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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. That's not unexpected, but still dumb. Sometimes Bandai =
  2. For that kind of scratch, this thing better be 1/35 scale. 35K Yen is absolutely bat $hit crazy.
  3. I don't doubt that that could be the case. All the more reason to let it be known far and wide that these MF'ers at Play-Asia should be driven out of business. Nobody within our circles should ever purchase anything from them, ever. However, at this point, these crooks hold all the cards; I'm out of the money, and trying to collect from halfway around the world will be utterly futile... checked my records and saw that I paid with Bill-me-Later, now PayPal credit, so no CC to have my back on this. In the end I'll have to settle for getting store credit on an item(s) I didn't intend to purchase, or suffer the 2.9% reduction in a refund; it's a lose lose proposition. Are the wing gloves undersides painted like the original Renewal issue, or did Bandai mold them in the correct plastic color as they've done in their post 25G releases?
  4. It's definitely a PayPal transaction fee thing that Play-Asia does not want to eat, which by all rights they should. I tried the PayPal dispute rout and got boned there too because the transaction is older than 45 days. I think I'm going to try my CC next as that was my PayPal funding source. But again, having the charge date back to early August might prove a problem.
  5. It's official, I've been shafted by Play-Asia . They sent me the cancellation notice and a subsequent PayPal refund offer with the 2.9% charge, which I haven't accepted yet as I feel it's bull$hit... why should I lose money for their F**k-up? I should've known better than to give these ass-wipes a second chance (this marks the second time they've done this to me). I've been scouring their site for in-stock items I can use as a dollar-for-dollar substitution instead, but haven't found anything that stands out. Play-Asia is officially on my avoid-like-the-plague list... never again. I'm so glad I did not cancel my N-Y pre-order (ended up costing only about $6.00 more than P-A would have) in the hopes on HLJ getting additional stock...
  6. 27% off is not nearly discounted enough to get me to pull the trigger on Bassara's hideous ride; even if it went on a 60% off sale I think I'd still hesitate... I find it THAT obnoxious, more so even than the 30th Anni 1J.
  7. With Play Asia, expect a 100% refund offer for store credit or a reduced refund if Paypal... happened to me once before, and if the pull this stunt again -- I fully expect them to -- they'll forever be persona non grata in my book.
  8. That cruciform light saber just screams Claymore. It looks dangerous and kind of cool in a medieval kind of way, and equally silly and impractical to wield for reasons already mentioned. It's also a marked departure from the Katana, and staffs (Maul and Inquisitor), inspired aesthetics from previous films and series... not completely sold on it yet.
  9. It's inside the box, right under the toy, so you'll have to open the 171's box to get at it...
  10. They kind of did right off the bat in The Metal Clan episode, she is the only Zaofu guard with more than a single line of dialogue and the only one referenced by name, twice. It's just that this bit of focus is completely irrelevant and gets right by the viewer until she saves Tonraq, and it doesn't become significant until she becomes the antagonist in season 4. Once you're aware of her role in the Balance Chapter, if you re-watch the whole Zaofu arc, her subtle introduction becomes obvious. I wholeheartedly agree that The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra are in a class of their own in quality story telling, characters and their development (you actually grow to care for even second and third tier ones), blend of humor and drama, attention to continuity, and how the world in which it takes place was so richly and thoroughly designed... a character in its own right. Cohesive indeed. I'll truly miss this show once it's over. They just ran the whole Change Chapter today. Although I've seen every episode of Chapter 4 released online up to this point, I can't wait for the series to get the regular airing recognition it deserves. I'll be watching.
  11. ^You misunderstand. All I've posited was speculation as to a possible outcome of what could happen "if Minmay, Sheryl & Ranka & this new idol all sang Nyan Nyan simultaneously in different regions of the galaxy!" -- a glib, 'All Good Things' inspired (think anti-time), response to Isamu Starkiller's musing. The bit about Basara was just a bit of tongue-in-cheek bating on my part, which lead to my reply to Gubaba, that then you quoted. And yes, 27 episodes of mostly dull Hikaru performing flying circus stunts would be rather lame.
  12. Why would that be? They were awakened by one of the emigration fleets; thus, no chain of events that lead to human colonization/exploration armadas = no androgynous character and crew stumbling into the Protodeviln's sanctum to revive them and be possessed by the Cirque du Soleil troupe of baddies = no rampaging PDs to destroy the galaxy, unchallenged or otherwise.
  13. That could set off a catastrophic cascade of anti-spirita energy in the very fabric of space-time to propagate backwards in time like a Fold shock wave of glowy reboot voodoo that unravels the established history of the franchise into oblivion, so that the ASS-1 never crashes on Earth... On the plus side, Basara would never exist.
  14. Received N-Y's shipping notification for my VF-25S this morning. Now to wait 2-3+ weeks for it to be delivered. Still waiting for some contact from Playasia; however, checking my account, it gives its status as "Preparing Order"... fingers crossed.
  15. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Regults we've seen from both Kayodo's Revoltech line and Toynami recently. While I'd probably get one Hi-Meral Regult, what I'd really like to see is Glaugs, TV Q-Raus and N-Gers. and 1/100 Zent soldiers.
  16. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Welcome to Macross World The monster, it is eventually released, will be articulated where one would expect, but it's a big NO on transformation; for that you have to look elsewhere, to the VB-6 König Monster. The HWR-00 Monster Mk II from SDFM was never meant to transform.
  17. Is it weird accurate or is it weird wrong? How did the graphic look in the Anime?
  18. For the yuks and lolz? What better way to generate nerd-rage on dedicated toy forums? I keed, I keed...
  19. ^ The Macross gods are helping -- themselves; they're just not on our wallets' side.
  20. If that were the case, why does it still carry the YF designation? Shouldn't it be the VF-29B at this point? Frontier and beyond has introduced all sorts of confusion in this regard.
  21. Woohoo! My copy arrived today... I was beginning to worry a bit.
  22. It could definitely be there just a toy lineage thing. However, since the tools for the VF-27 were updated for Brera's SP version, any possible release of any future VF-27 would be to the same specs as Brera's. Here's hoping Bandai does release a Grace/CF VF-27 v1.5.
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