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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Modern Hollywood dogma, and Disney in particular, dictates that in order to elevate/empower female characters, they must make the male ones almost universally dumb, incompetent, morally corrupt, defeatist, insipid, or evil, then write said female characters, many times obvious self-inserts/idealized projections, like men with little to no flaws and no consequential obstacles to overcome that lead to personal growth. Far too many times, they're already perfect and just need to realize how amazing they are, and to overthrow the shackles that limit them from achieving their awesomeness; it's such a predictable, vapid and tired trope that it's utterly one-dimensional and profoundly boring. An absurd amount of modern writers just can't seem to be able to write women anymore; so much so that, when you do encounter one in pop cinema, it is highly refreshing. I'm glad more and more people are rejecting this post-modern deconstructionism and pandering to "Modern Audiences" (something that doesn't actually exist... not in the numbers necessary to ever make it anywhere near profitable in the long run). Hopefully this "Let the past die, kill it if you have to" trend will soon end and be relegated to the ignored and forgotten ash heap; we then may get more Ripleys, and a lot fewer -- as in barely none -- Rey Palpatines or reimagined Mulans and Ariels and dozens of other examples.
  2. Yeah... Somehow it seems like a "My wife's boyfriends" joke is entirely apropos here.
  3. Oops, my mistake... must've had Mafex on the brain for some odd reason, but I stand by my sentiment regarding the Marion figure, Hasbro or otherwise.
  4. Possible mild spoiler warning It looks like an imperfect -- then again, what is? -- but satisfying sequel to the original.
  5. I already have the Figma Indiana Jones that came out in 2009, so this Mafex version is an easy pass for me, but if Marion is also in the 1/12th range, I'll be sorely tempted to get her... build an artifact be damned.
  6. I just love how this movie has pretty much shot The Little Rat-Fish in the proverbial barrel (soulless corruptions of beloved classics deserve nothing less), and obliterated the manufactured narrative excuses for its wholesale rejection... down 69.1% on its second Friday (Box Office Mojo)... another embarrassing money losing flop apparently in the making for a company with an impressive string of L's over the past few years; <sarc> wonder why? </sarc>.
  7. The SV-51 is akin to the SU-27, the VF-0 to a F-14, the VF-1 is somewhere between a F-16 and a F-18... the Legioss is like the P-51 of the bunch.
  8. Gives me much more of a Dia de Los Muertos decorations vibe than TRON to be perfectly honest...
  9. For the exact same reason Netflix nixed Cowboy Bebop after one laughably bad cringe inducing season, only this went one step further since D+ is hemorrhaging both subs and money, and taking up storage, even if only ones and zeros in a server, costs money, especially for a product that bombed super hard and has no hope of EVER making a profit. They are cutting their losses, from every division except parks, to shake some loose change out of the couch since Disney has fallen so hard in almost everything they've put out for several years that they are down to about 3 months worth of operating expenses in liquid assets.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/05/25/its-your-last-chance-to-see-how-bad-the-new-disney-willow-show-is-before-its-gone-for-good/?sh=5625eb8c21b7
  11. A traditional Figma/S.H. Figuarts treatment would be far better, like all but the most recently released Rick Hunter figure - the texture gives it a completely inauthentic look to the character's depiction in the anime, and covering the joints in no way makes up for that visual deficiency; however, since I've had a preorder paid for for years...
  12. I don't give any credence to critics' opinions either; however, what I find funny and interesting is that these same publications invariably gush over everything coming out of Disney, more often than not standing in stark contrast to audience reviews, so to have these usually sycophantic shills throwing shade at this latest offering from Lucasfilm means something is up. We'll find out if these early reviews were on the money or not by the second week of release... if BO receipts drop off a cliff like they did with Antman: Quantumania, or hold well like GotG Vol 3.
  13. Reviews from the movie's premier at Cannes have started showing up in a lot of publications... let's just say that most are not kind, to downright brutal, even when couching their criticisms as much as possible. General audiences might embrace the film once it hits theaters... anything is possible (maybe, international markets will ultimately save it), but all indications point to a trainwreck in the offing, especially given its estimated 300M production, with its multiple reshoots and overruns, budget.
  14. There is a definite, and unimaginative IMO, infatuation with multiverse shenanigans in far too many franchises over the last few years, and rarely done well... most are so mediocre that the whole concept has become little more that a lazy gimmick and tired trope. We'll see if JMS can pull it off...
  15. Love the color... a bit lighter and it would've been the ideal tone for Roquet, instead of what we ended getting. However, I'm so glad this is a 100% skippable release, with zero future regrets for not buying it.
  16. I heard it described as it being delivered with all the passion and significance of ordering toppings for his ice-cream...
  17. Looks beautifully desaturated in those pictures, as it aught to be. Will the final product retain that authentic -- to my eyes -- look?...
  18. More than likely, Paramount is engaging in face-saving PR BS in a bid for some damage control; or, as you posit, they're counting on other streams of revenue to recover most of the costs, eventually. To be sure, there must be a lot of creative accounting going on this and the industry as a whole, but none of it negates the box office results. Claims, announcements, and copes are cheap; the real tell on whether or not Paramount (their project bankrollers and shareholders) are truly happy when it is all said and done will be if they green light a sequel and/or a high-profile spinoff of some kind, and if it/they actually get made. As always, time will tell, but I won't believe anything until it is irrefutably real. This isn't to cast aspersions at the movie's writing, acting, directing, or production values as, by all accounts, it is decent and effective enough at what it's trying to accomplish, but nothing that will make any lasting impact on anyone but the most ardent fan of the source material, if that. It is just the fickle nature of entertainment, and plenty of brilliant, ground breaking movies -- D&D:HAT definitely isn't one of them -- have failed to find an audience in their theatrical runs, only to find redemption and a modicum of success as well-loved cult classics. Will this film find such a sunset?...
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