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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Ha! love the analogy. N-Y is the girl that is guaranteed to always put out but is so high maintenance that she sucks all the fun out of the "fun"; however, she's still good for the occasional tryst for certain things that the prim and proper girlfriend just isn't willing to accommodate*... *get yer mind outta the gutter y'all, I'm talking about all the Tamashii exclusives.
  2. HLJ is up again! I finally secured one a MSRP!... 'bout time! Go! Go! Go! And with this I can truly tell N-Y, et. al., to bite my shiny metal a$$
  3. Stepped away to eat dinner and missed it again...
  4. I just can't catch a break with these preorders. I was off from work Monday and Tuesday and available to jump on a HLJ MSRP preorder if it happend, but nothing when I'm around; then,today it comes up when I'm driving to work and since I cannot access MW from the office I did not find out it went up until just now... this sucks on so many levels that I could just club a baby seal to death with a NERF bat.
  5. RVF-25 super parts VF-25G super parts VF-171 CF armored parts
  6. ... and the fact that it is a Tamashii exclusive means that, as long as you reserve a copy within the open preorder window, the super packs for the RVF-25, VF-25G, and the VF-171 CF should be easy to get from places like N-Y, and with no/minimal mark-up. Also, Luca's and the others should be available for a limited time, at increasingly higher prices, after release; so, if you truly wish to buy a set, don't delay too long.
  7. If it ever goes on sale for 40% off or better I'll get myself a copy; otherwise, I'm not spending anywhere near full price for this ungainly looking thing... even 35% off isn't good enough to entice me to pull the trigger on purchasing one.
  8. Seriously done preordering any Bandai Frontier DXs. It would appear that these toys will finaly be readily available post release. I'm going to enjoy sleeping through the feeding frenzy of initial preorder postings, avoiding inflated N-Y and Nin-Nin and other's prices, skipping pay-upfront shops like CD-Japan and AE, ignoring post-release ebay gouging, doing away with the frustration and disappointment and feeling of getting ripped off that this whole process has entailed since the Ozma renewal hit the market. Thank you Bandai for finally seeing that the huge demand for these toys more than justifies increased production runs so that being able to buy a copy is not such a chore, but just a normal purchasing experience. I just wish I had known this before overspending on the one VF-171 I got from N-Y and the one RVF-25 I foolishly purchased from Nin-Nin. Live and learn, and believe me, I've learned; I'll wait for post release restocks on the upcoming 27, 25A, probable 25S reissue, and any subsequent release that comes down the pipeline.
  9. As a very tepid defence of Depp playing a Native American, there is a long history in Hollywood for that sort of thing. Most, if not all, the classic westerns of yesteryear had Italian American actors playing the role of American Indians; but I must agree that Depp's performance is nothing short of pure caricature... bad caricature in that he is portraying a stereotype in speech pattern and mannerisms.
  10. Chrono is right. Bandai completly FUBARed the whole upper thigh/knee assembly; it looks almost okay when collapsed for Fighter mode, and marginally passable for Battroid, but the GERWALK is just all wrong in those areas... and is this design that Bandai's kit engineers thought look good even capable of rotating longitudinally to allow for dynamic A-stance posing?
  11. Here's a link to a ongoing list of most/all Macross related high-end toys released so far that you should have no problem accessing since it's within this very site: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29393 And one with Macross toy related questions and answers: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33093 And here is where you can find info on the franchise as a whole: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=2
  12. No, not anymore; HLJ says Order Stop. Grrrr, went to watch the Independence Day fireworks and missed my chance by less than 15 min. Oh well, there's always the chance it will be available after release day.
  13. Absolutely. The 30th Aniversary YF-29 was an easy pass for me, but an Ozma version would be a must buy.
  14. Run, run away man, before it's too late!
  15. That's a lot of pieces falling off left and right, repeatedly.
  16. What I do with Model Master bottles, enamel and acrylic, is to substitute their caps for the caps that come with Testor's 1 3/4 FL. OZ. (51.7 mL) brush thinner bottles, etc.; the plastic over-caps on those give you so much more gripping force that it makes most stuck caps easy to crack open by hand. For the really stubborn ones I use the grip of my sprue cutters for extra grip and leverage.
  17. That look "boss"! 1/48 Black Widow II... I've never built a hobby boss kit; how good are they in terms of molding, surface detail, accuracy, etc.?
  18. At this point I say preorders be damned. All I have to do is look at the current availability, and discounted prices, of the VF-171 CF and RVF-25 to see that the acquisition paradigm for the Frontier DXs has shifted to favor a 'wait for after release' approach. I skipped the jacked up preorder price on the VF-27 and intend to do the same with VF-25A (unless I can secure a 13300 Yen, or better, HLJ one; but I'm not going to sweat it if I don't), and maybe even the Ozma when that eventually hits (we'll get a better read on the hero units after the F rerelease goes in stock). It no longer makes any sense, to me, to play the scramble game to pay full price or more for something that will/should be available at or bellow retail after release without any of the aggravation associated with trying to secure a preorder, specially with the added insult of finding out you paid way too much because of haste/impulse/panic on my part and the 'let's take advantage of these Macross collectors' on their end. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, hame on me. Fool me thrice, just shoot me because I'm a hopeless chump.
  19. That makes it official, I'm 100% through with even attempting preorders of any further Frontier DXs. I'll just patiently wait until after release and save myself the time, sleep, aggravation and money.
  20. Yes, they do. I've preordered stuff from them on many occasions and never had to pay upfront. That being said, inasmuch as Renewals and contemporary Frontier Valks are concerned, the only option you're likely to get is "pay never because you ain't getting any".
  21. A gundam marker will work for little touch ups, but the ink is not very resilient and will rub off easily, and it dries glossy so it will contrast with the matt finish of the toy's paint apps.
  22. It was bubble wrapped just like you'd get with N-Y, and in a brown cardboard box, but of inferior quality and too short in height for proper cushioning to be added for protection; and to top if off it was placed in the somewhat elongated box in lopsided fashion so that it was too close to one of the ends, instead of centered within the box with the crumpled newsprint they used for filler/cushioning filling the empty spaces at either end, above and beneath the content... it's like they didn't give a rat's rear end about it -- some of it is inarguably the fault of the shipping gorillas @ Japan Post and the USPS, but proper packaging should've been used by nin-nin. I feel like I've been sucker punched twice: once for paying too much (my fault for being hasty), and a second time upon getting the thing, as now I'm left with the choice of living with it as is -- haven't even opened it to see if the toy itself is intact as I've lost all interest in it, or sending it back for a refund with shipping almost certainly at my expense. The one other option I had, to resell it here or on eBay has been robbed from me since it is not MISB, it is MISDB, so it's value has taken a dive far beyond market forces.
  23. HLJ will be my go-to as well, either when the open their preorders or when the A is released; I'm not playing anyone else's game anymore.
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