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Everything posted by veffidas

  1. Who is/was Long, cause his stuff is pretty crap. It looks like the sort of thing that would fit more into some sort of cheap Hanna-Barbara/Filmation show from the late 70's/early 80's. They look like aliens from ewwwwwwww. Taksraven Kevin Long's artwork wasn't that bad. His artwork of the VF-1 Valkyrie was pretty decent, if not a bit disproportionate. Let's put it this way: the guy does have his own Wikipedia page.
  2. Now, I realize that most everyone believes that it is not worth the fight, but I am still not exactly sure why everyone wants to battle it out in the harder to defend anime realm, allowing the other debater to even have ground to stand on. The gist of one of Doug's arguments relies on Macross fan's believing actual nudity of underaged persons being wrong while animated nudity of underaged persons is acceptable. The existence and award-winning acceptance of the 1968 Romeo and Juliet film (and its morning-after-sex scene) means that there are even cases where the general (U.S.) public believes actual nudity of underaged persons is artistically acceptable, i.e. the FBI will not come and arrest you for owning a legitimate VHS copy of the movie. And just cover all bases and refute Pete's sarcastic quips, there were proper safeguards in place: the film's director Franco Zeffirelli had to obtain permission to film Ms. Hussey in the nude for that scene and the actress was not legally allowed to attend the London premier of the movie, due to the full frontal scene of her in the movie and her being under 18 at the time of the premier ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063518/trivia ).
  3. All right, let us put this to rest: the multiple award-winning (including two Oscars) 1968 movie Romeo and Juliet, featured a nude 15-year-old actress Olivia Hussey with her also nude 17-year-old co-star Leonard Whiting in a scene depicting the morning after a roll in the hay (in Juliet's bed) between Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague. This scene had real persons, under age 18, in the nude, and, while the scene did produce some ratings controversies, this classic film is not considered child pornography. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063518/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo_and_Juliet_(1968_film) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Hussey http://www.amazon.com/Romeo-Juliet-VHS-Leo.../dp/6300216039/
  4. This is not true. You can use Robotech.com to verify this yourself. Lynn Minmei is aged 15 starting from the first episode of Robotech and turns sixteen the same episode Lynn Minmay does in Macross. Robotech Infopedia - Lynn Minmei | Robotech Infopedia - Sweet Sixteen Or, you can reference Save's post (which was posted before Wanzerfan's), which listed the correct age. Now, I believe the original Robotech TV airing (and subsequently the first generation DVDs) had edited out the nudity from most, if not all, shower scenes (including those of Jeanne/Dana from SDC: Southern Cross/The Robotech Masters); however, when Harmony Gold commissioned the "remastered" audio and video for later DVD releases, they included more source footage from the original Japanese series that was not previously seen or included when Robotech originally aired, subsequently adding more nudity to Robotech. You may find asking which animation (and audio) version of Robotech is canon a valid question.
  5. I reposted the poster image below since Yahoo! Japan Auctions sometimes tends to remove the pictures after the auction expires. It's apparently JIS B1 size, which means it'd be twice the size of the launch ceremony poster. On the other hand, I somehow have the pleasant misfortune of not having a proper stand to hang the following banner upon. You can see both in kresphy's post that had shots of what I presume was an unveiling event.
  6. I'm sure there are plenty, and Gubaba can probably provide a better scan of the one shown here:
  7. I believe that's referring to the Mikimoto signing sessions on 12/5 (which has currently already passed) and 12/12 for the release of Macross: The First and re-release of Macross 7 Trash. 2009年12月5日(土) 16:00START 有隣堂ヨドバシAKIBA店 TEL 03-5298-7474 〒101-0028 東京都千代田区神田花岡町1-1 ヨドバシAKIBA7F 有隣堂ヨドバシAKIBA店 2009年12月12日(土) 15:00START 紀伊国屋書店福岡本店 6Fイベントスペース TEL 092-434-3100 〒812-0012 福岡市博多区博多駅中央街2-1 福岡交通センタービル6F It also sounds like he's only signing the (inside) covers of the three currently released books (Macross: The First Vol. 1 and Macross 7 Trash Vol. 1 & 2).
  8. Has this one possibly flown under everyone's radar? A special issue for the pachinko machine: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B002YYPLAY/
  9. (Compatibility Edit Internet Explorer ()
  10. If you need framing pointers, you could probably ask ruskiiVFaussie, seeing as he's already done it for his: Yep, that'd be from AnimeExpo '95. There's a poster version of that print, too. And, yeah, the original autographed sketches are pretty expensive; collecting them is arguably as hard as quality cel collecting. Here's one of Misa that I have:
  11. I remember this; the seller finally released it from the high minimum bid, starting it at 1 yen and allowing the bid war. It went for a fair amount less than he originally asked, if I'm not mistaken, but he did this for a fair number of high-quality cels that I guess he finally wanted to let go. It's great to see the cel and background in their full glory. Congratulations!
  12. If you're going to talk about Macross Frontier stuff, i.e. anything produced after it stopped being updated, it's not going to have it. However, for, say, Macross TV/DYRL, it's probably around 95-99.9% complete. (I'd say there might be a couple IMAI or ARII ones that are essentially advertisements for their products that aren't specifically Macross, but the ones specifically for Macross are essentially covered.)
  13. I didn't want to bring up Pencilboard.Net since it basically has all that we could ever post already listed in its archives. The Macross section is perhaps too extensive.
  14. The Wikipedia link is useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shitajiki . Well, the real world is pretty much only concerned about Michael Jackson's death right now, so I'm probably not missing too much. (There's also the Honduran coup, Obama's renewed Russian relations, etc., but MJ still pretty much has taken the cake recently.)
  15. You're probably in the majority in your initial assessment: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27099 . As far as I know, it's still a "card poster" to thegunny. Though, if you're collecting them, they basically are over-sized trading cards. I have a few myself; maybe I'll try to post 'em when I've got the time.
  16. That's okay since I actually meant I'd have to make it down sometime in the undetermined future years. I'm really not in a position to make it there this year at all, but I'll definitely keep the name in mind for when and if I ever do get a chance to head down to Southern California.
  17. That'd be Jeanne. It looks like I need to find some time to make it down to Anime Expo; that's where everyone seems to be getting theirs in recent years!
  18. Yep, that's the obi. You can see a bit of orange of the dust jacket peeking out near the bottom. The Macross 7 books did a pretty good job of integrating the obi with the cover art. The obi for the Miss Macross 7 Roman Album shows a different (before) scene of Mylene and Gubaba than the dust jacket, which shows the after scene. I'll probably eventually need to get a copy of it, although the material inside is rather immature.
  19. I unfortunately don't have any info on the book, but I have seen it pop up from time to time. I just realized you meant the spine when you mentioned "binder." The front cover, back cover, and spine of the dust jacket are the same color. It should be uniform throughout. Here's a photo of the book taken without flash and you can make out that the spine is the same color (since I initially misunderstood, I didn't take the right picture): The spine being yellow pretty much means that it was sitting on a bookshelf among other books with prolonged exposure to (sun)light.
  20. No, you buy Macross Ace if you want Macross Ace; Gundam if you want Gundam. All Gubaba is really saying is that news about Macross Ace will get mixed in with news about Gundam Ace (or, more specifically, that, if you want to find news about Macross Ace, you'll likely get more information if you broaden your search for news about Gundam Ace). Although, if the publisher for Gundam Ace goes bankrupt, then there won't be any Macross Ace, either.
  21. I believe it's just a copy and paste error; they probably for got to remove it for the entry as Gundam Ace and Macross Ace are similar publications. The cover clearly only has Macross. More pics of the magazine: http://asagawo.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/1240/ Unfortunately, I don't see it available online for purchase anywhere.
  22. There's no weight listed, but it's 96 pages. FYI, there's a "Click here to see in English" link in the top right area above the purchase link. You can go through the checkout process in English as well to see how much it'd cost.
  23. Apparently a Macross Frontier movie advertisement. (Sorry I don't have a single image; I happened across it by chance.)
  24. Thanks for the confirmation, miked01. I'll look forward to pics whenever you get the chance. And don't worry about not asking the seller about the poster, it's been 25 years since the book was published so he/she may not have known anyway.
  25. Kind of a shame, since it would have provided more concrete information about reprints if it was there. It is, however, consistent with periodical issue numbering, which is reasonable considering that OUT was a monthly anime magazine. Thanks for the info!
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