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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. I'd go for that... never purchased an 25S Super Pack. Ideally, however, they should do them all to meet the pent up demand: a stand alone version, a Super Pack bundle, and an Armor Pack bundle. Bandai would make a killing...
  2. Here's another question to ponder: Will this Bandai reissue version of the 25S be exactly the same as the original release -- painted lower wing gloves, or will they follow the standard set with everything from the 25G onwards -- lower wing gloves molded in the correct color? Edit: Personally, I'm hoping for the latter...
  3. Never saw that, but for that price I would have jumped at it myself and used it as an alternative for a VF-1J no-paint kit.
  4. So, Luminara survived order 66... I wonder if they will have any episodes showing what happened to other Clone Wars characters, namely Asoka and Ventress.
  5. Let me know when it hits 75%, off or better, and I'll think about it...
  6. I rarely buy more than a single copy of any one version, but I think I'm going to need 2 copies of Ozma's 25S... I've had a set of the armor stored away since they came out, just waiting for very eventuality, but Ozma's bird is so cool with its CAG scheme and large bovine skull "tat" that it deserves to be displayed naked as well. For those expecting/hoping for a reissue of either the Super or Armor Pack for any of Bandai's DX Frontier stuff, since all were released as Tamashii web exclusives, I would not hold my breath. The only way around their self-imposed limited releases would be bundle sets; and to date, none have been offered.
  7. <clears throat> It's about damned time Bandai!!!!! </I feel better now> Now the dreading of the preorder madness begins...
  8. So typical of Nickelodeon. They completely ignore promoting the show, which is aired in a death dealing time slot for animation in the US market, and then are surprised that viewership is bellow expectations, and instead of advertising the show and/or moving it to a more viable day or time, they decide to pull show... it's gotta be the show's fault; it could not possibly be their mismanagement of the property. They are going to kill this gem the same way they did Invader Zim. This cavalier attitude towards The Legend of Korra also reminds me of the way Fox sabotaged SAaB back in the day. This does not bode well for the likelihood of book 4 to properly end the series.
  9. Deus Ex Machina; or in Lucy's case, Deusa Ex Pharmacologicae = wait for the rental.
  10. It's almost like those battledroid deployment racks from TPM... looks sooo comfy...
  11. Wouldn't take that much to make the version you're referring to: new hips, new legs (maybe just the thighs even) and new upper torso for the open jacket, and voila... another guaranteed buy. I would not be surprised if they did release the 1st season SAC version in a few months.
  12. You can catch up with all the episodes so far here, and in HD to boot. Twoducks is right, this season is proving itself to be the best one yet, what with the fast paced, super dynamic action sequences, the more expansive world which harkens back to The Last Airbender, the revisiting of some more characters and concepts from the original series, and like its predecessor, the great attention to continuity... It's awesome personified. She's very much around from episodes 1-6; she does not show up in episode 7 because the last episode focuses away from Korra and the rest of the gang currently visiting with the Metal Clan.
  13. In the case of the VF-14, like Yamato with their VF-4G, if what you fear came to pass, what a swan song that would be for Arcadia...
  14. Nickelodeon's promotion of this series does epically suck; I've missed them all until running across it tonight, by pure chance... loved the Lin Beifong centric episode. Catching up online now, and it's very good.
  15. Long range optics? Targeting Sensors? Because a humanoid shaped robot needs a head? All of the above? Regardless, the VF-2SS and the VF-2JA are awesome, the VA-1SS is mediocre at best in battroid and horrible in fighter. I'd buy a Metal Siren if the better M2 Valkyries were released first. As for a wish that has a smidgen of a chance to become reality one day, how about the VF-14?
  16. ... and the story just keep getting worse and worse as more information comes to light: Shot down from 30000ft by an AA missile... a sickening act of barbarism that has cost the lives of all 295 people on board.
  17. I'd go for a second Motoko if she's released in her 2nd GIG getup, even though I already own a 1/8-ish Gutto Kuru version.
  18. Figma does it again, the major looks awesome... preordered!
  19. I want one, truly, but will have to give it some thought before committing; I've spent far too much money this year already... and it's barely half over.
  20. I don't think it was random at all. It was an Easter-egg for fans of the original, specifically discussing the Icarus spacecraft nearing Mars orbit. It doesn't mean that it was a direct link to the original franchise (maybe the original movie if it stood alone, but not the sequels -- the depicted history of those negates any relation), but it was a nice little nod to the '68 film. This completely separates the rebooted PotA films from Tim Burton's incoherent mess of a re-imagining attempt; and destroys DuelGundam2099's assertion of a shared timeline.
  21. I can just imagine an AA meeting conducted by the likes of Macross World members: Chug, chug, chug, chug...!
  22. Dandy says -- it's time to go to BooBies...
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