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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Why bother, AmiAmi still has available stock at 6% off (18,800 JPY + Shipping ~ $187.26 + $20.00-25.00 SAL) as of this post. VF-171 CF, RVF-25, and now the VF-27... all readily available well after release at or bellow MSRP. Now, where is the VF-25S re-release announcement Bandai? Edit: If it weren't for the fact I've already spent far too much this year, with a bunch more stuff I have on preorder due out before the end of the year, I'd be tempted to get a second one from AmiAmi.
  2. Expect a VF-25G Renewal reissue announcement a few months after the re-release of the VF-25S is confirmed, which hasn't happened yet... Bandai may wait until close to the VF-25A's release before announcing Ozma's re-pop. I would not expect any news on reissuing Michael's unit for at least another 8-12 months, but anyone's guess is as good as mine.
  3. 1/250 in plastic, for a one off? You'd do better with rapid prototyping. Plastic parts require 3D modeling just like you'd need for RP, only more so because you have to take into account draft angles, undercuts, pull direction, plastic shrinkage, wall thicknesses, internal ribbing geometry to supply wall buttressing while avoiding sink marks, and on and on. Then there is the need for the injection molding tooling -- aluminum (for low production runs) or steel (for high volume) blocks ranging in size from a small coffee table to a Smart Car that need to me sourced, designed with cooling lines, ejector pins, injection gates, cams, swappable inserts, etc. After that you need to secure a factory with the necessary injection molding machines to accommodate your production run. You'd be in the hole for hundreds of thousands of dollars before you ever saw your first off-tool sample.
  4. I had mine shipped SAL from HS and it took all of 9 days to arrive at my door (NE, USA)... 7 days for the subsequent VF-25F that shipped 3 days later, also by SAL; both were very well packed and got to me in mint condition, so I wouldn't worry about it. If I'm not mistaken, HS offers the same range of shipping options as HLJ: regular SAL (no tracking), EMS, and FedEx; but other than SAL, the faster options are more expensive than HLJ's. Edit: regular SAL means uninsured, so HS has no liability for shipping mishaps.
  5. Just got my copy from HS today. Kind of surprised I received it already, just over one week, since I chose SAL. Unlike Nin Nin, Hobby Search did an excellent boxing job, on par with AE, Amiami and HLJ... HS really shines with their deep discounted prices, non inflated shipping rates -- at least as far as SAL is concerned, and great packing. I'll definitely go with them again if at all possible. As for my impression, admittedly just a quick once over and swap of the default hands with the articulated ones, of the VF-27 itself, I'm not disappointed, but neither am I awed by it. This toy is most certainly an upgraded version of the old toy, but it's no renewal... not even close.
  6. HS had it at 12800 Yen not too long ago, HLJ had it for 5% off MSRP and they may still get more limited stock -- it's gone up more than a couple of times since release; currently, Amazon JP and YJP pop up at, or slightly bellow, retail, I've also read B&M stores have them for around retail (Mandarake online is worth a look), and N-Y has it for a reasonable mark-up (far less than what they were charging for the pre-order).
  7. If Bandai schedules their renewal reissues in the same order in which they were originally released, then Ozma's 25S is next up, then the G, and finally the RVF. At this point I'd think they would stop with re-release of the G version, seeing as the RVF was made in enough numbers, and given its lesser popularity compared to the preceding units; after all, it's still readily available... often at a discount.
  8. It does deserve a reaction, of sorts: pointing one's finger at the issuer of such statements while belly laughing uncontrollably at its sheer absurdity seems to fit pretty well.
  9. So, what's the reason for not having the collapsing panel this time around, the inclusion of the leg missile bay?
  10. A gloss finish on the new YF-19 from Arcadia = no sale.
  11. That's easy. Display upside down and in another 8 years or so it will have sagged back to it's original shape.
  12. Here comes the no-so-fun part of collecting these high end toys: Just got the payment request from Hobby Search for my VF-27 purchase; I should see what all the fuss is about in about 2-3 weeks.
  13. Look at all these restocks at or bellow MSRP! Not only the 27, but also Alto's 25. I'm so glad I didn't succumb to panic and overspend with N-Y or Nin Nin this time around. In the future I'm still going to try to preorder if I happen to be awake when they open, but I won't sweat it if I come up empty, and I'm done with N-Y, or any other vendor that charges more than 1000 Yen over retail for preorders; N-Y will still be the go-to place for Tamashii stuff but not for regular releases.
  14. HS had the VF-27 earlier today, and now the 25F is available for purchase; this bodes well for the post release availability of Ozma's VF-25S when it's reissued.
  15. I'd say it's mostly over... 3 for 4. Of the last 4 Frontier DX general releases, only the 25F reissue has proven to be a PITA to get at, or below, retail... character popularity really does count for a lot. I sure hope Bandai does release a YF-30, but I'd rather they make it a Tamashii Webshop exclusive. As for other future DXs, all I need is a reissue of Ozma's VF-25S in order to complete my collection, the A is already preordered, and if a FV-27 Grace and/or CF gets made (Tamashii please) that would be icing on the cake. With the exception of the Ozma -- a must get piece that will be just as scarce at retail as Alto's, anything frontier related will need to be secured at/bellow MSRP or I'm skipping it.
  16. Good to know I'm not getting gouged on shipping. I would have actually gone with HLJ because of their customer service and Private Warehouse system, but it's hard to ignore HS's better price, and they reopened first. Edit: HLJ has just gone from "Order Stop" to "Discontinued", just like with the VF-25F. It doesn't mean that they won't reopen, but the chances are now diminished.
  17. That happened to me with preordering the VF-171 CF from N-Y and jumping the gun with Nin Nin for an RVF-25... never again. I finally got one with Hobby Search, if the confirmation email can be trusted, for 18K Yen + 2080 Yen for SAL shipping (they charge 500Y more than HLJ for this shipping method, if their 1580 SAL quote for any of the 25s is any indication); this ends up being anywhere between 500 to 1500 Yen cheaper than HLJ, depending on whether HLJ reopens at 19K or 20K. I'm definitely glad to have waited, but it's a crap shoot if you can secure one because you have to be around to check for availability at just the right time; I got lucky to have woken up and remembered to visit HS... I could have easily missed it.
  18. It's only a guilty pleasure if you feel guilty about deriving pleasure from it; but not when it's other people's preconceptions or hang-ups that lead them to try to pigeon-hole you or place labels on something you enjoy, then it's no longer about you, but about them.
  19. Use off-the-shelf plastic weld formulated to work on ABS (Ambroid Pro Weld should do the trick). It may also be a good idea to drill and pin the two pieces to be welded in order to add a bit more support/post repair strength, as long as there is enough room to do so without interfering with any hinge pins or other parts that may come into play when the canopy is opened and rotated.
  20. Still up at Nippon-Yasan.com It's a Tamashii web shop exclusive, so the number of places to preorder from are limited, but being an exclusive means there is plenty of time to reserve yours... no F5 frenzy required.
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