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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. They were sold, I'm sure; but whether to some other toy company (opening the possibility for a future re-pop under a new brand, at least in Japan) or for scrap, I have no idea.
  2. Now, here's something that I completely missed: Mega House is reissuing the 1/8 Yamato Girls Collection PVC Yuki Mori yellow jumpsuit version figure for an August release; preorders went up and sold out everywhere already... Getting this figure at retail or less is like trying to get a Bandai Macross Frontier DX at MSRP... crazy!
  3. Much like Germany's DKM Bismarck and DKM Tirpitz were for the British Navy during WWII, IJN Yamato and IJN Musashi were "must sink" targets for the American Navy, no effort was spared and in the end, much like the aforementioned Kriegsmarine ships, both were sunk. Regardless of the name's interchangeability with "Japan", when Space Battleship Yamato was dubbed into English and other Western languages, the name of the ship was changed to Argo, although Cpt. Avatar (Okita) does mention that the ship was originally the Yamato Dreadnaught before the rechristening, and the show's name changed to Star Blazers (Star Patrol -- Patrulha Estrelar -- in Portuguese... which sounds far dumber than the English moniker) in order to be more palatable to an American audience from the late 1970s, because, even ~ 30 years removed from the war, there was still a significant amount of negative connotation to anything "Japanese". Today, however, I don't see any "real" reason why 2199 couldn't be sold to US audiences with its original show and character names: most, if not all, of the war baggage is gone; heck, most 20 something and younger people don't even know who the opposing forces were, what roles they played, how they were allied, etc... a very sad statement to be sure, but it makes the rebranding unnecessary. The only reason to rename the new show to Star Blazers 2199, and by extension reusing all the old English names, is to give it a sense of brand continuity with the old show... more a property rights issue than anything else. Personally, I don't care either way. It's a foregone conclusion that the DVDs and BDs will include both original and dubbed tracks; so other than some possible changes in media case graphics and the show's name, the video content should be the same as the Japanese original, and at a much better price point. However, if any editing for content is performed, as was done with the old show, then we have a problem.
  4. Has Bean Bandit's (Riding Bean) super GT ever been released in kit or diecast form in any scale?... that one is rather Iconic. And from the same Manga/Anime there is the 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 (also in Gunsmith Cats). BTW, love the Renault Alpine... lovely lines.
  5. This is sooo too late, or too early, for an April Fool's prank...
  6. I don't regret any of my Yamato related " Macross Panic 2013 â„¢ " purchases seeing as everything I got were bought at as much as 50%+ off MSRP: VF-19S and VF-17S off HKC, and a VF-1A CF TV edition from Ebay. The one I regret buying at the time I did is Bandai's VF-171 CF at N-Y's 17000 Yen preorder rate since they're now selling the darned thing for 15K, and with a better Dollar-Yen exchange rate to add insult to injury... could've saved myself around $40 if I had just waited, but I already have it, so bellyaching about it is moot.
  7. Yamato released the VF-11B from M+ twice, first with and then without the rainbow tinted canopy, then there is the VF-11C from M7.
  8. True enough. I'd like to get one, but not enough to pay scalper rates, specially after getting shot dowh at Hobbysearch and HLJ on the night the preorders went up; got all the way to adding to cart and going through checkout, only to have the rug pulled from under my feet both times. I'm still PO'd enough at that fiasco that I will not reward that kind of crap with my money. Also, there is always the possibility that Grace's unit will be released later...
  9. I'm given to understand that they're pretty good with accepting returns and issuing replacements or credit for defective merchandise, but you have to ship the stuff back on your own dime... the catch 22 of buying almost anything online, and specially true when the vendor is outside your country.
  10. If the price does not come down by at least 2000 Yen, I've already made up my mind that I don't need this thing. I'll just make do with my 1/72 model and call it a day, and consider it a savings of +/- $265.00.
  11. If you're willing to pay N-Y's over inflated price you might as well check out nin-nin game as their preorder is currently open, and for roughly the same as N-Y. You may want to take shipping into consideration, however.
  12. In 2199, the Black Tigers (Cosmo Tigers?) have been replaced with Cosmo Falcons. From this: To this:
  13. Wing warping is endemic of Bandai's Frontier DXs, to varying degrees, with the 29s being the sole exception due to their segmented design... the 25s and 171s both suffer from it. Either Bandai's manufacturer pops these parts out of the molding machine too soon after injection, thereby not allowing the plastic to cool enough, or the injection pressure is not optimal for the plastic used, or the ABS grade is just inferior to what Yamato spec'd, or a combination of these and other factors. Edit: ABS, not PVC... Derp!
  14. Maybe, where this 1/72 VF-1 model is concerned, Banday just decided to subscribe to the Krusty the Clown corporate motto... Off course, they fail to realize that modelers are a notoriously anal bunch and this offering of theirs is falling short on way too many levels.
  15. And that, right there, is why I've decided to never pay N-Y's jacked-up prices ever again, and why I abstained from getting a VF-27 reissue at current rates; although I may cave on the Ozma, any other release will need to be secured at MSRP or less, or I just don't need to have it. I really despise paying for something just to have the price drop on me within a couple of weeks after release; it'd be one thing to have these things go on discount 6 months later, but getting sucker punched to the tune of 3000+ Yen mere days after release is just insulting. Ultimately I place the blame squarely at Bandai's feet.
  16. So, the series will take place prior to the events in The Avengers or in an alternate timeline?
  17. Got mine today, sooner than I anticipated given reg. SAL. I hate the fact that I could've saved myself another 10-20 bucks if I had purchased after release instead of preordering; but no matter, I'm thrilled to have it... the teal color is sooo 'purdy'.
  18. In my experience, regular SAL deliveries just get dropped off, no sig required... that can be good or bad, depending on where you live. I'm unsure about Registered SAL, but it'd make sense that'd need someone to accept the package. I had my N-Y 171 shipped via regular SAL, so it's likely to be another wwek oe two before mine arrives at my door.
  19. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too busy... the technicolor yawn of VF-1 schemes.
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