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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Now, that Monster looks like a must-have... wonder how big / what ballpark scale it is.
  2. Crap! It actually looks far better than Arcadia's ... look at the intakes, for example... and all that tampo . Sigh... there goes more of my money. Note to Bandai: Make this a Tamashii exclusive so I, and many others, won't have to lose sleep and sanity during unbearably fleeting pre-order windows.
  3. Neither have I. It's still too soon after release to worry. NY is almost 100% guaranteed to come through; Playasia... I've been burned by them once before, but gave them a second, and last, chance to redeem themselves; however, to be honest, I peg my chances that they'll deliver at less than 50%.
  4. ^ AmiAmi aren't anywhere near as accommodating as HLJ. As a matter of fact, when it comes to Macross merchandize of any kind, nobody beats HLJ in customer service. AmiAmi, on the other hand, actually include a postcard with their shipments that pretty much reads as Caveat Emptor.
  5. Ladies and gentlemen, yet another member is about to open Pandora's Box, may the gods have mercy on his scurvy soul...
  6. I truly sympathize with the sentiment; however, since all accessory packs, including the Armors, were marketed as Tamashii limited edition Web exclusives I'm afraid that, unless Bandai decides to sell VF-25+Armor bundles in the future, you're SOL, and stuck with after market scalper prices.
  7. ^Agreed, without the tan looks a lot less jarring given that the tan lines from the one-piece bathing suit clash so much with her untanned torso and the two-piece pink bikini. And like JBO, a full tan with just the bikini tan lines...
  8. A lot of good balls do if what's attached to them turns out to be limp...
  9. Mostly true, but why did they have to put nipples on the ST's Cuirass?...
  10. O, but they are doing Anna and Elsa as well... at least according to this: https://twitter.com/Plasticronins/status/528402873743581185/photo/1
  11. There is that. I'm quite conflicted regarding this announcement; after all, we don't even know if this Bandai version will come anywhere close to matching Arcadia's size and bulk (scale) -- as different as they are, the Yamato and Arcadia pieces match in this regard. One think we can probably be safe assuming is that the ankles will be a huge improvement over the VF-19 derived ones, and the pilot figure will be a pathetic gumball compared to Yamato/Arcadia's sculpt. I need to see plenty of pictures, in all three modes, before I decide to add yet another YF-19 to the collection.
  12. It is a thing of beauty. If it only had a less saturated canopy, correct gray tone on the LERX areas behind the canards (easy to correct, I know, but I shouldn't have to do it), and the same surface finish as the YF-30, it would be perfect.
  13. I got the shipping notification from N-Y for my one copy as well today.
  14. mechaninac

    Macross figures

    ^ ... and a tiny bit creepy, and expensive.
  15. Ooh! Love 3Dpdf, I use it at work all the time. Rest assured that anyone with the free Acrobat Reader installed will be able to pan, rotate, zoom, spin, and if available from the parent file, hide or show individual components from an assembly and scroll through default and user defined views. Quick tip for anyone trying to view a 3Dpdf: before doing anything, right-click anywhere on the viewing area and select Part Options --> Fit Visible from the pop-up window; doing so will prevent the model from ever "flying" off the screen when you spin it.
  16. ^ How undignified for poor Rex... but funny as hell!
  17. I wonder if there is any relevance/foreshadowing in her name/nickname/mob handle as to her ultimate fate; after all, penguins eat fish...
  18. But... but... but... you just did...
  19. Perfect illustration of how the process of tooling these toys progresses. Parts are being molded in whatever scrap plastic is available for the sole purpose of vetting the tooling, checking fit between assembled parts, and testing of moving joints in order to look for potential problem areas that might suffer unexpected stresses, etc. And note that they haven't even added the acid etching to the mold surfaces for the eventual matte finish of the final product.
  20. ^ Web exclusive = no drama. General release = frustration city. Question is, which is it? Edit: never mind, joppewo has provided the answer.
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