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Everything posted by mechaninac

  1. There is an extra piece that the peg inserts into that allows for the wings to tilt; it just hasn't been modeled, yet. This 3D model, something I started and dropped over 3 years ago, is entirely based off Bandai's 1/100 kit, and has the exact same basic components and parts breakdown, with very little alterations other than the combining of parts (Ex.: The PBC "lance" is one piece instead of 2) and/or added bits (Ex.: The flip-down face shield mounts to a C-bracket that is inserted between locating rails built into the head shroud). I actually built some of the parts (the lance, PBC emitter housing, targeting sensor - the white piece with the wing antenna opposite the PBC, the shroud, and face shield and its bracket on my company's SLA250 machine, scaled up to 1/60 of course... the end results are huge (the lance grows from 117.5mm to an impressive 195.8mm in length, and when you attach it to the emitter housing... Wow!).
  2. No, it's Ivanov's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate...
  3. Those slots are indeed very suggestive of the SAP being released in the future. However, if 2SS ends up not selling well enough to warrant production of this most important and iconic accessory, I'll have to resort to plan B...
  4. So, I guess the point of that 10 minute long, profanity laced, verbose, rapid fire diatribe, is that MovieBob didn't like Pixels... with a foaming-at-the-mouth passion. This movie had Adam Sandler crap-fest plastered all over it from the nanosecond it was announced; did he expect anything else?
  5. Hehe... are you expecting her to end up "gagging" on something?...
  6. Got my shipping notification email from AmiAmi yesterday. I went with SAL Small Packet Registered as I can wait 2-4 weeks, and it was the cheapest option offered; regular SAL turned out to be even more expensive than EMS... go figure. Final cost wasn't too bad either.
  7. It's up for order at Amiami as well. I just placed an order with Amiami and cancelled the preorder I had with HLJ (it's one of the things I really like about HLJ -- their painless cancellation)... they were taking too long to send me a payment request; besides, Amiami has a better price which I hope won't be cancelled out too much by higher shipping costs (chose SAL, but will be okay with Registered SAL).
  8. Alien law enforcement and "instilling a moral code"?... Sounds far more like a rehash of Space Precinct, + beat the audience over the head of PC nonsense, than The Last Starfighter, and has FAIL plastered all over it.
  9. ... Ah! The good 'ol days of toys that could be used as bludgeons, capable of inflicting concussions, blunt force trauma, and even brain injuries... those were the days...
  10. Convention, and it makes it easier for maintenance crews to spot hydraulic leaks and such on a white background. Edit: David beat me to it... our resident aircraft expert strikes again.
  11. Groovy, indeed. Sam Raimi directing the pilot, Bruce Campbell in the starring role (nobody else could be Ash, nobody), deadites, mayhem, silly humor and snarkiness, AND NO PREQUEL, REBOOT, RETELLING, OR RE-IMAGINING... what's not to like? October 31st, 9PM -- "come get some..."
  12. In the absence of anything better, perhaps. It'll all depend on sculpt and price; although, from that image, they look rather underwhelming in body sculpt and do not resemble the characters they're supposed to represent in their "dead expressions" facial features... need better close-up photos to judge properly.
  13. Had a chance to futz with my VF-19Adv earlier this week. I found the whole transformation process from fighter -- gappy and misaligned out of the box as many have mentioned -- to battroid intuitive and drama free. The only minor impediments I encountered were the left wing glove upper tab was hard to disengage from the leg's slot, and the right hip swing arm was very stiff; once these minor hitches were overcome (10-15 minutes of careful application of pulling or rotating force as necessary), the toy practically transformed itself. I also had no issues mounting any of the armor parts or boosters... a little finesse and pushing in the right spot and direction, and presto... and the pivoting mechanism on the hips support the wing gloves and wings with the boosters attached, in any position desired, without sagging a single millimeter. I find that Bandai has hit a home run with this toy. The only demerits I give this toy at this time, nitpicks really, are that I wish the canards could rotate upwards another 5 degrees or so, and that the feet weren't so pointy... reminds me of the Sabatons on some medieval armors.
  14. Ah, the old game of Closet Tetris...
  15. Were this any other property, I'd say Disney runs the risk of running this franchise straight into the ground through over-saturation; but it is Star Wars... fans will just about eat up anything that's thrown at them.
  16. Huzza! Got my N-Y purchased Maruyama VF-171EX and CDJ ordered VF-19 Advanced delivered today; 2.5 weeks and 1.5 weeks respectively to my door... not bad for SAL and SAL Registered.
  17. ^ I don't think we're witnessing any developments from the posted picture as I believe that the prototype on display is the same one we've seen before.
  18. It seems to me that Evolution did incorporate a sliding function on their hinge design. Note what looks like a track right behind the hinge on the inner side surface of the pod. That slit suggests a substantial amount of travel to have the pods sit higher up the back in battroid; incidentally, this detail would also visually benefit from being moved to the lower half of the scram-jet pod, along with the hinge assembly, as we've been discussing. Great job with those Photoshops, BTW. It's amazing how much adding color to the prototype improves its looks so much, and ameliorates a lot of the less pleasing aspects of Evolution Toy's rendition of the Valkyrie II, even without any changes/corrections to the prototype.
  19. ^ But that is the UN-SPACEY kite emblem. It's just that it is M2's version of it; as in, the emblem's design was changed over the intervening years between DYRL? and M2. It's certainly much less of a change than what we see in Frontier's change to NUNS and its complete drop of the kite in favor of that generic looking diamond.
  20. If HLJ offers to take it back at their expense, including original shipping and return shipping, I'd return it and secure another copy off CDJ or AmiAmi (both discounted) while it's still a viable option. Which store? I paid 2200yen for SAL shipping for my VF-19Adv off CDJ, and I live in the East Coast of the US.
  21. 12 still available, as of this post, at CDJ as well, for 23000yen (~$187) and with the option to ship SAL to boot.
  22. mechaninac

    Hi-Metal R

    Same here. I'll become interested once the destroids and enemy mecha are confirmed and set for pre-order; until then... ZZZZzzzz...
  23. ^ A telescoping pylon, made of POM and/or metal, would get around any reach or pivot range limitations, and solve the visual issue of the exposed arm. Durability should not present any problems either as the pylon is not supporting a heavy or structural part... just the scram-jet pod. I'm just not sure how feasible, from a manufacturing/assembly line point of view, such a solution would be in 1/60-ish scale.
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