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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. This will likely follow the pattern established by the Arcadia YF-19, and be widely available; if that proves to be the case, there is a good chance that HLJ may include it as one of the items on substantial discount should they have a Black Friday sale again this year... just keep in mind that HLJ may force you into EMS or FedEx shipping. Other places that may offer a decent discount are AmiAmi, Hobby Search, and Big in Japan (if you don't mind paying upfront in BiJ's case).
  2. Somehow, the hull plating effect on the bellow-the-water-line section looks even more impressive than the gray portions. Awesome work.
  3. DO NOT use super glue; it'll make a mess and won't hold. That part is made of ABS so you should use plastic weld formulated for ABS: Enlarge the pivot-pin hole to alleviate stress and hold the broken pieces together, just touching; Dab a droplet of liquid weld to the gaps between the parts and let capillary action carry the solvent in; Clamp the part so that the the repair is stabilized and squeezed with constant pressure ( small vise, clamps, or clothes pin should do the trick) and look for a bit of melted plastic oozing from the join -- that's a good thing Let the part rest unmolested for about a day; Carefully scrape off with a hobby knife, or file down, or sand the now cured ridge of plastic that oozed out of the join so that the surfaces are flush. If you do it right, it should be hard to tell that the hinge was ever broken at all.
  4. Don't know about bones, but I can sense my wallet getting queasy.
  5. Using the F-22 in this operation is almost all about popping its cherry... and there is nothing wrong with that as the data and experience gained far outweighs the danger of one getting shot down by a lucky strike from the opposition.
  6. Will this do instead?... I'm kind of partial to it: Edit: Great season opener. Loved the flashback preamble setting up the story. <spoiler> The "Osmosian" character, while nowhere near original -- Kevin Levin anyone? -- was really well done. </spoiler>
  7. Oh Noz! It's tasted human blood!... I'd sleep with one eye open from now on if I were you...
  8. Most definitely! I don't know about the booster --too huge a hunk of resin, too heavy, add too much cost... unless, maybe, if it were hollow cast-- but a couple of Ligaa per set (scout and armed scout) would be cool.
  9. I think you may have missed JBO's point: Valvavre is not a parody; it's unintended parody, which by its sheer awfulness makes it come across as a "masterful parody" to those of a mind to enjoy crap that, despite itself, transcends its crapiness into the realm of "train-wreck" funny... the fact that the writers never intended it as such makes it that much more cringe-worthy hilarious.
  10. I'm of two minds on this issue: on the one hand, having an animation accurate swing bar would be way cool; however, on the other hand, at 1/60, they'd be far too thin and fragile to withstand even moderate handling during transformation, and in Battroid mode, without bending and breaking (I suppose they could use Stainless Steel in a multi-part assembly involving POM and metal and screws and springs, but that would increase the manufacturing and assembly cost quite a bit; one thing for sure, diecast would be out of the question), or they would need to be thick enough, and seriously out of scale to ensure durability-- similar to what you see on the old Chunky Monkeys.
  11. LOL! That happens to me all the time; I can usually find it right away by following the soft whimpering sounds of its crying...
  12. That ordnance hard-point is right where the landing gear bay is supposed to be.
  13. That's a very TRON-esque evolution of the stormtrooper helmet design... not surprising since Disney is behind both, and I kind of like it; there is a definite design lineage going on from the Rocketeer style from AotC to bridging version from RotS, to the classic design, and now this.
  14. That's an "Iron Bear" armor, not an Iron Man one... hilarious though.
  15. WTF! Has American law regarding personal importation of good purchased from overseas change without notice, or is this just FedEx being jerks and trying to cash-in?
  16. Take DG seriously... hardly. It's more like trowing stones at a hornet's nest; you know you shouldn't do it, and nothing good can come of it, but you just can't help yourself. However, in DG's defense, he is entitled to his opinions... contrarian to widely held views on what constitutes good vs. bad entertainment fare as they are, and the baffling penchant to offer excuses to glaring mediocrity -- it's his schtick, sincere or not.
  17. The screenplay was awful. The acting was horrendous. The supped-up shuttles were ridiculous. The physics and spaceflight mechanics were laughable. A high caliber machine gun on a rover? Really? The sophomoric stereotyped portrayal of the Russian Cosmonaut on MIR. The very appearance of the asteroid... something that large would've been potato shaped due to gravity -- look at images of Apophis for example -- and not like a crystalline fractal. The screeching sound FX every time they cut to a scene of the asteroid moving through space. Etc.
  18. Hyperbole is beyond your ability to comprehend, isn't it? That's like comparing a turd mound to a pile of crap... they both stink. However, although Deep Impact was boring as hell, and maudlin in the extreme, at least it did not make me cringe as Armageddon's stupefying dumbness did, and is watchable to me.
  19. And you're completely missing the entire point. Those involved in the development of any product may not be the only measure of its actual quality (I certainly have not made such a proclamation), but it is indicative of its probable quality; and that's where one's personal experiences and tastes come into play... not group thinkers (shameless use of the asinine sheeple insult by other means). And you wonder why many forum members have come to use you as punch line to their media jokes...
  20. Okay, I can't resist anymore... I'll bite. Movies cost the price of a ticket or rental fee. Money is acquired through the use of you time in a productive endeavor. Time, even small amounts, is a quantifiable portion of a person's life. Therefore, spending money, which costs time, on a piece of entertainment, plus the amount of time it takes to view said piece, amounts to a portion of your life that's been spent. If the end result is that the movie was worth the investment of the time, then it was a net positive and gain to your life; by the same token, it the movie sucks, however one defines the term, then it was a net loss of your money and time... a portion of your life (and feeling like you've been fleeced at the box office or rental can have a detrimental, albeit small, effect on your life, and it's expectancy). Any criteria one decides to use to weed out bad movies, or anything undeserving of an investment of your time/money, is a good thing that serves a constructive purpose. It's the difference between being a discerning consumer of media, and being a sponge. Circular logic. Besides, it IS a snarky, insipid term used by people who'd rather marginalize and denigrate people with whom they disagree, instead of engaging in constructive and cogent debate. A discriminating eye towards anything one buys, based on one's experience, tastes, is the cornerstone to being a smart, discerning consumer. The more information one has beforehand (in a movie's case: screenplay writer(s), actors, director, producers, budget, genre, etc. are all relevant) the better in order to buy the best product possible, and avoid the garbage.
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