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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Ligaa, Ligaa, Ligaa, Ligaa,... and booster pack, sold separately... Pretty please, with money on top?... A Gosu would be nice too, but I'd like for the grunt mecha to be out of the way first.
  2. Kind of tough to touch the new YF-30 from half a world away... But if antibiotictab can make it to the event, we can all enjoy it, vicariously, through him.
  3. Gotta love those well shaped axes...
  4. That's the Nadesico, from Martian Successor Nadesico.
  5. For some odd reason, the voice actor for Star Blazers' Deslock, Eddie Allen, made the character sound remarkably like Roddy McDowall... which made the portrayal even cooler.
  6. It's amazing and amusing that the price for the RVF add-on parts have far outstripped the current value of the Valk on which they're supposed to mount.
  7. Beware the giant LEGO brick......................... of DOOM!
  8. She IS full cast-off, but I doubt she's rendered in "full fidelity"; after all, she's not from GIGA Pulse or something. I guess I'll find out once I get my copy.
  9. Regarding a VF-11B/C reissue. What would be cool is if Arcadia invested in new tooling for the wings so that their version had integral hard points, and include some ordnance along with it, if they did decide to release the 11 under their banner; maybe also reengineer the upper arms to be double hinged like the VF-1 V2 for added range of motion. Otherwise, Yamato's VF-11 was damned near perfect. Arcadia could handle such a release in the same way they did the YF-19 to avoid the same fate that befell Yamato's version; and this time, also put out some VF-X, etc., schemes.
  10. It's subjective and based entirely on tactile feel. If an objective comparison were to be made you'd need to start by weighing parts of equal volume in order to determine the density of the ABS grade used on each toy (denser usually equates with stronger); next, you'd need to perform some destructive testing (pull test, shear test, etc) to find out each plastic's modulus of elasticity (how far you can bend/pull/twist a material and still have it return to it's original state without showing damage – no stress marks), and how much force it takes to break parts of equal geometry molded in the different plastics. Anyone care to donate both a VF-19 and a YF-19 for the cause? They'll die an honorable death....didn't think so.
  11. Repeat of last week's in the original time slot, followed by the new one... and it was a good one, too.
  12. It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye...
  13. I don't want this Valk... I need this Valk!...
  14. Got mine from HLJ today; no defects or breakages that I can detect. It looks impressive, but like many previous posters, I too am a little underwhelmed... not as much as I was with Yamato's version, however.
  15. Sure... Tesla's numerous patents related to AC current never went anywhere. And it wasn't "greedy" America suppressing anyone. It was J.P. Morgan's financial interests in Thomas - wizard of Menlow Park / too smug regarding his own successes - Edison’s DC current fixation. Tesla was backed by Westinghouse, and surrendered his patents and financial interests, voluntarily, to his benefactor in order to guarantee investment money for the construction of the Niagara Falls hydroelectric power station (first in the world), electrification of the Chicago World's Fair (which finally convinced the skeptics that AC was the future), and fight J.P's/T.E's elephantine influence... Tesla and Westinghouse came out on top. Tesla died penniless because, although he was a genius, he was a horrible business man who pursued far too many outlandish ideas, like wireless power transmission. Back on topic: I enjoyed Zero quite a bit. My only problem with it was it's short OVA nature (it sure could've used another 2 or 3 episodes) which necessitated a truncated story and led to the awkward, rushed, ending. But all the mecha designs that went into the production were superb. It's too bad will likely never see the Destroid Cheyenne, or Octos in 1/60 toy form.
  16. Mine just got processed through the sorting facility at ISC New York NY (USPS). I may have this in hand by tomorrow or Friday... excited, curious, and anxious at the same time.
  17. The problem with paint is as you stated... transforming the toy would damage the finish. Thing is, molding in ABS, or most any plastic, with a pearlescent or metal flake additive mix can have its own set of issues: flow marks around injection gates, swirls near internal ribs and screw-bosses, and knit lines where the plastic meets after having to go around open slots.
  18. They're that far along already?.. Drool...
  19. Wouldn't that be kick in the nads for anyone who prefers matte on their Yamato/Arcadia valks and the ability to remove or keep the intake covers, but bought all the 19s despite the show car finish and permanently shuttered intakes because what was released was IT, take it or leave it. Personally, I still would not buy the Kai... worst Macross character ever, tie for worst VF design (Mylene's 11MAXL is the other) in terms of colors and detail -- a face with nose and mouth, pfft! However, if Arcadia were to update the molds for the chages you stated for the S, F, and P, I'd likely cave on those, and sell my one VF-19S. I'm a pragmatist; I always hope for the best while expecting the worst... that way, I'm rarely disappointed. I doubt the new YF-19 will be enough of a let down to be truly disappointing... unless I get a copy made of self-explodium...
  20. When I wrote a few pages back that Arcadia's YF-19 was bound to have its share of design/engineering quirks an WTFs, I was hoping to be wrong; but from all the postings I've read since it came out, it appears that my pragmatic observation was a major understatement... Be that as it may, I'm about to find out for myself in a few days as my copy has just shipped from HLJ, about 12 hours after making payment (HLJ has been on the ball lately). Now the nail biting begins until I can see if I got a gem or a lemon... kind of an unsettling feeling given the cost of this thing. Edit: D'oh! Meant to make this post in the YF-19 thread... oh well.
  21. Wake me up when they get around to rereleasing the VF-19F. VF-19Kai Arcadia?... Yawn!
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