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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Thanks for the heads-up. Better price than N-Y's preorder too. Although I do have a preorder with Hobbyfan, given all the discouraging news I've been reading on these pages regarding them getting shorted and/or completely skunked by their supplier, and thereby being unable to honor the orders they took, I decided to bite the bullet and pay the inflated price from nin-nin so that I can secure one to justify my preorder of the super packs + ghosts. Should Hobbyfan deliver, I'll post one of the copies for sale here at the cost of the most expensive unit. Once again, thanks. I do love this community... even if it does put a sizable dent in my wallet...
  2. Ha! They took 2013 Superman and turned him into 1983 He-man...sans the blond locks.
  3. Keeping my fingers crossed that Hobbyfan will be able to fulfill all the preorders they took for the RVF, but not expecting much... going to keep my eyes open for additional stock elsewhere, just in case.
  4. There are several visual cues that differentiate the original rendition of the Yamato and the 2199 version... too many to list; but the biggest one is the revised increase in the ships' length. The new SOC should reflect all these changes, but since I already have the original SOP Yamato I'm not biting on this SOC just like I skipped on the previous SOC release with the wide mouth WMG.
  5. Preordered both at the same time at N-Y... I can wait to get them at the same time as it saves on shipping. These damned VFs and accessory packs are like a drug addiction, once you start you just keep going for your next fix no matter how much you tell yourself you're going to abstain.
  6. Preordered too, both sets... I'm such a sucker
  7. So, I guess the extra 4000+ Yen is due to the inclusion of the three ghost drones; understandable, but still a bit of a punch to the gut...
  8. Now I know who hogged all the crazy... You, sir, are a mad genius. Absolutely amazing; those lit feet thrusters, specially, just blew me away.
  9. Thank you, Obrigado, Arigatō, Gracias, Grazie, Danke, Spasibo ; snagged one at playasia for just under $96.00 shipped... BBTS is asking far too much, and with Bill-Me-Later I can delay payment until I get the figure, which almost makes up for the fact that they require payment upfront if paying with Paypal.
  10. Doesn't seem like it. Does it look like the image below when you install it? Edit: If you'd like, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you the install exe.
  11. There is also a little program, from the defunct X Dimension Software, called 3D Exploration 1.11 BETA that can import and convert from-to many different mesh file formats, including MD3, and it exports to STL directly. This little gem from 1999 works great and will save the frustration of going through Blender; it must be noted that depending on the source file, some triangles may end up being omitted or get their normals flipped, but nothing that can't be easily healed in the prep software. Edit: For anyone who may be interested, the installation file is called 3DEXPLOR.EXE, and it's only 1196 KB... the whole installed application is only 2.03 KB and runs flawlessly in Win7 64 bit. If the mods permit it, and only if the mods permit it, I can upload it here.
  12. A cylinder has two measurements: diameter or radius (D = 2*R) and height/length. If you're not referring to how tall or long the cylinder is, then you're talking about the diameter/radius. In drafting, when you dimension a cylinder's top/plan view (all you see is a circle) you represent it with a standard diameter dimension: single arrow pointing to the center of the circle and a leader line with the measurement number having a Ø before it for diameter or a R for radius, double arrows pointing outwards from the center with the number (with a preceding Ø) between the arrows or outside the circle with a leader line; when dimensioning from a front/side (elevation) view, you show dimension lines on what looks like a rectangle measuring from parallel lines to denote height and diameter (see images bellow). Therefore, if I understood your question, the diameter and the width are the same thing. As for Sketchup... no idea.
  13. When using true CAD software, if you create a model of a 10" cube, it will export as a 10" cube STL file; this is not always true with non-CAD modeling software... you could end up with a STL file that translates into a 10 cm cube, of a 10 km cube, but it will be 10 dimensional units in width, length and depth, so that scaling is a simple decimal multiplier. I work with 3DLightyear for SLA and CatalystEX for Stratasys' Dimension 1200es FDM 3D printer, and both apps import STL files in their exported scales, but will either convert automatically (Catalyst), or allow for easy unit conversion (Lightyear) of in-to-mm and vice versa, and both allow for custom scaling at the preparation software stage, before supports are added (Ex.: You model a figure at 1/18 scale and after exporting to STL you decide you'd like a 1/35 version of it; all you need to do is scale the model either by a decimal multiplier or a percentage, depending on the prep software you're using... all it takes is a little math to get from the overall height you have to the overall height you want.
  14. I only got one at N-Y's original 17K yen price and I feel the same way... could've save $50+ if I'd waited. Live and learn.
  15. The Kobus are from Sakura Wars (Sakura Taisen): info. The TV show and OVAs are kind of forgettable, but the Steam Punk battle suits (somewhere in size between Maschinen Krieger, DORVACK and VOTOMS are great designs.
  16. CA glue will not melt plastic, but it will make it brittle to the point of disintegration if you use an accelerator (effects vary depending on the particular styrene blend being bonded), or rather too much accelerator... found that the hard way. On the plus side, super glue is excellent for adding strength to bonded joints; so long as the surfaces where the super glue, and just a little accelerator, is used are not visible.
  17. Well, the G was released not that long ago, so you'll have to wait a while for the release of the F reissue and an announcement and release of the S reissue, before the G gets its turn for a second go-around.
  18. Those Kobus are pretty neat; although I could care less for the pink one, the others are worth my consideration. The 1/8 Yamamoto figure from 2199 keeps looking better and better... still kicking myself for not preordering Yuki when I had the chance, but the next two shown look like easy passes for me. And that HAW206 tank from GITS... must... have! Is it a kit or a pre-finished figure/toy? Thanks for posting the video.
  19. Just an ensemble shot, or your second option... it is Bandai, after all.
  20. Couldn't resist this little witch...
  21. As much of a "snooze fest" the last one was, I actually found On Stranger Tides far more enjoyable than the train wreck that was At World's End. The first is still the best, the second was mediocre at best, the third is nigh unwatchable, and the fourth is passable -- not great, but not horrible either. Here's hoping the fifth installment will come close to capturing the quality of the first one... and they better have Barbosa in this new romp; excluding Sparrow, he's the most entertaining character of the franchise.
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