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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I'd be more than happy if they went the MG Gundam Plamo rout and had every conceivable color break broken down into color specific sprue trees and/or their multi-color, multimedia sprues. The 25s were more akin to HG kits in the way they separated parts by color, but I'd really like to get MG/RG/PG level molding here.
  2. Yes, it's just Hasegawa milking their VF-11 molds and adding the radar dish and its support pylon(s) in the mix. It's still a welcome sight for 1/72 Macross kit builders, and with one in hand it would be an easy thing to use the model parts as reference for some enterprising member here to generate 3D files to run on Shapeways, or elsewhere, for a 1/60 scale conversion for the Yamato Thunderbolt. So it's all good.
  3. Note to self: erect an electrified fence and set up a motion sensor detection perimiter to protect collection from EXO's ninjas...
  4. I collect whatever strikes my fancy, that happens to fall within my buying "pain" threshold.
  5. I suppose that my last purchases (one VF-17S and one VF-19S) could be considered panic buys, or maybe impulsive ones; however, I prefer to refer to them as belated aquisitions that happened to coincide with all the bad news regarding Yamato and welcomed discounts from HKC. Aside from the one time expense for a VF-4G upon its release, this has been the most I've ever spent on a single month on Macross related collectibles, or any collectibles for that matter. After these two birds, the only Yamato VFs I still need to call my collection complete are a 1/60 VF-1A 2.0 CF TV ver. and a VF-22S Max; if I were to come across a VF-19F and/or P and a VF-17D for roughly the same price as the deals I got on the two I bought from HKC I'd get them too.
  6. I'm about to find out for myself. I got a shipping notice from HKC for my last purchase, a VF-17S and a VF-19S; now the waiting begins...
  7. Have a VF-4, so no... unless MSRP were half what I paid for the G version, or the Dollar/Yen exchange rate were a lot more favorable than it is now. I have a VF-0S and a VF-0A Shin with the UCAV booster, so unless they were to produce a VF-0D I see no need to revisit the M-Zero mecha, on my part. And I have the Fold Booster equipped YF-19 so I can't see me needing a renewal of it unless it were a huge leap in desing/engineering/quality over what I have and it would need to be within what I consider to be a fair price, because I do not double dip. Therefore, from my point of view, not getting any of them, at any price, isn't an issue in the least. I'm well aware that when it comes to the rarified high end toy market, price becomes a secondary consideration for many because quibling over $50 to $100 bucks becomes accademic in the greater scheme of things; but, for me, with very few exceptions (the aforementioned VF-4G for example) I draw the dividing line between "realistically priced" and "an insult to my intelligence" at the $200 range... with shipping if at all possible. Thus, a $170-180 VF-17S is nothing to sneeze at, but justifiable; a $280-300+ VF-17D is an easy pass.
  8. Well, speaking for myself, since I placed an order with HKC for a VF-19S and a VF-17S earlier this week for ~50% off each (still waiting for the shipping notification email from them, BTW), I essentially got two Valks for the price of one; therefore, my complaining that Yamato 1/60s are, with the exception of the VF-1, grossly overpriced in general, still stands... it's one of the primary reasons I waited this long . All the doom and gloom concerning Yamato's demise and the drying up of supply everywhere were just the last little push I needed to pull the trigger on these, but if they were going for full price or anything less than 40% off I would not have bought them because they would've been too expensive to me, to my perception of their true value. Just my 2 cents...
  9. So... after a lot of prevaricating, and getting antsier and antsier given all the depressing info here and elsewhere regarding Yamato/Arcadia and availability of current product, I finally broke down and ordered myself a VF-19S and a VF-17S from HKC; for what amounts to 50% off each, the total cost for the two pieces came to around the same as I paid for 1 VF-4G. Even if we never see another 1/60 VF release from this particular producer, I can now say that I own at least one example of every Valk they've ever made; so, unless things work out for the better and Arcadia fills the void, Bandai notwithstanding, I can say that my collection is complete. Thanks for all of you for breaking down my self-restraint and parting me with a wad of cash on these latest aquisitions... sometimes I really hate you guys!
  10. http://www.newsday.com/news/world/physicists-claim-to-have-found-god-particle-1.4811929 http://metro.co.uk/2013/03/14/god-particle-found-by-large-hadron-collider-scientists-hours-after-new-pope-elected-3541883/ I call BS because, in LEXX, finding the Higgs boson caused the Earth to blow up, and I didn't hear no boom! Actually really cool news for the tentative confirmation of the 1964 theory of how particles acquire mass which leads to gravity which leads to the Universe as it exists.
  11. Damn, missed it again. I sure do hope hobbyfan will come through; given the price being very almost within $10.00 of Otacute's and their shipping rate inside the US being cheaper due to the fact they're US based, hobbyfan actually represents a comparable deal... if they deliver, that is.
  12. I saw this image on deviantART and just had to share. It's by LeElf. I haven't gone through all the pages to see if it's been posted before, but anything this cool deserves another go even if it has...
  13. All this doom and gloom and conspiracy talk is making me think that the only likely word on Macross related merchandise we're likely to get from Arcadia is the sound of chirping crickets...
  14. That supersylph is sweet. It's interesting how I like the supporting designs in Yukikaze, from the Sylphid all the way to the Fand II, but I can't stand the Mave... specially it's side profile.
  15. Kick-Ass 2... because any original that sucked as bad as Kick-Ass did <sarcasm>absolutely needs</sarcasm> another go around to double down on the awful spectacle of it all... The original wasn't even worth a free rental, save for a few sequences as Duke mentioned, so this guaranteed turd-fest will be an easy pass all the way to it's all-too-quick cable debut.
  16. The pieces would still be manufactured in China, so unless Toynami were to decide to tell the Factory's personell, specially those in charge of QC, to relax or do away with their criteria, not much would change. But this is speculation of the way-over-the-top variety.
  17. Otacute!... Ahhh, that's where I got my Alto YF-29, too!... me and my need for sleep...
  18. You could try moving the hinge back and forth by holding each side between forefinger and thumb of each hand and applying gentle pressure to see if it budges; failing that you could try a tiny drop of penetrating oil to the hinge pin to see if that loosens it. Last option would be to warm the hinge by concentrating hot air from a hair dryer to it so that it expands just enough to unbind. Once it moves it shouldn't be an issue again.
  19. That's not very encouraging but I'll keep my fingers crossed, and checking HLJ periodically...
  20. There is politics and there is political and/or historical context. You offered a sober description of actual history to add much needed context to previous posts, and I salute you for it.
  21. The SDF-2 only "exists" in Robotech. If I'm not mistaken, it's supposed to look just like the SDF-1 and was resting behind the Macross, back to back; all this was purely inplied in dialogue as there was nothing ever shown, for obvious reasons, other than one scene where what is called the SDF-2 is shown listing after being hit in Kyron's last attack -- of course in the original this was actually the SDF-1 itself.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=np9tBI7_nq8
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