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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I know, I'm Brazilian, but I just wanted to use a more polite word (animal excrement instead of human). I, too, almost spit out my drink laughing when I first read that name... if you take the two words, as technoblue had them in his post, even if in two languages, together, they pretty much mean that her name would be something like $*!t for Brains. Don't the Japanese run the words they intend to use for character naming through a translation program, even an online one, before they go with them?
  2. Secured one through HS as well -- woke up this morning, checked the 1999.co website for $h!t$ and giggles, and there it was. The only thing that bothered me a tad was that, unlike my orders for the 25F and 27, SAL was not given as one of the default shipping options... you're only allowed EMS with a little check box to use SAL "if possible". I now need to determine if I need two of these, or if I should cancel my HLJ preorder (14000+1580 SAL, guaranteed with HLJ vs. 12180+?4000+?* EMS, possibly, with HS); I do have almost 1000 points with HS that I can use... * Question for those who've had similar (VF-25F, for example) items shipped EMS from HS in the recent past: How much did they charge?
  3. EMS and FedEx are more, but regular SAL is the same 1580 Yen. Exactly. Their loss, specially considering that the F model reissue sold out at anything near retail; although, even that one could be had at a discount shortly after release.
  4. Considering the VF-171CF, RVF-25, and currently the VF-27 Breara... I'm getting an ever-increasing impulse to cancel my 14K Yen, HLJ, preorder in favor of a wait and see approach; HS's 12,180 Yen price, if they restock, in addition to AmiAmi and others' discounts if/when available, look tempting and likely.
  5. The cameo and banter at the end were the only redeeming parts of this second episode... Meh, with a capital "I'm beginning to lose interest".
  6. No apologies necessary. Melda Dietz... much, much better. It "sounds" German. Although, with the somewhat ambiguous, and kind of interchangeable, nature of "R" and "L" in Japanese, the original spelling you had for her first name could also be deemed correct, but oh so wrong...
  7. Wait, what? Is that name for real? Merda, as in Scat? And Ditz, as in Scatterbrained? Oh, Japan, sometimes it's hard not to engage in ridicule with your choices of character naming...
  8. That could work. Design the parts so their internal geometry matches that of the ones being replicated so that fit to the toy is guaranteed, and make the outward facing surfaces as thick as they need to be in order to meet shapeways minimal requirements; the buyer then has to file/sand down to the final thickness.
  9. ... that's why I don't like buying from vendors that charge upfront. It's much easier to reconsider a preorder when no money's been exchanged. The best advice I can give is to send CDJ a very politely worded email inquiring about the possibility of cancellation and refund.
  10. But Bandai did do it already, use a more resilient plastic for the parts breaking on the 171 CF, that is. Alto's VF-171EX has the exact same design/engineering/molding and has had no such breakage issues reported; the problem with the CF is undoubtedly due to the use of either a lower quality/lower grade, cheaper plastic formulation, or some other change in their molding process (faster cycling time, change in molding temperature, something...) that results in ridiculously more brittle parts that can't handle the stresses present... stresses that were adequately addressed by the same parts on the EX model. Edit: I hope I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that one or more of the parts that need replication are too thin to be accepted by Shapeways.
  11. He looks like a proud papa showing off his precocious tricycle-motor...
  12. Planning on licking it, are you?...
  13. Add me to the list of those who've just received shipping notification from N-Y. SAL shipping, so it should be in my grubby hands in 1+ to 3 weeks; curious to see what $78 and change gets me...
  14. Maybe I'm just too jaded, but I wasn't all that impressed by the premier; as in, mostly "yawn".
  15. Arcadia is walking a mighty fine line with their pricing strategy: Charge too little and they have to make and sell a lot of units to make a profit, but in doing so run the risk of flooding the market if the item does not prove a hit (VF-22s anyone?) which leads to diminished returns, and antagonizing retailers who later have to discount to move inventory; charge too much and they risk scaring away a sizable portion of their prospective customers, and losing sales due to pricing themselves out of the market, regardless of them being the only game in town. Have they hit the correct price point?... Only time will tell. For me, the price is a hard one to accept as a consumer... it's a lot of money for a plastic toy! However, not being privy to Arcadia's overhead and target profit margin, I won't try to second guess them, but I will have to think long and hard if the MSRP they've settled on is something I can justify to myself in a world of so many other things that either offer far more bang for the buck, or take priority over frivolous collecting.
  16. Dobber, you've made that plucked turkey look fantastic.
  17. That stuff is mold release oil, not joint lubricant. It is bothersome as it does feel greasy.
  18. Of course it is. If the intent is to add material from the molded part, as in additional raised detail, or to slightly alter the shape so that the end result has more meat than prior to making the change, then that is a relatively easy tool alteration involving the removal of metal from the mold... EDM it, re-polish, and re-texture if necessary; on the other hand, if the goal is to subtract plastic from the final part then material has to be added to the tool, which involves welding of new metal to the mold, resulting in a somewhat weaker mold that then has to be machined to achieve the final geometry -- it can be done, but it's not ideal. In short, where molt tooling is concerned, it is always easier and preferable to remove metal than to add it; this is likely the reason no new recessed panel line details were added to the toy: recessed feature(s) in the part = removal of plastic = adding material to the mold tooling = big headache.
  19. I totally agree that if the choice is between forking over import duty tax to government bureaucrats or paying a comparable sum to the vendor supplying the goods, then the vendor is a far worthier of the lucre... the seller provides a service, the government just wants more money to waste. N-Y and Nin-Nin declare ludicrously small amounts that can save you a lot of mullah in import fee in countries that inflict such charges on their residents, so those two stores, and others, are an attractive option in this case. In the case of the US, their inflated prices are only worth it, at this point, as a last resort to acquire an item that may prove hard/impossible to purchase at or below MSRP elsewhere. If we're talking about Bandai's Frontier DXs, starting with the VF-171 CF their mark-up has been an unnecessary premium.
  20. OCD, when manifested in collecting, can be a wonderful or terrible thing, depending on your point of view; and in either case, very expensive...
  21. If they had the F model for near the same discount, I'd jump on it; I already have the S, and couldn't care any less for the Fire Valk.
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