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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. Oh my... Not to put too much trust in a teaser trailer and blow expectations all out of proportions, but that promises to be epic. Love all the nods and cameos from the Clone Wars series, and glimpses of the original trilogy.
  2. I'll admit that the "walking red lipstick" Imperial Guard looks kind of mildly interesting; everything else is just meh... way too busy.
  3. You do get the impression that Arcadia's entire staff, and the manufactures with whom the do business, are completely color blind, and even incapable of distinguishing gray scale gradations...
  4. Undeniably, the end product has ZERO chance to live up to people's expectations of what a 1/60 VF-2SS toy should be in terms of fidelity to the line-art vs. toy designer interpretation, engineering and execution, level of detail and articulation, or even overall quality. It's the nature of the beast, specially for something that's been smoldering in the imaginations of so many fans of the Valkyrie II for so long; there's no pleasing everyone, or even most. There are several areas in which the shown prototype falls short of greatness (it's no VF-4G, but that was released as a last hurrah of a dying company with years of experience designing and engineering transforming Macross mecha). There is certainly vast room for improvement: slightly beefier lower legs with larger landing gear doors (something closer to the proportions of the 1/100 kit by Bandai), more definition to the upper leg intakes -- they look too small in proportion to the rest of the legs, cleaner flow from forward nose to shield hump to upper fuselage back (the prototype likely has a continuous shell thickness that does not do the area any favors, necessitating the odd shape for clearance), the aforementioned clunky pylons to which the boosters/ramjet pods are mounted and how they "sit", those damned tabs in a most visually obtrusive location... Bandai's solution (side mounted hooks) for the kit worked fine and were innofensive -- if they're still there come release, I just might cut them off and use small, strong neodynium magnets to lock the chest and back carapaces together in fighter mode, the shape of the leg fins, etc. The thing is that, given the depicted stage of the design progress, even if the model shown is a painted SLA mock-up, it is near completion, so I doubt that we'll see many, if any, improvements over what's been shown... chances are that, if steel is not being cut for the tooling, they're about to start. All that being said, and despite the high MSRP, I'm in for one piece (it's a VF-2SS after all, so I have to get one unless the end product, if/when shown prior to release, ends up looking far worse than what we've seen at this stage); my impressions of the toy, once I have it in hand, will determine if Evolution Toy will get more of my money for probable further releases. So what do people think the first version will be, Nexx's or Silvie's?
  5. Wow! This news just came out of left field; totally blind-sided... in a good way. Just yesterday I posted my wish for just such an item in the Arcadia Wish Thread, and now this; albeit, I'd rather have Arcadia or Bandai tackle the Valkyrie II, but beggars can't choosers -- this has been such a long time in coming that it is sooo bought! Here's hoping Evolution Toy won't disappoint on design and build quality, that they bundle the VF-2SS with the SAP (sure would make the SRP more palatable), and that they release Nexx's unit and the whole Faerie squadron. And if this turns out good, a VF-2JA Icarus would be awesome too.
  6. 1:32?... Pfft! You dream too small. Go 1:18 (3-3/4"), or bust!
  7. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-009563&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dmacross%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  8. Assuming Arcadia purchased/inherited Yamato's tooling, a virtual certainty give how new they were at the time of Yamato's demise, producing a FB2012 VF-4 would seem to be a no-brainer, easy to check off the wish list, release for Arcadia to cash-in on and please their loyal customers; but it all hinges on their ability to acquire the licensing rights, and their willingness to follow through.
  9. 1/100 = Bandai Hi-Metal; there's a good possibility that this line is making a return this year o in 2016. 1/144 = Not going to happen... too small even for a parts-former, let alone perfect trans. My wish has always been, and will remain until the day I cease to exist, for an Arcadia or Bandai perfect transformation 1/60 VF-2SS with SAP, engineered and manufactured to the highest standards that either company have demonstrated with some of their latest releases.
  10. ... and if you're not too partial to Arcadia's VF-1J 30th "clown in a tux" version, and don't mind spending about $3 more, there is Yamato's VF-1A CF DYRL? Movie version which may still be available: http://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/7119-vf-1a-movie-with-optional-parts-30th-anniversary.html
  11. ^Keep an eye on CDJ and HLJ; they may reopen their listings shortly before, or upon, release... others may as well, and there is always N-Y as a fall back -- they usually manage to get additional stock to offer at inflated prices.
  12. You just wrote that you stopped one foolishness to concentrate on others; so, still foolish...
  13. Sadly, Hot Wheels lost the license to produce Ferrari die cast 1/18 replicas; and instead of awarding the license back to Kyosho, or to AutoArt or Minichamps, Scudaria Ferrari decided to go with Maisto/Bburago... what were they thinking? Maisto and Bburago have never produced anything of satisfying quality to a serious collector. Hot Wheels Elite series are a very good value. I have their F-430 -- fantastic, their F-458 Italia -- excellent, and La Ferrari -- I find it a step back from the other two in terms of quality and execution, but still pretty damn good; none of them are as good as my AutoArts, but then, none of them cost north of $150, either. So, in the foreseeable future, Ferrari 1/18 collectors will have to settle for crude and cheap, and toyish looking offerings from the new licensees, or track down out-of-production Elite and Kyosho (I have Kyosho's F-40 Lightweight and Testarossa, both are sublime)... while Lamborghini, Bugatti, McLaren, etc. have AutoArt and other high-end companies handling their properties' 1/18 representations -- at least in part, Ferrari decided to go low-rent.
  14. Mine is in SAL untraceable La-La land. I'll get her when I get her; it usually takes 2.5-3 weeks, but my last SAL shipped order from amiami took almost 6 weeks to arrive... that had me thinking I had incurred a loss.
  15. I rather like the idea of a roughly 18" (45.75 cm) 1/350 injection-molded version... the resin one on Starship Modeler, besides being out of print, was very expensive; and just think, it would be in scale with a number of real world war ships, the big Enterprise sisters, and the just released Colonial One from N-BSG, as well as a number of SF resin kits, including the still available Radiant VII from SW-TPM.
  16. Chances of a 1/72 Rebel Blockade Runner by Bandai or anyone else are immeasurably slim to none. The 1/350 resin kit at the Starship Modeler Store is approximately 18" (45.72 cm) long, which would make a 72nd scale version in molded styrene and ABS be 87.5" (222.25 cm) in length... that's over 2 meters! The most you can hope for would be a 1/200 Tantive IV (31.5" = 80.01 cm -- still very large); even a 1/144 would be an immense 43.75" (111.13 cm). Edit: Even if one were to go by Wookieepedia's claim of 150 m length, at 1/72 the model would still be over 2 m (208.33 cm = 82.02").
  17. I have a hard time picking out one particular piece of my Yamato/Arcadia/Bandai 1/60-ish Macross collection as my absolute favorite; however, if I were to single out one, it would have to be the hardest and most expensive to replace out of the bunch: The Yamato VF-4G.
  18. ^ Why wait? They've been up for preorder for about a month+ at N-Y.
  19. ^Whoa, whoa, whoa! No dissing the Fett Man!... I'm with you on the Stormtrooper looking wrong; but to me, all the reimagined Play Arts Kai SW figures look wrong.
  20. This Starship Modeler link might prove useful in addressing some of your questions.
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