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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Or, if the 1J 30th, and the 1S Roy and Hikaru, sell well at Arcadia's considerably higher MSRP, as compared to similar/same items from Yamato, it could serve as encouragement for them to over-charge for the new YF-19, knowing that collectors will be willing to shell out for just about any price they decide to charge. It's all speculation at this point, and I hope I'm wrong, but I can see them pushing the price into VF-4G territory... Why offset the price from the sale of one product into a lower selling price of another if you're confident you can sell your latest item at an extra-premium price?
  2. Nin Nin can keep it. Not only do they charge way too much ($50+ over retail before shipping), but my experience with the way they pack their boxes for registered SAL shipping was disappointing to say the least. I'll never do business with those clowns again.
  3. The first one blew chunks; saw it when it hit broadcast just out of sheer morbid curiosity, FX I think. Believe me, you're not missing anything. This sequel looks just as bad.
  4. Big Trouble in Little China has its tongue so far into its cheek, it's awesome. Carpenter's The Thing is one of the best reimaginings/remakes ever produced; it takes a classic, albeit mediocre, sci-fi/horror B-movie flick and reinvents it into a tour-de-force in creepiness... pure win!
  5. It's hard to say no when bayonets are involved...
  6. There's nothing hypocritical with people voting with their money; if an entertainer decides to make his/her moronic views an issue, thereby antagonizing a sizable percentage of his/her potential audience, it is entirely reasonable for said audience to decide not to support the entertainer in question and/or any work with which he/she is associated. It's called freedom of choice: they choose to step in "it" and the consumer is free choose to boycott the product.
  7. I love The Black Hole; there is a lot wrong with it, but it just has an old school charm that makes it enjoyable on every viewing. I also have a soft spot for Wing Commander: I know it's a bad movie with little-to-no resemblance to the PC games, other than the title; the Rapier has got to be one of the ugliest Space Fighter designs ever (looks like a pepperbox pistol with A-4U Corsair wings and A-10 nacelles); the dialogue is insipid at times; the plot is paper thin; most of the characters are two dimensional; acting is mostly pretty bad, and quite a bid of the dialogue doesn't help matters either; and the whole bit about how the pilots deal with the death of comrades is inane... but there is something about the aesthetics and general atmosphere of the movie's universe that appeal to me, somehow.
  8. And here we go with pseudo-erudite "analysis", or in this case a winking suggestion that something was over someone else's head... and if that someone else would only "get it" that person would understand just how "awesome111!!!" it, whatever it may be, is. That's one of my beefs with the movie: Verhoven's take on Starship Troopers was the critic's take on the novel, which actually misrepresents the overriding theme of citizenship and Heinlein's view that only those who served could send men to war because civilians couldn't understand the true ramifications and sacrifices of war. The fascism angle is pure caricature, and in the movie's case, very over-the-top.
  9. Ugh... And Jim Carrey has never been funny; but the fact he's delusional enough to believe that his opinion matters, or that he has any relevance at all, is hilarious.
  10. I'll give Starship Troopers props for the SFX work, miniatures and CG, and most of the designs and execution -- the massive capital ships really sell the idea that they're ponderous behemoths; but, in my view, the movie was almost all camp, excruciatingly bad, cringe worthy camp, and the social commentary was sophomoric and ham-fisted at best... Yes Mr. Verhoven, we get the Fascism allegory, no need to beat us over the head with it... Ultimately, ST committed the biggest sin any movie can perpetrate against me: it bored me to tears. Taste in movies, or distaste for that matter, is a very personal thing, so I won't attempt to dissuade anyone from enjoying what they like; by the same token, if I think something is lame after I've given it one or more fair chances, no amount of explanation, parsing, pseudo-erudite analysis, or cajoling will change my opinion.
  11. ... and the fact that Beagle folded before producing the Fuke and Yellow types really 'Blows Superior'...
  12. I agree with the stinker label. There have only been three Sci-Fi movies I saw in the theatre that had me feeling like I'd been mugged out of my time and money: one was Waterworld, another was Freejack, and the third was Starship Troopers. Got fooled into all three by a friend of mine who had endless enthusiasm commensurate with his horrible taste in flicks.
  13. Here's hoping that if/when the CF version, and/or Grace VF-27, is announced that it will be a Tamashii web shop exclusive. I'm sick and tired of missing out on good deals because they go up in the middle of the night where I live... camping out to pre-order a toy is just not something I'm willing to do anymore, and I don't mind paying full retail (doing so with the VF-25A at HLJ), but I refuse to pay exorbitant mark ups for these things (got burned on the VF-171 CF and RVF-25... never again), specially when I just don't see the value in what's being offered . Preordering the upcoming Macross 30 YF-29 Isamu version was so easy and drama free that I'd love for Bandai to make all future Frontier DXs like the FPs, SPs, APs, and Isamu releases.
  14. Just checked the thread... slept through it as usual; I guess I'm really not meant to have one of these as I refuse to pay a penny over 10% off retail for it. Meh, saves me over 200 USD.
  15. How much am I willing to drop on this new YF-19?... Nowhere near as much as Arcadia is likely to set the MSRP for it...
  16. After seeing those pictures, I'm feeling better about having missed all opportunities to preorder at, or near, MSRP, and downright jubilant to have passed on Nin-Nin's and N-Y's ridiculously inflated prices. I just don't see that many improvements over the V.1 to justify the release at the asking prices; looks like Bandai half-a$$ed it to reuse most of the old molds and just threw in the SPs to make it look like there's real added value over the original. I suppose that if more units become available at HS or HLJ at around retail, and I happen upon it while still up for grabs, I may buy one for the sake of being a completest; but it I don't, I can't really say I'll care that much.
  17. Alright, I'll play too. I don't know if this stinker from the early '90s has been brought up before -- haven't gone through the whole thread... reviewing so many horrid movie suggestions could make one suicidal, but how about Freejack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2jlaE_8zcMU
  18. re-releasing the super and armored parts the same way they were sold before would defeat the purpose of them being released as Tamashii web shop exclusives, so I would not hold my breath; however, there is nothing stopping Bandai from bundling them with their respective DXs in order to double dip at a later date, but it's a long shot.
  19. Almost agree with you, except that I find Dragonslayer to be a very good medieval, sword and sorcery, fantasy movie too; and to this day, Vermithrax Pejorative is the most impressive depiction of a classic western Dragon/Wyvern to ever grace a motion picture (the ones in Reign of Fire were almost as superb, but the film sucked)... can't wait to see what Smaug will look like. Edit: And speaking of dragons, that is one of my minor gripes with Excalibur. Merlin keeps referring to it, but the "dragon" is just a metaphor, and/or a name for the spirit of the land itself, and the semi-sentient source of Merlin's power, and the sword's too.
  20. Sure, the glasses... that must be it...
  21. <In evil Mickey Mouse voice> You'll get what we give you, and you'll like it... Ha, Ha!...
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