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Everything posted by veffidas

  1. You could provide links at least. Not everyone is an expert a searching Japanese sites: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4056052689/ http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/2775800
  2. All right, azrael's received a link to an *.avi of gg's fansub. You get the whole gg experience now with their fonts, but the video stream has a few errors due to the incompatible h.264 stream gg included this time (ref. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=660512 ), so wait for Lunar or Shinsen for a better AVI. Scratch the video errors - uploading a new file now. Expect it in a few hours minimum.
  3. I remember seeing both of them. Congratulations! (And, yes, your MO is a little obvious. ) I'll leave up it to valkyrie19 to comment, but I think it was a good price. (I had tagged it earlier, but didn't look up the final price until now.)
  4. If your computer can't meet the H.264 requirements listed here (Mac on the left and Windows on the right), you're going to have trouble and rectifying the issue will be difficult without upgrading your hardware - especially the CPU: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/guide/hd/recommendations.html. (Note that the CPU/processor is really the most important requirement.) hall9000, does the software open on it's own (without opening a media file to play)? If it doesn't, I'd suggest contacting the developer.
  5. Nope. You would have heard "phage" being spoken by Luca if that were the case (since the Japanese adopted the word for their language). Lunar took a safer route, subbing "saikin" as pathogen the first time and then "germ" the second, which still points towards the case towards bacteria - esp. germ which is another listed definition for "saikin" (while pathogen is not). Nonetheless, it seems Luca made a concerted effort not to use the word "virus." Perhaps it was thought to be a virus earlier (I don't recall how the disease was referred to in previous episodes), but now the evidence in the continuum points to a bacteria. Or you can go with yaiba's interpretation that Luca's just trying to sound cool and doesn't actually understand the words he's using.
  6. As was said earlier, blame the Japanese script writers; the fansubbers got it right according to what Luca said. He specifically said "bacteria" at least twice. These issues should probably go in the fansub thread as well.
  7. Actually, you'd probably elongate the vowel sound that goes with the "y" than anything else if you were to scream "Sheryl." Though, I don't agree that the "k" gets in the way; it's quite easy to start a vowel sound with a strong consonant sound, e.g. pronounce B, C, D - even K itself. Right, which is why I felt I ought to point it out.
  8. I apologize for continuing that. It's more of a "Hear, hear!" than a simple "I agree." While literally taking "quoted for truth" could cause a feeling a condescension, it's a figure of speech and should be taken figuratively. Really, it's simply internet subculture and shouldn't be taken too seriously; you'll be hard-pressed to get people to change. But, yes, it is trying to push forward a singular view.
  9. She's a lady, so that's Ms. Big Words to you, >EXO<.
  10. Take issue with what the script writers had Luca say and not gg. He said specifically "aru saikin," which translates directly to "a certain bacterium" - not virus. He uses "saikin" (bacteria) again later in his elaborate explanation as well.
  11. First, providing the AVI is not easy. I had to spend last weekend learning all the software to re-encode the video and audio streams and make them sync up while I spent this weekend learning techniques to improve video quality vs. file size and hard-encode *.ass script files. Then there's also the time it takes for me to encode and proof each run of the file. You all would have complained about the first file I sent azrael - it had noticeable video artifacts and used an unedited *.ssa export of gg's script, which is horrible for song lyrics and background announcements. I haven't even bothered to try and encode the fonts gg uses in their release. As it stands, I need to keep the file size under 200MB in order to use Megaupload as a direct distribution method as well. Second, Mac users should be using either MPlayer OSX Extended or Perian.
  12. For all those with slowpoke computers, look for azrael to post an *.avi file of gg's fansub when he gets back.
  13. Really, just do something about it if you want to watch it ahead of your time. There are numerous tools out there, especially for Windows, that will allow you to extract the video/audio/subtitle streams and convert them into something more amenable. Some tools that come to mind are mkvtoolnix/mkvextract, VirtualDub (w/ subtitler), avc2avi, etc. Encoding in another format is extra time and CPU processing far greater than that needed to play the files and no one is required to give it out for free. Fans aren't entitled to having every single fansubber cater to their every need. Anyway, it's a shoddy job, but here you go: Moved to episode thread...
  14. Yes. Eddie questions, "Will we be all right?" and his father reassures him, "Don't worry, Eddie. Mother and the others will definitely - definitely - protect us."
  15. A new recommendation for Mac users: MPlayer OSX Extended. The main draw for this one is the performance H.264 decoder. A lot of players for OS X haven't had good codecs, but this MPlayer OSX revision has an option for "Fast libavcodec decoding..." which improves audio/video syncs. Now my Mac plays large resolution files on par with my similarly spec'd Windows machine.
  16. You should really check the groups' IRC channels first; I've been downloading it for the past 30 min and am about 5 min away from completion.
  17. Well, just going on the main spoiler, in hindsight the flags were apparent in the last episode: ...And that ends my emotionally disconnected analysis as I haven't even seen the episode, yet.
  18. Ah, sorry to hear that, papabear. 8/7/2008 was definitely the issue date of the second volume, with HMV and Amazon.co.jp listing it as such. Hopefully, Kinokuniya SF will be more accurate on their later notices.
  19. Hah, eugimon's right on both accounts, though you could use "I am" instead.
  20. I presume you mean you want to be able to play them in a standalone DVD Player. Basically, you need to re-encode the file. Here's a instructional link, although I can't speak for its reliability: http://www.afterdawn.com/faq/convert_video...m#selected_item
  21. I'm ready to put 100$ on that. Anyone interested ? I'd say Ozma probably calls up Michael and we get a sniper scouting sniper act for the Glass event. Not as humorous, but slightly more plausible. Then again, everyone did look held up. And, yeah, at first I didn't catch that Cathy knew they were being watched and questioned, "What was that?" - since it was so out of character. (Hah, now we've got multitudes of posts about the Fansub thread that I needed to go back and quote. Yay!)
  22. A lot of people who are having problems are simply playing files with resolutions and encodings their computers cannot run. It has nothing to do with the specific container format, but how they're often used. Often times, high-resolution H.264 encodes are packaged into MKV containers which is where all the blame on Matroska comes from. H.264 encoding coupled with high resolution, not the MKV container, is what brings a lot of computers to a crawl. With the AVI container, the simple fact is that it doesn't really support H.264 which is a benefit right off the bat for slower computers (i.e. those who know encoding will never put H.264 in an *.avi). The encodings placed in AVIs are usually XviD, DivX, or WMV, which are less resource intensive. Additionally, smaller resolutions are usually packaged into AVI files, though high enough resolutions will cause problems for older computers, but it's a much a higher threshold to breach (e.g. XviD 1280x720 is fine but H.264 1280x720 is not). Basically, if you're going to complain, complain about the right thing: H.264 encodings with high resolution. Though, with how MKV is often used, it's understandable how it gets a bad rap (but that's because the container itself is more functional and powerful). And, yes, these things really should go into the Fansub thread. The better place to ask gg if they're willing to release kinder encodes is likely there
  23. The notification you received, papabear, is for Volume 2 - Volume 1 is dated 2008/07/24. It does look like HMV has restocked Volume 1, on the other hand.
  24. Yes, HMV is sold out, so they no longer list it in their search. You can still use the link that was posted by Fly'n Brian to access the product page. Here's what they say on the page (accessing it with English cookies set): "We regret that we cannot accept orders for this limited item as the available quantity has now sold out" Looks like those interested are going to need to keep up with the releases or face the possibility of missing out.
  25. Your friend here is eBay for pictures: Macross Chronicle Special Binder NEW! Robotech Valkyrie
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