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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. That YF-30 IS tempting, but I already have a copy, and I only need the one.
  2. Other than the upper half of the forward fuselage/nose, the cockpit canopy, and the battroid head's visor/face, the CF 171 and EX versions are exactly the same.
  3. No such "luck". It's a limited edition, so the preorder window will be open for weeks, tempting you to relent and commit all the while... On the "plus" side, you'll have that much longer to decide to pull that trigger.
  4. @ derex3592 Nypon-Yasan is you friend... htpps://www.nippon-yasan.com/201-macross
  5. Regarding tools: Good scissors, #11 X-acto knife and/or razor blades, Steel ruler (to use as a guide for the knife/razor and as a bending tool by itself, or as an aid to the razor blade), Low tack tape (the drafting kind would be ideal) to hold parts together while glue dries, and without causing damage upon removal, Glue (White Elmer's should work); two-part epoxy cement could be useful wherever extra strength is desired Lots and lots of patience. Edit: Something else that I just thought might be useful are plastic sheets to use as backing for large areas; if cut to shape and cemented to the paper model's inside surfaces it would help prevent buckling. Edit 2: anyone else with further input, please contribute.
  6. I got mine a couple of days ago... now to muster up the courage to start cutting.
  7. ^Ah, the Pakleds... because everybody knows that the galaxy wouldn't be complete without a species entirely characterized by obesity and room temperature IQs.
  8. The plastic is basically the same for Yamato's VF-19s and Arcadia's YF-19, mostly ABS. The difference in surface finish is a function of the tools cavities' being either highly polished (gloss), or textured (matte). Here's a way to wrap one's mind around the concept, a practical visualization aid, if you will: Get a chunk of modeling clay, or even silly putty, and mush it against a wet (so the clay will not stick) mirror -- it will come off looking glossy; now take the same clay and press it against a rough surface, like a sheet of fine-grit sandpaper placed on a table, or even a piece of cloth resting on a flat surface -- the clay will be imbued with a non-reflective matte finish. Heated plastic injected into a mold will flow like a low viscosity taffy into the tool's cavities, and just like the clay, will adopt the finish given to the surface(s) against which it contacts, and retain said finish upon cooling and ejection from the molds.
  9. It took almost forever and a day for the S to see a reissue; so, although it may take some time, a rerelease of the G is nearly assured.
  10. The thing with the VF-27, even the 1.5, is that it just looks outclassed in execution (it's overall stance in all three modes, it's lack of molded surface detail, etc.) when compared to the VF-25 Renewals, YF-29s, YF-30s, VF-171s, and everything 1/60 from Yamato/Arcadia -- v1 VF-1s and v1 YF-19s, excluded.
  11. I've got to agree with xrentonx, the VF-27 DX 1.5 (It's like Bandai wasn't even trying) has to be one of the least favorites for me, alongside Yamato's 1/60 YF-19 (this one disappointed right out of the box). Although, if/when Bandai releases the 1.5 version of Grace's Lucifer, I'll likely get that one too; after all, it's the only VF ever released in anything resembling a military shade of green... I just like the green and gray Q-Rau--esque combo.
  12. Look for YetiStand Alpha in the Toy section...
  13. ^ They're gigantic arrowhead shaped slabs; that they move like lumbering behemoths seems entirely appropriate; so, animation-wise, I have no complaints. The only thing about them that I find a bit odd looking, in the way they're modeled/rendered, are the panels that cover/clean up the upper-lower separation trench... just doesn't look right. I ascribe this, much like the TIEs' smaller panels, to them being early models; and by the time of A New Hope, the Imperial shipyards had been omitting them for improved performance, mass reduction, and cost savings. Star Wars itself provides a somewhat applicable precedent in the Y-Wing.
  14. ^ The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man looks so different without the sailor getup...
  15. Yeah.... NO! Thanks anyway; I'll wait and see what happens after release.
  16. All this picture bombing, not that I'm complaining, is really tempting me to request shipment from my HLJ PW... must resist...
  17. You know, I actually woke up in time to check CDJ out of curiosity and see 7 units available for pre order, but I passed on it... just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger after plucking down $284, before shipping, for a VF-0D. Maybe I'm just getting tired of recolors of the same thing,
  18. For someone living in the US, there's no compelling reason to order something off N-Y that is readily available at HLJ, unless the price is so much cheaper that it outweighs HLJ's much less expensive shipping options. However, if you live in a country that imposes an importation tax, N-Y's willingness to declare any amount on the customs paperwork can save the buyer a bundle. Edit: xrentox beat me to it...
  19. For under $17 shipped, how can you go wrong? Ordered!
  20. Got my payment request from HLJ, will pay on the 1st. After that, I'll probably leave in PW to give me time to decide if there's anything else I'd like to add for combined shipment: 1/4000 SDF-1? 1/48 AT-ST? 1/1000 Gatlantis Nazca Class? Something else I haven't even considered?... decisions, decisions...
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