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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    Post your request in the Wanted section of this site or in one of the dedicated DX/VF-25 threads.
  2. That last trailer hit so many geek spots on so many levels, it's like a nerdvana... I have no idea if this will even remotely resemble a good movie, but it is guaranteed to be one hell of a ride, a total assault on all senses.
  3. Got the processing notification email too. I guess I should have mine on-hand by no later than the second week in May...
  4. Easy, change the name from English to Latin (Pleni Frontis... it even rings like a proper name) and you retain the words, the intended meaning, add a centain class and gravitas, eliminate the double entendre, and make it actually sound cool as opposed to ridiculous.
  5. Hasn't been anounced yet. Rest assured that it's a sure thing that it will be reissued within the next few months, and that when the official anouncement is made in the Tamashi website, someone here will post the news. If my preorder for the RVF-25 with Hobbyfan works out as I hope, then Ozma's 25 is the last Messiah I'll need to complete my Frontier collection, unless Bandai decides to pump out a 25A CF version...
  6. Paypal will rob you of a good amount of savings with their lousy exchange rate; however, even with that being taken into account, I still saved about 8-9 bucks compared to the original USD quote when I first placed my preorder, so I'm not going to complain.
  7. Touché. Although, Bond, with few exceptions, is its own special kind of stupid... Pussy Galore, Octopussy...
  8. Sure, in a Sub, editor's and liner notes work just fine... I even mentioned as much on a previous post; however, I was refering to Dubs where notes popping up or explanatory voice-overs for dialogue just get cumbersome (not to be confused with dubbed anime containing subs for signs, lyrics, etc.; those are extremely helpfull and welcome). The Gundam franchise has more than its share of odd names ranging from the mildly strange to the downright inane, but Full Frontal is on a whole new level of imbecilic... it's the kind of handle you'd expect in a comedic Hentai. It's such "oddities", in no small measure, that cause most people to write off anime in general, with varying degrees of disdain.
  9. I fall on the side of staying as true to the original material as possible when scripting for dubbing, but having the traslator(s) use best judgement when making creative alterations necessitated by launguage/cultural disparities that would render dialogue too cumbersome and/or nonsensical if adherence to strict translation is maintained (Ex.: if a joke or wordplay would fall flat, change it so that it's not longer an issue, but try to make the new dialogue match the context of the story/mood of the scene); it's not a creative licence, but a constructive alteration in order to further the quality of the storytelling to the intended audience. Another area that can sometimes benefit from a little rewrite is in characters' names. It is almost always preferable to keep the original names, even though any meaning those names have in Japanese are lost unless you happen to know Japanese, but then you wouldn't need Subs or Dubbs in the first place, would you? However, there are instances where westernizing or renaming would be preferable in order to make it either more pallatable or less eye-rollingly stupid/weird. This can run the gamut of a minor respelling (Roy Focker to Roy Fokker... for obvious reasons) to complete name change (South Burning from 0083 isn't so bad, although a bit awkward; Quattro Bajeena of Zeta get's a lot worse but is tolerable -- if you speak Portuguese, however, that comes close to meaning 4 va9!na; but Full Frontal, on the other hand, is downright ridiculous to an English speaking audience and should've been changed to something a lot less dumb.
  10. Yes! That's most welcome. I just hope that it makes it through the dubbing process unnedited.
  11. For the diecast parts I would think that lacquers would be adequate, or automotive paint would be ideal for its strength and the fact that you can have them custom mixed (just take a sample you wish to color match with you and they do the rest) at most autoparts stores ready for airbrushing or even in rattle cans or those containers that couple with a propellant can.
  12. I didn't want to start a whole new thread for Defiance, so I thought this was as good a place as any to post about this new Syfy series. So, was anyone else who happend to catch the 2 hour premier episode as thoroughly bored with it as I was? I mean, this thing is dull, and considering all the hype and specials and build-up they gave the series prior to launch, having it be about as entertaining as watching paint dry is getting really close to committing a capital offence in my book; not only that, but it felt, to me, like a mish-mash of Falling Skies, Terra Nova, Earth Final Conflict, and Alien Nation... I may give it one or two more episodes to see if it gets a solid footing and at least a bit interesting, otherwise, like most Syfy Network fare, I'll just ignore it. Other than Continuum and Being Human currently(never cared for Warehouse 13, Eureka, or any number of other projects they've thrown at audiences), and SG1/SGA/SGU, there hasn't been anything even remotely good on that Network since BSG finished its run... what a wasteland.
  13. Last couple of times I visited N-Y's webstore all the prices were listed in Yen and I was unnable to switch currency views with their selector pull down menu... the language one still works just fine. Have they disabled the currency choice due to all the recent requests for Yen billing brought on by recent exchange rate trends, or is it just me?
  14. It's not just Japanese to English and vice versa that can prove to be translation nightmares when subtext, inuendo, humor, slang, double entendres, historical connotations, etc., come into play. Even with languages that have a lot more in common can be nigh impossible to translate verbatim without copious amounts of editor's notes (Ex.: Get Smart is impossible to translate into Portuguese without losing the double meaning of the word play of the title. When Mel Brooks's spy spoof series aired on Brazilian television it was retitle "Agente 86", because "Fica Esperto" or "Pega o Smart" just don't work too well or don't sound right); this is where Subs can be far more accurate as the translator has the luxury of adding contextual aids, but having notes pop up on dubbed works or having audio explanations inserted is almost always awkward. I personally applaud the work translators do on dubbed anime as they almost always manage to get most, if not all, of the plot across in a way that is natural to the target audience. Dubbed works just make the medium much more accessible to even the most casual fans who prefers to devote 100% of their attention to following the visuals and audio without having to read endless lines of text that often flash by too quickly or lack enough contrast/definition to follow without having to pause and/or rewind.
  15. Yeah, by the time you add the shipping it costs about the same as N-Y's current price with registered SAL.
  16. Nice! I'd buy that YF-29 in a second. From the posted images I'd say that Ozma's Durandal is not all black, but all dark gray -- different tones of dark gray, with true black accents; the overall shade is more akin to DD Ivanov's SV-51 than anything else, and perhaps not even quite as dark. Bandai needs to get on this, and Isamu's version, pronto... what better way to milk a mold, head units notwithstanding, than to produce all these great game derived schemes that everyone seems to drool over...
  17. All Next Generation movies, with the exception of First Constact, were horrid pieces of dreck, but IMO Insurrection takes the crown for the worst Star Trek movie ever made; regardless, I do agree with you that Nemessis is worse than ST:V... even as silly as that was. Yes, the JJ-'prise's gotta go. It looks like they had two teams creating independent, complete, designs for the new "old NCC-1701": a larger derivative of the Connie refit, and an awkward bulbous Buck Roger's abortion; then someone, perhaps Abrahms himself, decided to put the saucer of the first atop the engineering hull of the second, with the result being far uglier than the sum of its parts. I'm just not sure if depicting a primary hull separation preceding the ship's destruction would be a good idea as it would smack of walking on previously trodden soil (Generations).
  18. The jiggly F-cups are centainly mesmerizing...
  19. Those are some fat thighs on that thing...
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