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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Got my VF-25A super parts today... happy day.
  2. I'll add my hopes that the second movie does lead to a 2199 season 2 (wouldn't that be 2201 or something?) Comet Empire arc; best season of the original Uchuu Senkan Yamato/Starblazers and guaranteed to be EPIC in its reimagined form. Also, I've written this before, but it bears repeating: redesigned/reimagined EDF ships from escorts and patrol cruisers all the way to the mighty Andromeda would be a feast for the eyes... and just imagining a whole fleet of newly engineered Bandai 1/1000 kits of the entire Earth fleet, and Gatlantis armada, makes me giddy... and my wallet whimper.
  3. 1/60 would likely suffer from the same limitations as 1/72: single mode model(s), or parts-former at best; even 1/48 is pushing things a bit for a full, no parts swapping, 3-mode transformation kit given the small size of the HT. That being said, 1/60 would still be nice, if for no other reason than to be in scale with the majority of Yamato/Arcadia and Bandai YF-VF and Destroid toys, and the old Takatoku 1/60 Orguss stuff. For a larger scale, I'm somewhat against 1/32 and would prefer 1/35 as that is an established armor scale that also happens to have plenty of other Anime hardware represented too.
  4. Full price, expensive shipping, and payment up-front means no sale. I'll wait.
  5. It's the Pimp-My-Ride version of Marine One...
  6. That's a relief, and makes total sense.
  7. The gray tones on this 29 are superb -- only way to make it perfect would be a matte finish, but Bandai really screwed up with the oversaturated blue tint on the canopy; it's far too strong and opaque. Why, oh why, couldn't they replicate what they did with Isamu's version?... that too was very blue, but clear enough to see through.
  8. So, I got home from work today to a case of the crabs... a blueberry space crab, that is. Seeing all the parts in a picture in a thread does not do this monster justice... it is massive! Capt'n, will you be posting instructions like you did for the Gurab? Edit: And more thing, John... no rest for you; time to get started on a Ligaa. Or Gosu; I'm flexible...
  9. 20 minutes later and it's still available. I guess that anyone who wants one at HLJ's asking price, and more than competitive shipping rates, should be able to secure one. Edit: Here's hoping this trend will repeat itself with the YF-30 when that gets close to release.
  10. Got it preordered with HLJ. I can wait...
  11. The quality/formulation of the ABS, and other plastics, used, and their pigmentation, are the determining factors in their reactivity to UV light and Oxygen. My V1 VF-1A DYRL Kikaru yellowed just stored in a totally dark drawer... the bleached white grade of ABS Yamato used on that toy was horrendous.
  12. The thread post was an obvious payment request, but I was going to wait until after April, regardless. And with that being said, payment has been issued. King Crabulon von Gurab awaits his Prime Minister: Gamo the Enforcer...
  13. Missed it all; oh well, I'll wait to see if this is available upon release.
  14. Not me; I've stepped away from my computer to take care of other business just before every preorder reopen on N-Y... I keep checking and refreshing obsessively for 30 min - 1 hour or more and nothing, then I need to go do something and when I get back and check, be it 3 min, 10 min, 30 min, or whatever later, it's passed me by again; and now they've officially reached a price point I am not willing to pay.
  15. Late to the party again...
  16. Total bust for me. I'll wait for HLJ, preorder reopening somewhere else, or after release stock. I want a YF-30, but I'm not going to sweat over it. Edit: and dang it for this site going dead at just the most inopportune time...
  17. It's a Pavlovian response... I can relate.
  18. Were we in the 1940's, the CFT equipped Typhon would likely be nicknamed the Mae West, perhaps?
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