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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Regarding the demise of Yamato, the birth of Arcadia, and the fate of ongoing develpment and production of new 1/60 perfect variable Macross toys, setting aside the fact that Bandai will continue producing their DX line of VFs from their Frontier license for the foreseable future, I'm somewhat conflicted... on the one hand, we'll never see toy renditions of the VF-5000, VF-9, VF-14, VF-2SS, etc. if Arcadia's BoD/CEO decides that the Macross niche no longer makes financial sense -- that makes me sad, but on the other hand I'll get to save myself a lot of money by not having the siren's call of new collectibles tempting the heck out of me and my wallet every few months from two sources.
  2. Cheeky, but I think he means 1/72 and/or larger... and not some uber expensive Platz resin kit either.
  3. Too late to the party again. I would've probably preordered in the $180 range, but it was already knocking on $200 (before their inflated shipping charges)when I woke up this morning, so I'm passing on N-Y. Looking out for HLJ if possible, or just hoping Hobbyfan delivers because, at this point, it's a matter of principle for me as I refuse to play the game at the inflated price.
  4. Missed it by about 15 minutes... I hope Hobbyfan comes through, but I'll still attempt a preorder with HLJ if I happen to catch it.
  5. Wow Lupin,you just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper. You're such a martyr; maybe you're just too "good" and "noble" for us and you should take your own advice and save youself from a serious case of agita...
  6. So, is this how they get rid of her to explain her absence in ROTS and bring balance to the franchise? Or will we be seeing her again, perhaps joining forces with her new kindred spirit? It was a great story arc and a satisfying end to the season indeed, but the identity of the true culprit was no surprise at all, just as I thought.
  7. Thanks for the head's up on hobbyfan, and just like that I've placed an order for one... and for amost $20 less than N-Y to boot which more than pays for shipping... likely a better price than HLJ, although not as good as AmiAmi's discount, but they've become an impossible source to shop with where renewals are concerned. What's the worst that can happen? -- They end up not being able to fulfill all preorders and I'll need to secure one elswhere for more than MSRP, which would have been the case anyway if I waited until Monday or Tuesday to see if N-Y reopens their preorder, and with no money up-front I lose nothing.
  8. @F-35s cleared for service: Cool, it appears that the problem that prompted the grounding was a one-off; the blade apparently cracked due to a material and/or machining flaw, and not a design one -- this is not unheard of as an undetected microscopic flaw in the metal or a minor manufacturing goof that's not caught immediately can create a failure several months, or years, or decades later depending on stresses encountered. @US buys A-29 Super Tucanos for Afghanistan: Just follow your nose... and why aren't the Afgans paying for them?
  9. Luca himself may be a tepid character at best, but his Messiah is another story. The RVF is very unique looking in terms if aesthetics with the VE-1-esque upper dish and the Supersylph inspired sensor fin, despite the near nauseating light green / almost 50's aqua coloring it wears.
  10. From the point of view of us gaijin consumers, it's tempting to say yes, but that is an extremely unrealistic and childish position. If one can take a step back, suspend the frustrated fanboy range, and look at it logically from Bandai's point of view, the answer is clearly "why should they?" Don't get me wrong, I'm as dissapointed by the way they've (mis)handled every renewal release, in terms of units produced, since the 25F as just about everyone here, and missed on the RVF-25's miniscule pre-order window... but I realize that we're not the target market (blame HG for that), and having to sleep in order to go to work the next day when these things go up (blame the 12 hour difference -- I'm in the NE-USA) doesn't help either.
  11. I think most/all VFs have active stealth (EM jamming to fool enemy sensors), as opposed to passive stealth (mask, absorb, redirect detection systems). If I'm not mistaken, the VF-0, SV-51, YF-19, YF-21 are all mentioned to be stealthy to varying degrees, like your example of Nora sneaking up, and not registering on radar even when clearly visible, on the F-14s. The VF-17 and VF-171 look like they employ both systems given that they're shaped derivatively from the passively stealth F-117, much more so for the 17. Long range weapons definately gives the combatant with the best "first look, first kill" ability a distinct advantage, but if both sides posess comparable over-tech active stealth technology of equal capabilities than targetting and engaging a beyond visual range target becomes impossible; you'd need within visual range in order to shoot anything other than a nuke and hope to hit anything. Maybe that's one of the reasons for all the missile swarms. When it comes to visual dedection in space, a low albedo paint job would certainly be of help in keeping you undetected from head on, or if you're on momentum alone with engines off your chances of maintaining your stealth are also significantly affected by the finish on the VF. So an all black VF-17 running silent would have the best chance of all VFs of sneaking up on an enemy. And, err, stars' lights only twinkle (blink) within the heat distortions/eddies of an atmosphere... in space, no atmosphere means no blinking, so anti-collision blinkers would be a dead givaway in space.
  12. Very nice. It's like something between a contemporary HGUC and a MG kit, closer to MG... some panel lining, paint on the canopy frame, decals (if it comes with any and not those godawful foil stickers), and a flat coat and you're good to go.
  13. The Detolfs have a ~1/4" (6.35 mm) gap all the way around the door, so dust does get in and will accumulate on the shelves and whatever is no them, but at a significantly reduced rate compared to having your stuff sitting out in the open.
  14. Slu77y looking figures vs. creepy looking dols... kettle, meet pot. Edit: slurmty?... really?
  15. I too miss the monthly release on new desktop-worthy images...
  16. The sequel to CW is Revenge of the Sith (SW Ep III). That Disney has no plans for one makes complete sense. No logic in rebooting or remaking what hasn't enen been finished; next week's episode is a season finale, not a series one... unless Disney were to not renew and drop production altogether without a season 6 or a movie to wrap things up. I'm unnaware of such plans, but a pox on their company if they were to do it.
  17. If I'm right, and I'm not saying that I am -- I actually expect that I'm not, then a motivation for her actions would be revealed when/if she's shown to be the real culprit. You mean you wish for her execution at the hands of the Senate, with the Jedi order helpless and/or unwilling to help her? I don't think a kid's show would go that far, but it would certainly bolster Anakin's disillusion with the Republic and the Jedi Council if one were to sentence her to death and the other just powerlessly accepts such a verdict.
  18. I wasn't sure about this arc when it started with Sabotage but it has turned out to be one of the best of this season, and I loved seeing Asajj Venterss' return... am I the only one here who thinks she's one of, if not the most complex, well developed, and fun to watch characters in the entire Clone Wars Series?
  19. Only partially new; the head sculpt and all parts related to the forward fuselage/cockpit area, excluding landing gear components, to be precise. Other than that, which is plenty as Bandai could've just given us a re-pop with different colored plastic and just the new head, it's the same as the EX model.
  20. Smaller. The Cosmo Zero, as seen in 2199, has a maximum length of 16.9 m; the Messiah is listed at 18.72 m. At 1/72 that's 23.47 cm (9 1/4 in) vs. 26 cm (10 1/4 in).
  21. I think you mean the Shah. The ayatollah (Khomeini) was the instigator/inspiration for the revolution that caused the deterioration of Iran's relations with the western world which has brought us to the sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today. It was very unfortunate that those Tomcats were lost to the Islamic take-over. I remember a Heavy Metal episode about the Tomcat, on the History Channel, where they mentioned unconfirmed reports that Grumman's crew of technicians, who were in-country to train the Iranian pilots and maintenance crews how to service the F-14s at the time of the revolution, sabotaged the birds by removing key avionics and other vital equipment, rendering the fighters innoperable... and since the new Iranian regime could no longer get support and parts to make the Tomcats flight ready, not to mention the know-how, they just sort of went into a forced mothballing from which they've never emerged.
  22. Sacrilege! Tar and feather the infidel!... Mospeada must shine again! But I would not be opposed to any mecha from the shows you listed
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