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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. The VF-2SS would be beyond a "grail" piece to me; it would be the "Arc of the Covenant", crowning glory, of my collection... if Arcadia or Bandai were to release this much ignored stepchild of the Macross universe in 1/60, fully transformable glory, I would be able to honestly say that I could finally purchase THE one, definitive, piece that would bring me absolute satisfaction as a Macross toy collector. Also agree on the TV SDF-1; it's been overlooked for far too long.
  2. 1/60, despite the small size, would be nice because the mecha would be in scale with Yamato/Arcadia's and Bandai's Macross toys, and should mean a lower, more affordable, price point; however, 1/48 would be much better for increased detail, and go great with the old Yamatos of the same scale. Either way, I look forward to some concrete information, and pictures.
  3. And it looks like an SD piece to boot... way too wide for its height. The crew at Arcadia must be smoking some really funny $#!7.
  4. Now we're talking... as long as it's not something like those horrendously small and overpriced Palm Action toys.
  5. I'd be exited and saving up my pennies if it were a TV SDF-1, but another, non-scale, DYRL version, and for 7500 Yen no less = pass. Besides, based on the image, my 1/5000 Wave movie color edition looks better.
  6. Hey, you can call your second, damaged/modified, GX-64 the Space Battleship Musashi...
  7. Yeah, I'm not going to entertain anything over 17000 Yen; it's either that or bust... either way, I win.
  8. I just love this quote!... it's brilliant, in a redundantly memory-lacking way.
  9. The vast majority of the Macross collectors here, myself included, are OCD riddled pack rats engaged in an eternal pursuit of the next "shiny bauble".
  10. Not biting at anything above 17000 Yen. N-Y can keep'em at that price.
  11. A pox on Bandai for making this 29 a general release. I'll wait until after release to see if I can get one at or bellow retail.
  12. I was thinking about doing the very same thing (Revo ones)... mind elaborating on what kind and where you ordered them?
  13. Seasons 1 and 2 are epic, with only a few mediocre episodes sprinkled in; season 3, on the other hand, while not completely awful, was a drastic drop in quality both in writing and animation. I noticed that they're missing episodes 34 and 39 from season 2... wonder if those will ever be uploaded.
  14. Where the new YF-19 is concerned, since it's built to order, availability isn't an issue; if your preferred web shop has preorders open and you reserve one, barring some extraordinary snafu on Arcadia's part, you're guaranteed to receive a copy. Any stock around after release will likely be due to last minute cancellations and no-pays; this should work out the same as Yamato's VF-4G.
  15. I find that if you have many items of differing sizes, weights, or values, you can save quite a bit on shipping by adding and subtracting them until you've reached an optimum mix. Case in point: I had purchased a bunch of things off their X-mas sale and one of the items was about to reach the imposed 60 day limit on their Private Warehouse system. Shipping it alone would've been 780 Yen by SAL, and another, larger item that still had 2-3 weeks left would've been 1260 Yen SAL if shipped by itself, but combining the two was still eligible for SAL at a total of 1680 Yen (a 380 Yen savings); next, I started adding small items (ex.: an etching saw set) that would cost around 580 Yen apiece if shipped individually until the quote changed; I then cut back on one of them to restore the previous quote of 1680 Yen for 5 items combined via SAL. Playing with the Private Warehouse this way saved me about 2100 Yen over shipping each item on its own. So I have notice that HLJ's PW system does save you money.
  16. Booyah! My home's just been invaded by a tutti-fruitti colored crustacean from outer space... well, Canada at any rate...
  17. Still waiting for my Pinky Crab to arrive...
  18. I sounds like you chose Registered SAL, if you have a tracking number. Thankfully, I got my Isamu YF-29, purchased at N-Y and shipped ECO-SAL (no tracking), in a little over 2 weeks. However, to offer you some perspective, I bought a 1:18 GT Auto Pagani Huayra off a Chinese vendor on Ebay on Dec 18; it did not ship until the 25th and it just arrived yesterday, and unlike ECO-SAL, it had a tracking number and everything. SAL is unpredictable, and your package may have gotten delayed at the dispatch office or US customs, but you should be getting your Durandal within the next week or so, at least I hope so... I know how frustating it can be to attempt to track your package daily and see no updates for weeks.
  19. "Berkut" 29 ... I'm in! As for the 25S... Make a damned re-pop announcement already, Bandai!
  20. Are you going to be sending out notifications as the batches ship?
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