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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Not THAT far; besides, don't know about you, but I could use a breather... or at least my wallet could.
  2. I know white would definitely look better, but aren't the landing gears metallic gray in the Anime? -- I may be remembering wrong, however... --
  3. That just sounds so hilariously wrong...
  4. Bleary eyed, half drunk, panel lining of an expensive collectible... you sir are a maverick. looks pretty good, BTW. Quick, somebody help the poor man and pour him another glass...
  5. I'm happy it worked for you just as intended; always glad to be of help.
  6. Terrible affliction OCD; it insidiously deprives sufferers of living space and funds...
  7. Got mine delivered from AmiAmi; I'm still flabbergasted I was able to get one off them. Checked it out and it looks flawless and with no paint bleed or fuzzy edges; although, the wings still exhibit a slight up-turn bend... Bandai...
  8. If I remember correctly, since both items are on the same invoice, you'll have to pay for both at the same time once the first of the two in nearing release, and you'll have to wait until the second item arrives at N-Y before they are shipped together.
  9. I expect it to be just as good as M Night Shyamalan-ma-ding-dong's masterpiece: The Last Airbender... wait...
  10. Aside from the Frontier license, and then only the DX toys for the most part, Bandai has shown very little staying-power and follow-through with anything Macross related. I doubt they'll ever revisit the Hi-Metal line for anything other than a reissue of previously released VFs, and maybe not even that; so I would not expect anything new.
  11. Bodaciously, beautifully, curvy, but those way-too-big-for-her-head eyes have prevented me from pulling the trigger on any version of her... I guess they remind me too much of those creepy Pullip dolls.
  12. This is just my opinion, but the way I look at it: All renewal VF-25s > VF-27 1.5 > VF-27 1.0 > VF-25s 1.0 Saburo does make the revised VF-27 Brera look really sharp... mad photo skilz there.
  13. That's exactly what I mean by cliche; although, I was thinking more along the lines or Elysium and The Day After Tomorrow, among others, for my dismissal of this movie's whole premise, a premise that come across as more of a Scifi movie of the week cheese fest than anything else.
  14. They're also sometimes referred to as plan and elevation views (far more so in architecture than mechanical engineering, however); projection views drawing is another name used. But which ever way you call them, they are all blueprints.
  15. "Global Warming experiment", "the Privileged vs. the Deprived"... can they get any more cliche?...
  16. Or just release Grace's/CF version(s) already. The magenta is okay for what it is -- being Brera's, but it's not that unique of a color scheme in Macross canon... Nora did magenta in her SV-51 much, much better. Now, the green and gray version, with or without the flaring side horns (better without, or release both), despite the previous 1.0 release, would be great, as there are no other VFs with that palette. I know I'd get one CF and one Grace for sure.
  17. I'd use a toothpick, the really cheap kind, soaked in 91% alcohol, oven cleaner, or acetone/nail polish remover to clean that paint-bleed. A Q-tip may not be precise enough... even a fine tipped one, and sanding will require post-cleaning buffing/polishing to restore the gloss but you may still be left with fine scratches that are hard to eliminate; a wood toothpick will soak enough solvent to do the job and give you fine control regardless of how many times you may have to repeat in order to remove all of the paint splotch, and it's gentle enough not to scratch the plastic. Good luck.
  18. Great pictures; although, you've got a bit of a droopy snout syndrome going on there. Arcadia did do a pretty good job with their version of the YF-19; not great, what with the bad ankle design and all... but still, such a pretty bird.
  19. The one glaring question that kept nagging at me while watching the premier, other than the little WTFs like the Russian choppers -- what's this, Iron Eagle 3, or Top Gun? --, is why choose a surface ship at all for a covert virology mission disguised as a weapons test and training exercise requiring radio silence protocols? Why not use a nuclear submarine, attack or boomer, maybe a Seawolf class, to perform the mission? It would've been the logical choice to deal with any contingencies, including an uncontrollable pandemic... what with the self-contained/self-sustaining, nuclear powered, environment and all. I suppose the need for a quarantine lab aboard ship necessitates something larger than any sub in the US, or even NATO, inventory.
  20. I like the mecha design on this. Very rugged and utilitarian looking (in the same vein as Gasaraki and VOTOMS), like what you'd imagine "real" bipedal tanks would look -- except for the hero unit... too flashy, in a seen-that-look-a-thousand-times way, and it does not fit the general aesthetics of the others at all. However, the show itself looks superficially interesting enough to check it out.
  21. Also, regular, unregistered, SAL does not include a tracking number; registered SAL does, and costs a bit extra.
  22. The 4-months-later time jump is a bit disorienting. They pulled of the same kind of crap with last season's opener; you end up feeling like you're missing a hell of a lot of pertinent back-story, and it takes two or three episodes before things settle down into some sort of coherent narrative.
  23. That's interesting, I've never had a problem with AmiAmi regarding combining or breaking up orders (can't opine about N-Y since I've never tried it with them); every time I've sent them an email inquiring about a combined or split shipping quote, they've replied within 48 hours and were always accommodating to my preferences. This last purchase was a perfect case in point: I had a 1/12 2199 Analyzer awaiting payment when the invoice for the YF-25 showed up in my inbox. The total cost of separate shipments via unregistered SAL would've been 2460 JPY, so I contacted AmiAmi to just ask for a combined shipping quote for my two orders, same shipping method, before going through their site -- I did not want to combine only to find that doing so was going to bump me to a more expensive option -- and they sent me a revised invoice with both items shipped for 1880 JPY; suffice to say, I paid it on the spot, Saturday. Early this morning I got the shipping notification email... so now comes the 2-3 week wait.
  24. It's definitely the way they designed the molds; they likely created the family molds with Alto's VF-25F in mind (all white fuselage with red and black decorations that would've needed to be painted on regardless of parts break-down), and never considered Ozma's or Michael's versions in the engineering of the tooling. So, they saved money up-front in the tooling cost, but now need to spend extra time to overcome their lack of foresight, to the detriment of the final product; and it's not like they didn't know that Frontier had some very non-standardized color break-downs and livery to consider...
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