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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. If you have the kind of room it would take to display such a monster (pun intended), then a tip of the hat to you, good sir. And how much would the MSRP be for such a beast, +/-120000 JPY? And the shipping...
  2. "Humanity"?... I'd say 2 persons (firmly planted on Terra firma) at most, one to hold the parts and the other to use the airbrush or rattle can; but try not to get over-spray on the other person... they tend not to like that. *** sorry, couldn't resist *** Go here for your answer
  3. Good luck with the customer service rout, but unless you got yours from HLJ I wouldn't hold my breath. In the mean time, since that hinge loop is ABS, you can try to fix it by using a plastc weld (TENAX 7R or Ambroid PRO WELD for example) on the crack -- DO NOT use CA glue: Carefully push out the pin to dissassemble the hinge; apply the liquid solvent to an edge of the break to let capillary action carry the weld into the crack; clamp the broken piece shut as best you can with small pliers or anything you have that will allow you to mantain steady, controlled, pressure on the join -- you should see some melted plastic ooze from it; keep the join crimped together for at least an hour -- better overnight; cut, scrape, file, or sand the bit of plastic that got pushed out during the repair -- if you do it right it will be hard to tell it was ever broken; the diameter of the hole will now be slightly smaller than before, so drill, file, or broach it to the diameter of the pin, brace the hinge assembly perpendicular to the hinge hole and push the pin back in, and you're done.
  4. Funny how that works... I'm tempted too, but the pinnup nose art kind of puts me off; I'd much rather get a version with the eyes over the shark's mouth, to be honest. And what's with 3760 JPY mark-up over the previous SP release? Also, will this be a true renewal (reengineered) release, a half-assed tweak like the VF-27 1.5, or the exact same old toy molded in slightly darker plastic and unique decoration as some have mentioned?
  5. Just paid for my Prophecy preorder with AmiAmi, together with a 1/12 2199 Analyzer model kit.
  6. Unless you're one of those people who are all thumbs, or mentally challenged when it comes to following simple pictorial instructions, then yes, a detolf is easily a one man assembly job.
  7. Thanks aaajin, good to know. The only problem with those is that they ammount to additinal cost, so I would still preffer if the clear doors were available as an out-of-the-box package.
  8. I'm not sure what you're asking. HLJ lists products for preorder upon, or shortly after, official announcement by the manufacturer or distributor, and they remain open to preorders until their allotted quatities are sold (this could take less than a minute -- Frontier DX Chogokins, or several weeks or more... even up to release); and once released, the products are no longer listed as preorder but as in-stock, sold-out, backordered, or discontinued... pretty much like any other e-tailer.
  9. I believe hevangel2 means shattered, but that does not make sense either as tempered glass does not spontaneously break; it requires a severe thermal shock, or physical impact or drop, or a focused hit to a pane under stress for that kind of glass shatter.
  10. Of that list I find Armageddon to be the absolute worst... utter crap that makes other crap embarrassed. I've seen (suffered trough) it once and would vote to include it to the list of cruel and unusual torture tactics banned for being too brutal. To me it is utterly unwatchable, making everything else on that list a masterpiece by comparison.
  11. How fast it will be able to suck money right out of your wallet/bank account?
  12. I like this Billy Valbo Bookcase; it's only 11" (28cm) deep, but it is very elegant in design and will accommodate most of the stuff we tend to collect; if only it were available without the decorative etching on the glass doors...
  13. That's uncanny... Deffinetely Ferngully, with Dances with Wolves and, thanks to reddsun1 pointing it out, Disney's Pocahontas, and others too I'm sure, thrown in as well in copious doses. Let's face it. Avatar was grossly derivative, but still a good movie that's easy to enjoy (aside from originality, what more can you ask of any film?) that, despite it's environmentalist message, was nowhere near as preachy as Elysium was. And it is a feast for the eyes.
  14. Bandai, you nincompoops, rerelease the Ozma VF-25S already!!!
  15. Is Bandai taking hits off Arcadia's bong?... That MSRP is just...
  16. Come on now; this is Macrossworld, so... of course not.
  17. I wish Bandai would rerelease their VB-6 DX... I skipped getting it because I have the Yamato version (floppy, ungainly POS), but now I regret it a bit, but not enough to pay the going rate on those, like at plamoya.com. BTW, for anyone who doesn't want to take any chances after release, plamoya has the YF-25 up for preorder at MSRP, just look out for their shipping charges.
  18. I was lucky enough to snag one off AmiAmi... guess all the stars lined up just right, because it surprised the heck out of me when the order went through and the confirmation email was received ; I doubt that'll ever happen again. At this point I'd stay away from Nin-Nin like they're plague carriers and just keep a sharp eye on Hobby Search, HLJ, and even N-Y around release time; one of them is bound to have some stock of this particular piece.
  19. Some, very few, transformers I find interesting; but ultimately, I dislike the very premise behind them: That of sentient cybernetic beings who transform from robot form to vehicle or animal-ish form to, ostensibly, hide in plain sight. YFs and VFs and VBs, Orguss, Ride Armors and Legioss and Tread, etc., are hardware, piloted by individuals; other than the transformation gimmick, they're no different from a VOTOM, or Mobile Suit, or a real-world military jet or bomber. As for the VF-1J 30th... that thing would have to hit the 80-75% off mark before I'd ever consider buying it... There are far more attractive and desirable collectibles vying for my limited disposable funds for me to spend any of it on something I consider an eyesore.
  20. Alternate color schemes? I'm fairly positive that is a certainty. They have to amortize all that tooling and all; just look at all the YF-29s to get an idea where this is going... I hope.
  21. I only used Nin-Nin once, for a RVF-25 Luca renewal; overpaid for the damned thing, and ended up with a crushed box for my trouble because of their piss-poor packaging. Never again!
  22. 25A and 25S take top honors in color based aesthetics in my book... and I don't even own a 25S DX yet; but, for whatever reason, I'm not too fond of the S's head design.
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