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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. The only things on the Arcadia YF-19 that I could identify as being the exact same as that used on Yamato's VF-19s are the landing gear struts, wheels and tires... nothing else is interchangeable (I haven't taken mine apart so I can't be sure that the ankle joints aren't the same too, but I believe they're not); hence, different tooling. By this token, it is possible that the new Arcadia VF-0D could reuse the same tooling for those specific parts, but I doubt they will after so many years since the previous VF-0s from Yamato. So, given the similar sizes, materials, volumes, amount of new design/engineering work, new tooling, etc., I think it's very appropriate to use the recent YF-19's MSRP as a basis for speculating on the price of next year's VF-0D, +/- ~2000 Yen.
  2. Better to have it included and not use it, than not have one and want it...
  3. You're right, there are no VAT or import duties in the USA for personal purchases shipped from overseas, at least for now...
  4. Pay more for the item and less for the shipping with HS or less for the item and more for the shipping with N-Y; either way, I'm glad I got one off HLJ's Black Friday Sale when I did.
  5. Caved in as well, and since I had a few points available for redemption with them the total came to just under $210 shipped by SAL, pending the exchange rate at the time the amount is actually charged, and how much of a transaction fee my CD will hit me with. I'm not too happy paying full price when I know that this was fleetingly available at a discount, but at least I can cross this off the list.
  6. Preordered as well. I so love the hassle free nature of Tamashii exclusives.
  7. Hey, some folks who may be desperate enough to purchase one might take a bite of N-Y's patently obvious after-market level gouging. Personally, I find their bald faced opportunism to cash in royally on a hot item to be hysterical and cynical in equal measures.
  8. The original release, which I already have, is good enough for me; however, this is a pretty good opportunity for anyone who may be interested in Saber wearing her armor, to get a non-inflated deal... it's also bound to be somewhat improved over the 1.0 version. What I really whish to see is pre-production images, accompanied with release date, for the previously announced GitS SAC Motoko Kusanagi Figma.
  9. Unfortunately, being a jock sniffer is considered normal, and encouraged by popular, celebrity oriented, culture; but being a toy/model collector is considered immature, childish, and geeky. It's the same mentality that elevates rappers and derides "nerds", even though it's the "nerds", in large part, who've created all the stuff that the judgmental masses take for granted. In the end, who gives a flying fornication what others think of your hobby(s)? And if others' opinions bother you too much, than hide your stuff out of sight, or get rid of it in order to conform.
  10. 34800 Yen?!! Seriously?.. That's some pretty potent funny ganja Arcadia's been smoking...
  11. mechaninac

    1/48 dead?

    1/18 all the way... go big or go home.
  12. Ouch is right... If even 1/3 of that review is on the money, then Disney's Maleficent isn't even worthy of a Redbox rental, and will be quickly and deservedly relegated to basic cable filler rotation.
  13. I succumbed to the temptation -- I'm weak when presented with a bargain for something I had an interest in already... This is proving to be one VERY expensive year, and it's not even half over...
  14. Ah! This community can be detrimental to your financial health! I had pretty much sworn off getting the GX-64 because of its MSRP before shipping and the fact I already have a BPX-01. But dang it, at just over $170 shipped EMS, I'm sorely tempted...
  15. There was no Macross 7 hatred expressed, only statements of well known opinion, in tongue in cheek fashion (you'd think was a dead giveaway), regarding the desirability of M7 VFs at their MSRP, and a way for Arcadia to work around that market limitation. Methinks VF5SS is just engaging in a knee-jerk defense of M7 due to his own hang-ups regarding his love of that bit of Macross and disregard of others' views of same, and willfully ignoring the marketability of items related to that particular property. The availability of Yamato's VF-19Kai and VF-19S at deeply discounted prices at HKC, Angolz, and others, speaks volumes.
  16. Did you read the previous posts? Brick and Mortar stores are not the only option.
  17. That's because Macross 7 itself is so undesirable. Arcadia better wise up and either reduce their price point considerably (unlikely due to licensing and production costs), or offer these niche-within-a-niche toys as built-to-order web exclusives like the VF-4G and YF-19 (and both, specially Isamu's ride, were far more popular than anything from M7), or the company won't be long in business. The way I see it, reissuing the VF-19 Kai this soon, without any retooling to address the shortcomings of the previous release (ankle design, non-removable intake covers, inability to mount Fast Packs, downward pointing gun-pod -- I know the Kai's gun bends to somewhat ameliorate this... but still) and with plenty of unsold stock of the original, is just bone-headed, despite the addition of tiny PVC figures, the ridiculous (IMO) Sound Booster, and gold in place of yellow (an improvement to be sure, but not enough of one... blame Kawamori though). If Arcadia truly wants to entice people to their version of the VF-19s, they should fix what needs fixing with the toy's engineering by doing a bit of retooling, and while they're at it (for me at least), change the tool cavities' finishes to give us matt versions of this bird.
  18. Got mine from HLJ today and all is good. Now, Bandai, where is my VF-25S reissue?
  19. Preordered already. Their HAW-206 and Tachikoma are brilliant, so I expect nothing less from this Logicoma. Also, can a Spider Light Tank and Uchikoma be far behind?
  20. Just wait until Nippon Yassan opens the preorders for the RVF-171EX -- they've carried every single Tamashii Webshop exclusive in the Frontier line to date. At checkout, choose Pay Later, and they'll invoice you about 2 weeks prior to release and include a pay-by date. There is absolutely zero reason to fret over webshop exclusives from Bandai as they're readily available for preorder several months in advance of release, and easy to secure from several sources; and there is zero reason to pay upfront if you go with N-Y.
  21. Requested shipping from my PW at HLJ for the Ozuma YF-29 and a slew of other goodies, paid, and just got the shipping notification today...
  22. Maybe one of out resident 3D modelers can construct a facsimile for the part you're missing and upload it to Shapeways so that you can purchase a RP replacement. That way, you get your $50 coupon for HLJ, and a complete YF-19.
  23. The way I look at it, unless you have rock solid insider information regarding the Yen exchange rate being less favorable months in the future, there is zero reason to pay up-front for preorders with N-Y. I paid for my YF-29 Isamu Super Parts less than 2 days before the payment deadline and they shipped my order, with SAL as the shipping method, promptly.
  24. I received the preparation email, and a few hours later I got the shipping notification... quite odd, but welcome. Now to wait the 2-3 weeks for the SAL delivery.
  25. If they're paying for return shipping, do it. Just send them a message requesting all the info necessary for the return shipping and make sure to ask that one of their in-stock YF-19s be set aside for you; make sure to send the item via trackable mail so you have a record of delivery and you should be fine. HLJ is very reputable, if they've offered the exchange they are almost 99.99% good for it; but as Scyla mentioned, act fast while they still have stock; otherwise they'll have to source your replacement through their distributor or Arcadia, and that reduces your chances of getting another YF-19, or at the very least will cost you a lot longer.
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