scene background.
  6. Well, Wikipedia wasn't cutting it, so I had to bring out the big guns! As for getting out, sure! But I like JB0's answer better, so I'll let him speak for me on that. It sounds like your MP4 files are probably H.264 encoded. Large H.264 files (file size and resolution) take a lot of CPU to process, and sometimes today's average computer specs still won't cut it without a good codec. You may want to look into CoreAVC.
  7. Right, Babel Fish is pretty behind the times. Although, if you're going translate to webpages, I'd recommend http://www.nifty.com/globalgate/ . Excite.co.jp usually takes a few tries to process the page correctly where I'm at. For batch machine translations I usually use the machine translaters in this order and function: 1. http://www.nifty.com/globalgate/ (Quick and dirty) 2. http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ (More clarity) 3. http://www.google.com/language_tools? (Third-party check) Nifty fails on Komiria (attempting a partial translation on it) and "sukusuku," but gives you the general gist. Google, on the other hand, fails miserably on content but catches a "Komiria-chan" for a better feel on how it was said. The key to remember is that they'll still all fail on Miku since they're expecting to read the name as the word "future."
  8. Well Macross World does have a specific section for pencil boards, despite it being terribly lacking. Here's what the front other possible one that comes in the first pressing looks like (the back's the same):
  9. Just a small correction, that "card poster" is a pencil board or shitajiki. (There were two possible versions for the first pressing.)
  10. Yes, it's the majority of the main SDF:M cast: Hikaru, Misa, Minmay, Global, Roy, Claudia, and the Bridge Bunnies. While definitely based off the DYRL designs, it's more Mikimoto's Flashback 2012-era character design style.
  11. It's a particular (gaming) platform: NEC PC-9801. It won't run on any old computer. (It doesn't actually have anything to do with the year 1998, as the game was released in 1994.) Check boinger's iMacross server for the files and emulator. It's a strategy game. Oh, and the illustrator's still Mikimoto-san.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conte...agement_systems I know Drupal is a fairly big name.
  13. I'm reviving this to highlight another amazing auction (pair). The star of the auction Shawn posted lost out this time on some Misa genga - to a buyer who took both auctions tonight: http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n61871123 - Up close of Misa gasping: 102,000 Yen (roughly $950 USD) http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b90127805 - Misa listening for Hikaru: 285,000 Yen (roughly $2,600 USD) Needless to say, I'm envious of the seller's and bidders' wallets and the winner's loot. Oh, and someone's asking far a minimum of 1,000,000 Yen (~ $9,280 USD) at a different auction site for this circa March '82 Mikimoto sketch: Now, that is ludicrous.
  14. Though I thought it read "diary" upon initial viewing, it does make more sense for it to be "daily" as ComicKaze pointed out. (I believe I also mentally transposed the L and F in "Life" to make it "Diary File" as well, making it work out in the end.) After all, the image seems to be real-time in terms of the episode as its showing Ranka on her way to greet Sheryl with Alto.
  15. Well, given unlimited money and space, no type of collection is impossible. Besides your product placement point, I was speaking more from a production standpoint; while it might have been a chance to draw in the continuities, self-referencing prior work in such a manner would be a bit too pretentious. Plus, seeing a homage of yourself (the Macross toy/mecha fans) inside the actual series could feel a little weird, if not creepy. But that'd be me. (Then again, Hikaru did have that model VF-4 but at least it wasn't a whole collection.)
  16. I'm glad somebody mentioned Ghost in the Shell with regard to the AI conversation, but to me it felt more like Motoko conversing with the Tachikomas (and them amongst themselves) rather than with the rest of Section 9. That said, it wasn't quite exactly the same. As for the making Bilra a Valkyrie fan opposed to a train guy, I think it'd feel a little odd with a "Macross fan" being depicted within a Macross series.
  17. No, it's a valid higher quality raw. Spoiler image:
  18. All right, I'll concede. Ranka's sound energy protected her from the massive amounts of sound pressure generated from Michel's speakers. Does that work better for everyone?
  19. Really, now. If anyone actually read how I used sound energy in my post, it had nothing to do with colorful rays, and more to do with a person survivng over 300 dB of sound being pumped directly into her ears. I think everyone's being a little too sensitive here. And who says music can't bring a person back from near death?
  20. Well, magic doesn't usually blow out eardrums (compare how I used "sound energy"), although it does seem to protect them a la Zentradi genes.
  21. You do know that sound does have energy in the real world, and that there are real applications of sound energy. Here, have a layman's resource from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_energy_flux .
  22. It seems those Zentradi ears come into play again;
  23. Macross M3 wasn't released until 2001. The Galaxy is Calling Me! debuted in 1995. It's a bit hard to go back in time.
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