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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Got my copy from nin-nin game. This was the first and last time I ever order anything, regardless of price, from them. Not only am I pi$$ed that I paid way too much by going with them when I did instead of just waiting another 8 hours or less for when they became available for much less just about everywhere else; but they did such a lousy job packaging the thing that the toy's box has one corner completely crushed. I have half a mind to send them an email requesting a full refund and restitution of shipping fees to send it back to them so that they can eat it. FYI to anyone even remotely contemplating buying anything of significant value from them... save yourself the aggravation and DON'T.
  2. I had it in my cart, so that isn't the problem...
  3. If it's still available at CDJ, why do I keep getting the following error at check-out? The quantity of "NEOGDS-90706 / Figure/Doll / DX Chogokin Theatrical Feature Macross F (Frontier) Sayonara no Tsubasa VF-25A Messiah Valkyrie (Normal Type)" in your shopping cart has exceeded the quantity that's actually available for order. Please modify the quantity after checking the product page to see how many are still available.
  4. Amiami just hit the proverbial brick wall
  5. This site should come with a warning: Macrossworld can be hazardous to your wealth.
  6. Man.... I still need a S and the upcoming A versions. How come no announcement of an Ozma reissue yet?... Come on Bandai, I'm waiting...
  7. Regardless of how long it would take to get there: a one way trip that takes nearly 100k years by conventional rocket with gravity assist, 50k+ years with ion propulsion, or 250-500 years with an atomic pulse-detonation drive; everyone is ignoring the fact that all three worlds are expected to be tidally locked to the primary (always having the same hemisphere facing the star), so that one side is scorching hot and the other perpetually cold and dark with, perhaps, a narrow longitudinal band of twilight that could have the prerequisite conditions for liquid water... If any of them possess a magnetic field strong enough to prevent solar wind caused atmospheric stripping and excessive radiation bombardment, an atmosphere of sufficient pressure for water to exist as a liquid, if water is present at all, etc., then one or more of them may be interesting enough places for a photo op, but they would still be extremely unpleasant, if not inhospitable, places for human beings to live on. I'm of the opinion that true Earth analogs, if any exist at all anywhere near us or even in the entirety of the Milky Way, will be extremely rare (less that one instance in 10 billion)... so many variable have to be just right.
  8. That's rather odd, could it be country dependent? I know it's weight/size and/or value dependent. I have a RVF-25 and a VF171 in my Private Warehouse at HLJ and either one, if selected to be shipped by itself, shows SAL, EMS, or FedEx as options; combined I only get EMS or FedEx.
  9. Me neither, N-Y right, or was it Nin-Nin? Although I had promised myself I would not double dip, I ended up picking a second one at HLJ's discount price a couple of days ago, just paid $124 and change today (will end up being around $143-ish with shipping), and it now awaits in my Private Warehouse; so if I average the two, the individual unit cost is less of a sucker-punch, but I wish I had avoided the 17K Yen preorder... 20/20 and spilled milk and all that... One thing is for damned sure, I'm staying away from the VF-27 inflated preorder -- I learned my $100+ 'booby-prize' lesson with the 171 and RVF-25 (got an extra one of those too at HLJ when they got extra/canceled stock after release, and will likely unload one to recover some of my cost). I'll wait for release date on the 27 and get it at or bellow MSRP, or not at all.
  10. There's a front page??? Whodathunkit?... I keed, I keed!
  11. I'm hoping for that as well because I'm sure as heck not paying the mark-up... this thing is pricy enough on its own without the added scalper's premium.
  12. In that case, I applaud you in your use of recycled electronics to make you engine FX work... very impressive. Do you plan to drill and light windows? How about the landing bays?
  13. I think the flickering should be a little faster; otherwise, sweet.
  14. It would not help. It would have been better if Kawamori had renamed the 19 to VF-20 for M7 and beyond, like he did with the YF-21 becoming the VF-22; that would save a lot of confusion to some.
  15. Forget posable flaps, Arcadia should engineer integrated hardpoints, 2 per wing would suffice, and add HMMs as part of the included accessories.
  16. So, with the announcement of the upcoming DX VF-25A, it's now official: The Messiah is the most prolific VF design since the VF-1 Valkyrie in Macross 1/60 toy history.
  17. Ordinarily, if you can't detect any odors when the machine is running there shouldn't be much to worry about. The company where I work employs a Stratasys Dimension machine that is an ABS extruder; it is kept in a small, unventilated room with no smell even after hours of continuous operation (if anything, I'd be more concerned with the detergent-soluble support substrate material it uses to anchor the plastic to the build platform than the ABS itself) -- granted, the room is solely dedicated to the prototype machine and not occupied on any continuous basis; that being said, It could be possible for some people to have or develop a sensitivity to minute amounts of airborne volatiles that most people could not hope to smell, so it's better to be safe than sorry and install an exhaust fan to a window that you can turn on whenever you operate your machine.
  18. I'm in for one, and only one, if I can get it at or bellow MSRP... sick and tired of the Bandai DX preorder shortages and mark-up shenanigans from places like N-Y and Nin-Nin Game. I've gotten burned twice this year, but not again.
  19. It's a Bandai model kit; if the VF-25s are any indication, self-adhesive pre-cut vinyl stickers are pretty much a given in addition to standard decals. Just keep your fingers crossed that they won't decide to substitute the stickers with the foil variety they often include with their GUNDAM fare.
  20. When comparing the VF-171 to the VF-17, if the 171 is a chimpanzee, the 17 is a full blown silverback Gorilla...
  21. ... or if you have a Macross collecting habit.
  22. Interesting news from a YF-19 lover and general Macross collector's (Arcadia is truly in the Macross toy game) standpoint, with one caveat: PLEASE NO GLOSS FINISH!!!... I can't stress that enough!
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